Daily Times
Friday, August 24, 2012
Mehriban Aliyeva – a woman with quality to change the life of society, to understand and be principled to the things which really matter. As a member of parliament, president of Heydar Aliyev Foundation,...
24 avqust 2012, 15:1512:01
Hürriyet Daily News June, Tuesday 26, 2012
The BSEC region is important economically, as an area concentrating rich economic and intellectual potential to pursue economic growth and development
The Anniversary Summit of the...
26 iyun 2012, 14:0014:00

Möhtərəm Prezident!
Qazaxda Ədəbiyyat Muzeyinin tikilməsi ilə bağlı verdiyiniz sərəncama görə Sizə öz adımdan və qazaxlı ziyalılar, yazarlar adından dərin minnətdarlığımı bildirirəm. Siz öz fəaliyyətinizlə Ulu öndər Heydər...
04 iyun 2012, 17:0522:00
Huffington Post
Friday, 20 April 2012
After landing in Baku, I discovered one thing straight away: Azerbaijan is an incredibly hospitable country. This realization put a bounce in my step as I considered the days of discovery ahead.
Azerbaijan is...
20 aprel 2012, 22:0016:45
Daily Times
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva:” ... Leaving the Land of Fire, many of them will take piece of this fire in their soul...” The Eurovision Song Contest is one of the longest running television shows in the...
31 mart 2012, 11:0009:56
Today’s zaman Sunday, 26 February 2012
The chief of the department of political analysis and information of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan, Elnur Aslanov said in an interview with Sunday's Zaman on Tuesday that the Khojaly massacre was a...
27 fevral 2012, 09:5620:00
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Tens of thousands of Turks, vawing Azeri flags, rallied Sunday to mark the anniversary of a notorious attack that Azerbaijanis say killed hundreds of people during the 6-year war with Armenia over...
26 fevral 2012, 20:0018:00
Las Vegas Sun Sunday, February 26, 2012
Tens of thousands of Turks, vawing Azeri flags, rallied Sunday to mark the anniversary of a notorious attack that Azerbaijanis say killed hundreds of people during the 6-year war with Armenia over...
26 fevral 2012, 18:00