
Dear Mr. President,
Please accept my admiration, profound affection and personal congratulations on a well-deserved and convincing victory to serve another term in the honorable post of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. I did not use the term "third term" deliberately because the election was held right in the heyday of your multifaceted and creative activity, and interrupting it because of the "terms" would be detrimental to the nation. The vast majority of the Azerbaijani people realized this and, as is known, expressed their mature attitude through the outcomes of the election. The term was a mere formality. Most importantly is that the people of Azerbaijan have had no hesitation in seeing you, and not anyone else, at the helm of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The stunning results of your amazingly fruitful activity in Azerbaijan have made it a rich and powerful state in social and industrial respects. And it is hardly even possible to describe Azerbaijan by an ordinary word "country" these days. Azerbaijan is a superpower. And you are destined to be on the captain’s bridge of the snow-white liner called "Sunny Azerbaijan" as long as it is necessary for a further solution of the problems of social development and scientific and technological progress. And loving people will surely support you.
Gone are the days when Azerbaijan was a purely raw materials country which provided for itself only by selling oil. Gone are the days when Azerbaijan developed exclusively through loans and other assistance, which was not always disinterested by the way. New times have set in. As an advanced state, Azerbaijan focuses on the development of the non-oil industry in order to amaze the world with new products and a growing demand for it. Products from the fertile lands of Azerbaijan are guaranteed a constant demand not only in neighboring countries but also in Europe.
It can be seen even with the naked eye that with its wonderful people and divine nature our beloved Azerbaijan is confidently moving along the path laid down by the immortal nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev. He guided the republic to walk up the path of political and economic independence and sovereignty without ever forgetting to take care of the welfare of the people.
Much of what a morally pure and talented leader of the sunny Azerbaijan you are seen from Russia is set out in Azerbaijan’s oldest newspaper "Kaspiy" dated 5 October 2013. It remains for me to wish you even greater success in the field of astounding progress of Azerbaijan, further growth of its wealth, prosperity and further enhancement of the great Azerbaijani nation.
I wish you and your entire family, where beauty and intelligence reign, good health and a long life.
Your feats on Earth are visible in the skies, and they, along with your people, will help you guide Azerbaijan along the sacred road to the temple. May Allah, Most Gracious and Almighty, bless you and feed you with insatiable energy for the benefit of a happy life of the Azerbaijani people and prosperity of the great state of Azerbaijan.
Rudolf Ivanov,
Professor, World War II veteran, a member of the Union of Journalists and Writers of Russia, holder of the Azerbaijani "Dostlug" ("Friendship") Order, Honorary Professor of the Institute of History of ANAS, Honorary Doctor of Nakhchivan State University, winner of the UN international competition "The world information experts elite"