Speech by Ilham Aliyev at a meeting with residents of Bulbule village of Surakhany region

31 March 2011, 19:10
Speech by Ilham Aliyev at a meeting with residents of Bulbule village of Surakhany region

Work is under way in the settlement, there is road construction. This is the first step. A program on the socioeconomic development of all settlements is being developed. Relevant instructions have been issued. As you know, an expanded meeting has been held on this issue. A program is already being prepared. I hope we will approve it in April, and large-scale work will commence. In order not to waste any time, construction of this road has already begun. There were no such roads in this and other settlements. There were earth roads that were impassible in rain and snow. Now these are asphalt roads, they are shown on the map. This is only the first project, so to speak. All local roads must be built. All infrastructure facilities must be restored and rebuilt. Gas lines are being laid now. I have been informed that gas pressure is not at the proper level now. I will give the necessary instruction to have the gas pressure increased. The issue of electricity supply in the country is largely resolved. But a lot still remains to be done. There are issues relating to the construction of underground lines, quality and uninterrupted electricity supply. We will be dealing with all these issues too. A sewage project will be implemented by all means. A special program is being prepared now. Sewage, drinking water programs are being prepared throughout the country, for each individual settlement. There is no school in this area. Children have to cover a long distance to go to school. Therefore, it is necessary to start building a new school. A place has been allocated. Prepare a project and funds will soon be allocated for its construction. We are approaching these issues in package. Every settlement must have good conditions for normal life and work.