
Today's Zaman
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Azerbaijan's Center for Strategic Studies (SAM), a leading think tank based in Baku, has officially launched a new international magazine believed to be one of the most sophisticated semi-academic publications in the region.
The scope and reach of the magazine, Caucasus International, is expected to be global as many authoritative and influential authors have already been featured, Azerbaijani officials and publishers said during a reception in Baku to mark the official announcement of the magazine. Two issues have so far been published.
The Caucasus International is part of Azerbaijan's attempt to spearhead a sustained effort to gather academics and policy-makers in a platform that would further consolidate democratic development, strengthen peace and enhance security in the southern Caucasus and beyond.
Elnur Aslanov, chief of the political analysis and information department of Azerbaijan's presidential administration, said during the reception that the magazine was widely and well received in many parts of the world, including the US, adding that this magazine is a unique sample of Azerbaijan's scientific mind
Aslanov underlined that the new magazine is clear evidence of international tolerance due to its rich content in terms of a variety of authors from different national and academic backgrounds and said it shows that there are no boundaries in science.
The magazine, published in Turkey, is a quarterly journal, and Today's Zaman is one of the magazine's partners. Members of the Azerbaijani parliament, government officials, prominent journalists, academics, experts and representatives of diplomatic missions were present during the reception.
Samad Seyidov, a member of the Azerbaijani parliament, said the journal would no doubt shape the correct image of Azerbaijan in the world, hailing the magazine's success in such a short period of time. The next issue of the magazine will be released in January.
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