Kuwait Times: Azerbaijan makes presence felt at World Travel Expo

23 may 2010, 01:13

Published Date: May 23, 2010
By Ben Garcia, Staff Writer

KUWAIT: Azerbaijan was one of the many countries that participated in the World Travel Expo held at the Kuwait International Fair Ground in Mishref between May 19 and 22. Kamala Hasanova, a representative from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism visited the pavilion to convey the country's excitement in welcoming tourists from Kuwait. "There is a growing and continuing interest in Azerbaijan tourism, especially from the Gulf countries particularly Kuwait. Kuwaitis are very interested in discovering new to
urism destinations such as our country," disclosed Hasanova in an interview held with the Kuwait Times. She took pride in her country which occupies a unique place in all aspects including history, culture, arts and leisure.

We received 1.5 million tourists in 2009. We don't have any specific numbers from Kuwait. From what I know, the number is steadily growing and that encouraged our Tourism Ministry to send a representative here," she said. According to Hasanova, Azerbaijan is a remarkable place when compared to other countries in Europe. "In a single package, you can experience our culture, history and lots of adventure," she added.

Baku, their country's capital, attracts most of Azerbaijan visitors. "The center of entertainment, leisure and adventure is in Baku. The whole country has many things to offer from our nature which consists of rivers, forests, mountains and of course from the hospitality of Azerbaijanis," she said.

Azerbaijanis are also proud of their 17 natural and historical reserves, 20 sanctuaries as well as seven rest zones along the Caspian Sea. Azerbaijan is a country of rich history and ancient culture. Among many historical relics, the Neanderthal man was found in Azykh Cave, a proof that during the Early Paleolithic Age(the primitive people) once lived (250,000 years ago) in the territory of Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan is also famed for its cuisine, a variety of vegetables, fruits, fragrant herbs and spices. It is heavily abundant in the farms and mountainous parts of Azerbaijan.

Hikmet Hajiyev, First Secretary Embassy of Azerbaijan, said that his country is economically dynamic and politically stable, thanks to oil and gas reserves becoming the main source of its economic prosperity. It terms of safety and security, Azerbaijan is one of the most reliable in the world. Tourists can walk around the country anytime of the day or night, without being bothered by anyone.

Our safety and stability can be associated with the country's political and economic stability. We have the highest growth rate among the countries in Europe and former Soviet countries," Hikmet mentioned. Ties between Kuwait and Azerbaijan were cemented immediately after its independence in 1991. "When we attained independence from Soviet Union, Kuwait was one of the first states that recognized our independence and supported Azerbaijan's cause. In 2009, the president of Azerbaijan visited Kuwait which
developed further our bilateral cooperation," Hikmet said.

Azerbaijan is situated to the south-east of Trans-caucasus. The country is surrounded by the Caspian Sea in the East. Azerbaijan borders the Russian Federation in the north, Georgia and Armenia to the north-west, Turkey in the south-west and Iran in the south.

The total area of Azerbaijan is 86,000 kilometers. The capital of Azerbaijan Republic, Baku is the biggest cultural, industrial and economical center in the region. The total population of Azerbaijan is about nine million people.


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