
President of Azerbaijan and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of a garrison and a new residential complex of an unspecified military unit of the State Border Service in Yevlakh.
Chief of the State Border Service Lt-Gen Elchin Guliyev reported to President of Azerbaijan and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev.
First, the head of state reviewed the military garrison. It was indicated that it has all the conditions for servicemen to fulfill their military duty. The military unit built in 15 months in accordance with the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan from 18 July 2011 covers an area of 40 hectares. Construction has been carried out on an area of 80,600 square meters, while an area of 270,000 square meters has been landscaped.
When visiting the six-storey barracks, the President got acquainted with the location of units and educational facilities. It was noted that the building has the necessary conditions for servicemen to fulfill their military duty at a high level and to relax.
There is a necessary living infrastructure, all the services are organized to the highest standard. On the top floor of the building there is a large conference room which will host various activities related to the military unit.
A museum describing the life and activities of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev also functions as an ideological center. The museum has photo stands reflecting the care and attention of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev and President and Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev to army building and development of border troops in the country.
Then President Ilham Aliyev visited the canteen. It was noted that the canteen has all the conditions for proper nutrition of soldiers. The military unit operates a hospital fitted with the necessary equipment and supplies. The hospital has all the opportunities to conduct outpatient examination and treatment. It also has an operating unit.
President Ilham Aliyev then attended the opening of a new residential complex of the military unit.
The President was informed that five buildings with a total of 185 apartments had been constructed in the military unit. The conditions available here confirm that the all-round progress observed in the Azerbaijani army today also leads to a better quality of life and social security of border guards and their families. The President’s participation in the opening of new buildings for servicemen and their families demonstrates the care and attention of the state to the army.
It was mentioned that the complex has the necessary conditions for border guards and their families. An area of 2,500 square meters has been landscaped and a green area established.
In addition, the families of servicemen can use the services of a kindergarten for 100 kids divided in four groups.
In order to train and educate children at a high level, there are classrooms equipped with visual aids and departments for preschool training. Inside the kindergarten there is an indoor swimming pool with an area of 2,100 square meters.
Then the President visited the parade ground and the shooting range of the military unit where the Commander-in-Chief was informed about the new hardware and weaponry. It was noted that important work was being done to strengthen the material and technical infrastructure of the State Border Service. The recruitment percentage and personnel quality of State Border Service are also on a high level.
The main task of recruiting qualified professionals, morally, physically and psychologically trained officers with higher military education is being consistently met. The conditions available here confirm that Azerbaijani border guards justify the confidence of the state and people through their activities. Azerbaijani border guards wage a determined struggle against international terrorism, smuggling, drug trafficking and illegal migration.
From this point of view, border troops, which effectively deal with such important tasks as ensuring the safety of production and export infrastructure of hydrocarbon resources, protection of the internal stability in the country, play an important part in the progress made by the republic.
President Ilham Aliyev approved the work done.