The Nation: MPs committee slams occupation of Azerbaijani territories

02 февраля 2012, 12:55

The Nation

Thursday, February 2, 2012


ISLAMABAD - The Foreign Relations Committee of Senate has condemned the occupation of Azerbaijan territories by Armenia and the genocide committed by Armenian armed forces in the Azerbaijan town of Khojaly on February 26, 1992 against civilian population.The Committee, which met with Chairman Senator Salim Saifullah Khan to discuss 'Pakistan's relations with Azerbaijan' passed a unanimous resolution re-affirming the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan within the internationally recognized borders.The Committee demanded implementation of 4 resolutions of the UN Security Council and UN General Assembly on immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of all Armenian forces from all the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and called upon the international community and international organizations to urge Armenia for implementations of these decisions. The international community may also fix responsibility for this genocide.The Committee supported the efforts of the Republic of Azerbaijan to resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijan Nogorn-Karabah conflict by peaceful means.Meanwhile, the Committee also met with the 12-member delegation of the Senate of Afghanistan currently visiting Pakistan.Talking to the Afghan delegation led by Senate Chairman Fazal Haddi Muslim Yar, Senator Salim Saifullah Khan emphasized deeper bilateral cooperate between the two neighbours to tackle their common problems. He also called for unconditional issuance of visas to members of the parliament and business community of the two countries.Members of the Afghan delegation agreed to the proposals seeking to setup a joint committee of members of the parliaments of the two countries to help resolve the mutual problems.Some members of the Senate committee also expressed concerns over the safe heavens of terrorists operating out from Afghan soil to destabilize Pakistan.On this members of Afghan team of their commitment to take up the matter with Afghan government and sought documented proof from Pakistan regarding such hideouts being used against Pakistan.Apart from the Chairman Salim Saifullah Khan, other members of the committee who were present in the meeting included Jhangir Badar, Professor Khursheed Ahmed, Syed Tahir Hussain Mushadi, Abbas Khan Afridi, Sughra Imam and senior officials from Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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