Ilham Aliyev pays tribute to fond memories of martyrs

20 January 2012, 11:00
Ilham Aliyev pays tribute to fond memories of martyrs

22 years elapse since the bloody 20 January events. On this day of the national mourning – the 20th January, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev paid tribute to the memory of martyrs.

The 20th of January 1990 left in the contemporary history of Azerbaijan as one of the most tragic days, but remembered also as the glorious day of our people. Twenty two years ago, during the night from January 19 to January 20, Soviet Army troupes launched wide scale military operations against large masses indignant over actions of the aggressive Armenia and favor of the former Soviet leadership for Armenians by pouring to the streets and squares of Baku in sign of a strong protest. Holding the freedom of their Motherland and people above all, patriot sons and daughters of Azerbaijan have sacrificed their lives on that awful night by becoming the martyrs of their own land.

In spite of 22 years that pass since bloodbath perpetrated by former Soviet military machine in Azerbaijan, our people remember constantly that appalling night, live with pain of that tragedy and deplores strongly all those that stood behind barbaric actions. Each year, on January 20, thousands of people visit the Alley of Martyrs and pay their tribute to fond memories of Azerbaijan’s sons and daughters that sacrificed themselves for the sake of Motherland’s freedom and sovereignty.

The tragedy of 20 January is seen as unprecedented aggression and massacre committed by the State against its own people. It was a rude violation of the former USSR and Azerbaijani Soviet Republic’s Constitutions and its full disregarding. Having sent the troupes against civilians, USSR government has ignored UN Charter and international law norms and violated several dispositions of the International Pact on Civil and Political Rights of 1966. In the aftermath of the tragedy, the then slave minded authorities which lacked courage to join their own people at that time and still followed their Soviet patrons. Differently from them, living in Moscow at that time, our national leader Heydar Aliyev came to the permanent representation of Azerbaijan on the next day since tragedy by putting his life in danger and made statement by deploring strongly those who perpetrated the bloody January massacre and brought the message to the international community about this awful event faced by our people. Thus, our great leader demonstrated once again his courage, bravery and commitment to own people.

However, this bloodshed could not crush will of the Azerbaijani people and subdue its aspirations for freedom. Though it costed the lives, our people have rejoiced its dreams of freedom and independence.

Following the political comeback of national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev, the political-legal assessment was given to the event of 20 January and the names of perpetrators of this crime were announced to the public.

Each year, the Azerbaijani people pay deep respect to the memories of victims of the 20 January tragedy.

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In the morning of January 20, President Ilham Aliyev came to the Alley of Martyrs to pay tribute to fond memories of the dead in the tragedy of January 20.

President Ilham Aliyev laid the wreath to the Monument of Eternal Flame.

Azerbaijani anthem was performed by the Special Exemplary Military Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense.

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State and government officials, heads of religious communities, ambassadors of foreign countries as well as representatives of international organizations joined the ceremony of paying tribute to our martyrs.

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Prime Minister Artur Rasi-zade, Chairman of Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov and Head of the Presidential Administration Ramiz Mehdiyev have participated at this event.
