Hörmətli xanım Prezident,
Koçani şəhərində baş vermiş faciəli hadisə nəticəsində çox sayda insanın həlak olması və xəsarət alması...
17 mart 2025, 15:20The Hill
Thursday, February 2, 2012
The recent recall of the recess-appointed American Ambassador to Azerbaijan is just another mis-step in our relations with a very important ally, Azerbaijan. The diplomat in waiting, Mathew Bryza, had to return from Baku after the Senate blocked the confirmation of this clearly qualified emissary. Appointed by President Obama during last year’s legislative break, Ambassador Bryza’s posting expired, and now this important Embassy posting returns to its unacceptably long “vacant” status.
As a former member of the House, I understand local politics and the need to represent certain constituents, but as a former member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, I believe we must always put the national interest first. Azerbaijan is a proven ally, and forging a good relationship with this emerging power in the South Caucasus is clearly in America’s best interest. There is no room for partisanship when we conduct our country’s foreign policy.
With a population of a little over 9 million, Azerbaijan has sought to align itself with the United States since its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The nation, roughly the size of Maine, is located on the Western Shores of the Caspian Sea. The strategic importance of this location has been recognized since the time of the Silk Road and is highlighted by today’s need to move materiel and troops to and from NATO forces in Afghanistan and makes it of profound geopolitical significance.
It is also an anchor in the energy and mineral rich Caspian basin, which has gas and oil reserves on a par with the pre-exploration North Sea. Energy shipment routes not only exist for oil and gas from Azerbaijan, but future plans call for movement of energy supplies from other nations to the east through Azerbaijan. These redundant pipelines and delivery routes will supply our allies in Turkey and the rest of Europe with much needed natural resources, thereby holding down energy costs around the world. Additionally, our allies will no longer be dependent upon a Russian fuel monopoly and can limit dependence on Middle Eastern theocracies.
Beyond Afghanistan and energy politics, Azerbaijan is of utmost importance given its border with Iran and the fact that close to 30 million Azeris live in that country. Their language and cultural connection to their brothers and sisters in Azerbaijan make it all the more critical for the United States to have strong ties with her. Azerbaijan can serve as a bridge to the hearts and minds of a large population of Iranians, as we hope that the fires of that nation’s Green Revolution are rekindled. Moreover, Baku is unique in that not only is it one of a few democracies in Muslim majority countries, but as in Iran and Syria, the majority follows Shia Islam. This opportunity to establish stronger ties with a Shia-majority democracy, that has truly unique geography, energy, economy, and a proven empathy to the American led West, cannot and should not be lost because of domestic, appeasement politics here in the States.
To be sure, Azerbaijan’s democracy is not perfect, but the new republic is less than 25 years old and is steadily improving in this area. Additionally, a resolution of the strife surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh must be found and the United States must continue to champion this process within the Minsk Group of the OSCE. But at the same time, America must pursue a policy of relationship-building with respect to Azerbaijan that reflects that Nation’s importance and loyalty as a friend.
McMahon is a former Member of the United States House of Representatives from New York and member of the House Committee of Foreign Affairs.
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Hörmətli xanım Prezident,
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