Ilham Aliyev addressed a plenary meeting on the signing of the Agreement on strategic partnership on green energy was held in Bucharest

17 December 2022, 12:10
Ilham Aliyev addressed a plenary meeting on the signing of the Agreement on strategic partnership on green energy was held in Bucharest

A plenary meeting on the signing ceremony of the “Agreement on a strategic partnership in the field of green energy development and transmission between the Governments of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania and Hungary” was held in Bucharest.

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev attended the plenary meeting.

President of Romania Klaus Iohannis welcomed President Ilham Aliyev, Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

They posed together for photographs.

Opening the plenary meeting, the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, welcomed the guests and made a speech. Stressing the importance of the quadrilateral agreement, the Romanian President said: “Today’s agreement sets up a framework for long-term cooperation between our countries in a number of critical areas. We need to cooperate better and show more solidarity for mitigating common challenges. As the next step, our ambition is that the digital cable is laid alongside the submarine electricity power line. We envisage the expansion of the maritime transportation links towards Georgia from our harbor in Constanța. These endeavors will enhance connectivity with Azerbaijan and further onto Central Asia. A lot of work ahead of us to tap the potential and increase our resilience.”

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen noted that “this agreement will bring the European Union closer to our partners in the south Caucasus region, and it will both help our regions achieve the clean energy transition.”

“To integrate a growing share of renewables, we need, indeed, stronger electricity interconnections, and this is why the Black Sea electric cable between Romania, Georgia, and Azerbaijan is so important, and I can only say what an ambitious project! It would connect us on both sides of the Black Sea and further towards the Caspian sea region. It will help reinforce our security of supply by bringing electricity from renewable sources to the European Union via Romania and through Hungary,” said Ursula von der Leyen.

The President of Azerbaijan then addressed the meeting.

Speech by President Ilham Aliyev

- Dear colleagues,

Ladies and gentlemen,

First, I'd like to express gratitude to President Iohannis for the invitation and for hosting this important event. The implementation of the agreement on strategic partnership in the field of green energy development and transmission, which will be signed today, will be our common contribution to Europe's energy security. This agreement is an important step in the creation of a green energy corridor.

I would like to express a special gratitude to the President of the European Commission, Madame Ursula von der Leyen, for her continuous support to Azerbaijan in the projects of energy security and energy diversification.

This July, during the visit of Madame von der Leyen to Azerbaijan, we signed the memorandum of understanding on strategic partnership in the field of energy between Azerbaijan and the EU, and we have already started to implement this document. Last year Azerbaijan's export of natural gas to the European Union market was 8.2 billion cubic meters, and this year, 11.3. Next year it will be at least 11.6. The total natural gas export from Azerbaijan next year will be almost 24 billion cubic meters. In comparison, in the year 2021, it was 19.

Yesterday SOCAR and Romgaz signed a contract on gas supply from Azerbaijan to Romania starting from 1st January next year. So, Azerbaijan is expanding the geography of its gas supplies to the European market. This is a win-win situation. Europe needs to strengthen its energy security. Azerbaijan needs a reliable market for its huge energy resources.

Today, we start to build another energy bridge from Azerbaijan to Europe. Our country is planning to become an important supplier of electric energy to Europe, mainly green energy. Azerbaijan’s renewable energy potential is more than 27 gigawatts of wind and solar power onshore and 157 gigawatts of wind power in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea. Together with one of our country’s strategic investors, we plan to implement 3 gigawatts of wind and one gigawatts of solar power by 2027, 80 percent of which will be exported. By 2037, we plan to create an additional capacity of at least 6 gigawatts.

Thus, only one global energy company is planning to invest in the creation of 10 gigawatts of green energy in Azerbaijan. Two days ago, the Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan signed a framework agreement with another global energy company. This company is planning to invest in the creation of up to 12 gigawatts of wind and solar energy in Azerbaijan. So, at least 3 gigawatts of additional transmission capacity should be created for the first phase of Azerbaijani export.

To achieve our goals, we must work efficiently. Azerbaijan, Georgia, Hungary, and Romania should work as one team and in close cooperation and coordination with the European Union. I wish all of us success.

Thank you.

x x x

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said: “Thank you very much, President Aliyev, for your words. Thank you for your approach. I think this is the correct approach, and I am very optimistic that this time we manage to have a team, which really puts us in a position to say our economies are going green.”

Addressing the event, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban emphasized that leaders should ensure the economic and energy security of their countries under the current circumstances. Noting that the path to this lay through the identification of renewable energy sources and their transportation to Europe, the Hungarian Prime Minister said: “Thanks to the wisdom of the European Commission, we have paid a lot of attention to Azerbaijan and developed our cooperation with this country. It is commendable that Azerbaijan and President Ilham Aliyev are always open to cooperation with the European Union. For one year now, I have personally witnessed that the European Union can always rely on Azerbaijan as a reliable partner. We are grateful to our friends in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Romania, as well as to the President of the European Commission, for the opportunity to sign this agreement in the field of energy on behalf of Hungary today.”

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili highlighted the importance of diversification in terms of addressing the urgent challenges of energy security against the background of present geopolitical challenges. “Today, by signing the agreement on strategic partnership in the field of green energy, development and transmission between Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania and Hungary, we are confirming the readiness of our countries to cooperate closely in terms of green energy supply,” Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili said.

Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă said: “In the time of crisis, we need to stay united and bring together our potential and resources. The agreement represents an important step forward toward strengthening long-term mutual cooperation in the field of energy. It has never been more important than nowadays to capitalize on the existing potential related to renewable energy generation capacity in view of developing green electricity trade between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Georgia on the one hand and Europe on the other hand. I would like only to welcome the progress in agreeing on the delivery of Azerbaijani gas to Romania as early as the beginning of 2023. This is great news, as Romania will have an additional safeguard in terms of energy security.”

Following the speeches, the closing meeting was held

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