Ilham Aliyev reviewed the condition of the Azerbaijan State Doctors Improvement Institute named after Aziz Aliyev

27 December 2011, 18:00
Ilham Aliyev reviewed the condition of the Azerbaijan State Doctors Improvement Institute named after Aziz Aliyev

President Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva have reviewed the condition of the Azerbaijan State Doctors Improvement Institute named after Aziz Aliyev after major overhaul.

Flowers were presented to Azerbaijan’s First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva.

Health Minister Ogtay Shiraliyev informed President Aliyev that the Azerbaijan State Doctors Improvement Institute named after the prominent public figure and skillful organizer of science, Aziz Aliyev, was established in November 1935 in response to the emerging demand for postgraduate training of doctors working in Azerbaijan and neighboring republics. Along with Azerbaijani specialists, Russian scientists were also directly involved in establishing the institute.

It was noted that many of the glorious pages of the history of this institution are associated with the name of outstanding scientist Aziz Aliyev. From 1959 until his death, Aziz Aliyev successfully worked as rector of the Azerbaijan State Doctors Improvement Institute. On 27 September 1962, at the request of the faculty, the Council of Ministers named the institute after the prominent public figure and organizer of science, Aziz Aliyev.

Since being established, the Institute has trained thousands of highly-qualified medical practitioners for the country. This work is still ongoing.

Currently, the institute has a staff of 427 people. Its faculty includes full, corresponding and honorary members of the Academies of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Russia and other countries, 34 doctors of sciences, 127 PhDs, seven honored scientists and seven honored doctors.

The institute has the offices of the rector, three dean’s offices, 30 chairs, a surgical clinic for 130 beds, training and methodological departments, the central scientific research laboratory, a residency, a scientific research information department, a research library and a hostel. The major overhaul meeting the latest standards began in 2010. In the lobby there is a bust of the prominent statesman, Professor Aziz Aliyev. There is also a museum describing his life and career.

It was indicated that when Azerbaijan was led by our great leader, the activities of this institution were particularly successful. An invaluable contribution to the development of the institute was made by Academician Zarifa Aliyeva.
It was noted that over the course of one year the Institute has provided 236 training and retraining courses for 5,162 medical practitioners. The institute conducts research projects on 23 subjects.

After touring the building, the head of state met with the Institute’s staff.

Saluting the staff, President Ilham Aliyev said:

- I congratulate you on the opening of the Doctors Improvement Institute after major overhaul! It is a remarkable event. The building has been renovated wonderfully and now meets the latest requirements.

I remember receiving a report some time ago that this institution is in dire need of repair. I immediately issued the order to allocate funds, and the institute acquired a new appearance in a short time. A wonderful, bright and comfortable building has been created. There are excellent and modern conditions for those working here and those improving their skills. This is very gratifying.

I am happy to see construction and reconstruction of any medical institution. Especially this one. Because it bears the name of my grandfather Aziz Aliyev since 1962. He was the rector of this institute. He has contributed a lot to this institute and to the creation of wonderful traditions here.

Aziz Aliyev was a qualified doctor, organizer and statesman. His many-sided activity was appreciated both in and outside Azerbaijan. During World War II, in the early 1940s, he was sent to Dagestan where he worked as leader of the republic. His work there is still remembered by those who knew and heard of him. He was a wonderful, humble and benevolent man. Of course, he has put a lot of work in the development of medicine in Azerbaijan, the improvement of our healthcare system.
This institute has a very important function, a huge role to play. Doctors improve their knowledge here. They should do.

This is a great need for that. Especially now, when wide-ranging healthcare reforms are under way in Azerbaijan, new excellent medical facilities are opening.

Today alone, I have taken part in the opening of this fine institution and, earlier, I attended the reopening of the Children’s Neurological Hospital after renovation. The diagnostic center is also ready for opening after renovation.

We can say that a new medical facility is either opened or renovated in one Azerbaijani region every month. Both in the regions and in Baku, we are updating and strengthening our entire medical infrastructure, material and technical base, building new hospitals, importing new equipment. The equipment installed in Azerbaijani hospitals now is not inferior to the equipment of leading clinics around the world. The professionalism of people working with this equipment must be upgraded.

Today, the world's medicine is undergoing extensive development and progress. Previously incurable diseases are now cured. Our doctors need to improve their knowledge too. We should strengthen international ties. Experts from foreign medical centers must be invited to lecture at the Institute. As far as I know, this process has already begun. We need to make sure that Azerbaijani doctors work in line with the existing modern facilities. We must be able to work with new equipment in the new environment and know medical innovations. Patients should be provided with excellent services.
This institution plays an important role in deepening the healthcare reform in Azerbaijan. By improving their skills here, doctors work more successfully and professionally at their hospitals.

Our healthcare reforms are praised not only in Azerbaijan but also in the world. This assessment was voiced at a major event held by the World Health Organization in Baku recently. The statistics also show this. Infant and maternal mortality is reducing, while life expectancy is rising. Of course, there are various contributors to that. Medical services and care are among key important contributors to life expectancy in developed countries. In Azerbaijan, these indicators are also improving. We need to make them even better. Therefore, correct diagnosis and regular checkups are highly important. We must do out best for the treatment and recovery of people.

The government of Azerbaijan keeps these issues in the spotlight. Our health expenditure grows every year. But I must admit that it is not at the desired level yet, so we should further increase it. We still lag behind developed countries in this regard. But we will eliminate this gap gradually. As our financial and material resources grow, we will, of course, invest more in the health sector. But if we draw a comparison, we see that over the past few years the funds allocated to health have grown dramatically. The main task is to use these funds efficiently, strengthen the infrastructure, the material and technical base, so that services and professionalism are at an appropriate level. As for modern equipment, we will continue importing the most sophisticated facilities to Azerbaijan.

I want to congratulate you again on this wonderful event. You know better than me about the earlier situation here. About two years ago I examined the situation and saw that it was intolerable and there was a need for repair. I wanted the repairs to be carried out at a high level.

I am sure that you are just as happy with the new conditions. There are excellent working conditions here now.

I am sure you will work well and lead Azerbaijani public health forward. Congratulations again!


Institute employee Tarana Ibadova thanked the President on behalf of the staff and said:

- Dear Mr. President, allow me to express our deep appreciation to you on behalf of all our staff for this magnificent, beautiful and modern building. Aziz Aliyev’s name is very dear to all of us, because the early heyday of our institution was associated with his name. Thanks to his organizational skill, he created a strong material and technical base of the institute.

The second stage in the development of our institute is associated with great leader Heydar Aliyev. We would like to note that this building was constructed during his leadership in the republic. Also unforgettable are the merits of Academician Zarifa Aliyeva, who played a major part in the development of our institute.

There is development in all spheres of life in our country. As is the case in healthcare, development has spread to the sphere of medical education too. The integration of medical education into the global healthcare system has enhanced the urgency of our institute. The qualified and efficient services we, doctors, provide to the people are connected with you, Mr. President, and with the President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Mehriban Aliyeva.

Mr. President, let me once again thank you and Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva. We always feel your attention. We wish you good health, family happiness and success in the coming year.

We are proud of you, Mr. President.

President Ilham Aliyev:

Thank you very much. Let me also wish you a Happy New Year and congratulate you on the Day of Solidarity of Azerbaijanis of the World. Thank you.


In conclusion, a picture was taken. 
