
Pakistan Observer
Saturday, August 13, 2011
“She does it not because it’s a necessity, not because she is the spouse of the President of Azerbaijan, but she does it from the bottom of her heart…”.
A leader woman, the woman who has her own clear position, a civic stand and makes great contribution to the political life of the country as a Member of Parliament, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO - First Lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva- was born in the well-known Azerbaijan family. Her grandfather Mir-Jalal Pashaev was a famous Azerbaijani writer. Her father, a distinguished Azerbaijani scientist Arif Pashayev, has been the Rector of the National Aviation Academy since 1996, and her mother, Aida Imanguliyeva was a prominent philologist and orientalist.
A qualified physician, Mehriban Aliyeva is actively engaged in different spheres of life. Since 1995, through her charitable foundation “Friends of Azerbaijan Culture”, she has enlightened the world about the countries’ cultural wealth, while working to ensure its conservation at national and regional levels through such manifestations as festivals, exhibitions, cultural events and concerts.
The Heydar Aliyev Foundation, named in commemoration of the National Leader of Azerbaijan, was established on 10th of May, 2004. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, the spouse of the President of Azerbaijan H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev became a President of the Foundation. The main goal of the foundation is to enhance the social, economic and cultural development in the country and to ensure the implementation of the large-scale projects and programs in the line with Heydar Aliyev’s ideas for progress in Azerbaijan.
One of the main targets of Mrs. Aliyeva’s activity is to address the problems of children and support the comprehensive upbringing and education of younger generation. Her commitment and charitable work in this domain include construction of hundreds of new schools, hospitals, clinics, musical lyceums, renovation of orphanages in different spots of Azerbaijan. Thalassemia Centre with free of cost treatment was built in the capital of Azerbaijan in 2007 and the actions, such as donating insulin pens to children with diabetes as well as blood donation actions are realized by the Foundation. Mrs. Aliyeva has regular moral and material assistance to elderly asylums, providing them with the necessary medical supplies of the latest achievements of the world medical science. National Campaign for breastfeeding was initiated by Foundation and the summer camp for connection and integration of disabled children into society was set up.
The First Lady is concerned with problems of not only of Azerbaijanis but the other countries’ children too. A severe earthquake causing heavy human losses and destructions happened in Pakistan on October 8, 2005. It left Muzaffarabad city in ruins and flattened school in Rara settlement. The President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva took the initiative in building the new school for girls, to replace the one, destroyed by the earthquake. This 500 pupil’s capacity modern school with the total area of 2000sq.m, is located in a mountainous area with a difficult landscape. It was built in a short span of time, with the facility of 10 special classrooms, specified subject rooms, library, computer room and sport’s hall, furnished with the latest equipment and its budget estimated to be 750,000 USD. Heydar Aliyev Foundation has supplied the school with visual aids, books and other means. This school being the first educational institution built by Foundation abroad was not only a part of the “Support to Education” project but also a manifestation of the brotherly relations existing between Azerbaijan and Pakistan.
The culture is one of the priority spheres of the Foundation. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva has initiated the large-scale cultural event in Niagara - “Days of Azerbaijani Mugham”- which became an exciting event in the cultural life of North America. The President of H.Aliyev Foundation was the initiator and inspirer of the opening the “Silk Road” Committee within the organizational structure of Niagara Festival, the purpose of which is to promote the great music and cultural heritage of the countries lying on the ancient Silk Road, as a symbol of spiritual unity and understanding of humanity. Mrs. Aliyeva is supporting annually the sponsorship of Niagara International Festival which serves a convergence and integration of the cultural riches of the East and West. The foundation has also sponsored the performances of musical compositions of Antonio Vivaldi, George Gershwin in Baku. A Mugham Center, where Mugham festivals are organized annually, was established in Baku in order to promote the traditional classical music of Azerbaijan and Baku Culture Center for holding cultural events has been constructed. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva has also funded publication of a number of books on culture, music, history and cuisine of Azerbaijan. What is more, the international festivals, such as Gabala Music Festivals and Baku Ashug folk festivals, are annually organized by foundation.
