Cherwell: An encounter with Azerbaijan

01 iyul 2010, 16:31


01 July 2010

What are the principle features of Azerbaijan's foreign policy?

Azerbaijan seeks to establish cooperative, symbiotic relations with both its neighboring countries and the international community. An important objective of our foreign policy is to integrate within Euro-Atlantic structures of which Azerbaijan is already a member of Council of Europe, OSCE and NATO Peace for Partnership. Our single largest priority, however, is the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Azerbaijan continues to positively engage with the international efforts aimed at resolving our territorial dispute with Armenia. Through the OSCE Minsk group, we hope to achieve a long lasting and comprehensive solution on this issue.

How are bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and the United Kingdom?

The United Kingdom was one of the first countries to recognize Azerbaijani independence and continues to maintain the positive dynamic tone that our bilateral relations started with. The United Kingdom is the largest investor in Azerbaijan with over half of all Foreign Direct Investment in Azerbaijan coming from British companies. Today, there are over 170 British companies and 5000 British expatriates who live and work in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan supports the UK on a variety of fronts from preserving human security in the Balkans to peace building operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. In the cultural front, communities like Azerbaijan House, Anglo-Azerbaijani Society, Oxford Azerbaijani society and UK-Azeri network represent some of the many groups that raise Azerbaijan's socio-cultural profile in the UK.

What are the principle economic factors that influence Azerbaijan's relationship with Europe?

Azerbaijan's strategic location as a gateway between Europe and Central Asia has played a huge role in our economic relations. Our oil and gas resources form the backbone of our economy. Responsible and reliable suppliers back our principal export of energy commodities. Furthermore, we cooperate with the United Kingdom to implement energy projects across the region.

Aside from energy, we are currently working on a rail project that would link Baku, Azerbaijan's capital city to Turkey via Georgia and has the potential to serve as a vital land-trade route.

What kind of services does the embassy offer for members of the public?

The embassy provides information to anyone who wishes to visit or work in Azerbaijan. We also provide a wide-variety of services for Azeri citizens living in the United Kingdom. Besides consular work, the embassy actively engages in both cultural and public diplomacy. Our diplomats have given talks in several universities including a recent talk by the Deputy Foreign Minister at the Oxford Union. Over the last year, we have hosted several cultural events such as ‘Hundred days of Azerbaijani Culture,' where Azeri culture, dance, music and food were promoted. In an effort to promote the fine arts, we actively support musicians, painters and other Azeri artists who are in the UK.

HE Fakhraddin Gurbanov is Azerbaijani Ambassador to UK

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