This year, under the guidance of Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, Azerbaijan has once again participated in Eurovision song contest. Although Azerbaijan has only taken part in this prestigious music festival for the fourth time, it has become a winner among 56 other countries participants. Therefore, next year Baku will be hosting the Eurovision contest 2012 and welcoming singers and guests from all over the world. The Organizing Committee for Eurovision 2012 has been established and led by the President of H. Aliyev Foundation.
Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva has also been the initiator and organizer of international conferences on the dialogue between different faiths. A striking example of the tolerant co-existence and a friendly relationship with each other among the representatives of different faiths is now in Azerbaijan, where all religions coexist and live in harmony. The Foundation has also been funding the reconstruction of religious monuments across the country since 2006. A number of mosques and shrines, including one of the oldest Buzovna mosque, have been reconstructed as part of the “Azerbaijan - Home to Tolerance” project.
The President of H.A. Foundation helped to preserve the world and countries’ heritage as well. For example, Mrs. Aliyeva has sponsored the renovations at the Louvre Museum and the Palace of Versailles in France, mausoleum of Javad Khan in Ganja city of Azerbaijan.
Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva along with influential leaders joint Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy community to steer its mission and guide its operations. They make up a governing body that is the Board of Trustees with legal jurisdiction over both academic and business procedures of the Academy.
The H.Aliyev Foundation plays a significant role in the development of sport. The winners of Olympic and Para-Olympic Games as well as international championships are awarded monthly stipends and scholarships or other financial incentives. The Second International Chess Festival -“President Cup”, was held in Baku in memory of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev. In 2002 Mrs. Aliyeva was elected the President of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation and showed herself as a skilful organizer in that position. Her growing prestige in the international world played an important role in adoption of decision of International Gymnastics Federation on realization of 2003 and 2004 World Cup competitions and 2005 World Championship on Rhythmic Gymnastics in Azerbaijan.
International conferences, such as “Forum "Dialogue of Cultures in Globalization", 7th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers Responsible for Equality between Women and Men entitled “Gender equality: bridging the gap between de jure and de facto gender equality”, National Conference “Child Protection Reform in Azerbaijan”, International scientific symposium as part of the International Festival “The World of Mugham”, IV World Youth Employment Summit and many others were held with the support of the Foundation.
Due to her hard efforts in protection and development of Azerbaijan's verbal folk literature and music heritage and dedication to the Organization’s ideals, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva was awarded the title of Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO on August 13, 2004. The title of Goodwill Ambassador of ISESCO on November 24, 2006 was awarded for the wide-scale and selfless activity in different spheres, including the dialog among civilizations, the attention to the children in need of care, the big support to improvement of their living conditions, education, as well as works carried out in the Islamic world.
Mrs. Aliyeva has also received a number of prizes and awards from many other prestigious international organizations for her special services to the global culture, in establishing a permanent cultural and political dialogue between the civilizations of East and West. The “Ruby Cross” Order of “Philanthropists of the Century ” International Charity Foundation of Russia for her public, philanthropic and charity activities; prize of World Health Organization for her great contributions to the protection and strengthening of mother, child and family health; Golden Heart International Award for wide-scale charity activities and high achievements in the field of service to the higher ideals of mankind; Grand Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Polish Republic for contributions to the development of friendly ties between Azerbaijan and Poland; the French Legion of Honor by the decree of the President of the Republic of France for the outstanding service and loyalty to France; UNESCO`s “Mozart Gold Medal”; Canadian «World Golden Rose Award » for integration of world cultures and civilizations, Gold Medal of “Crans Montana Forum” are some of the awards she
A mother to two daughters and a son and a grandmother to two grandsons, she also manages to serve the humanity to seize people's hearts, and she does it not because it is a necessity or because she is a spouse of the President of Azerbaijan she does it from the bottom of her heart.
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