Ilham Aliyev reviewed refurbished passenger carriages

24 November 2011, 12:00
Ilham Aliyev reviewed refurbished passenger carriages

President Ilham Aliyev has reviewed the passenger carriages refurbished for the “Azerbaijan Railways” Closed Joint-Stock Company in Slovakia.

The head of state examined the stands reflecting the work carried out to implement the “State Program on the development of the railway transport in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2010-2014”.

Transport Minister Ziya Mammadov said that as part of the program, the “Azerbaijan Railways” CJSC is successfully carrying out the renovation of a 317-km railway line Baku-Boyuk Kasik in accordance with a contract using the loan funds of the Czech Export Bank.

President Aliyev reviewed the photo stand describing the materials and equipment purchased under the agreement with the Czech Export Bank thus far, as well as production, transportation and installation of the equipment used in the construction and renovation of railways.

The Transport Minister also briefed President Ilham Aliyev on the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway.

Then, President Ilham Aliyev reviewed the refurbished passenger carriages. It was noted that according to a contract signed in February 2008, five passenger compartment carriages made in Germany whose service life had expired in February 2009 were sent for repairs to the Sazvrudki plant in Slovakia. The repairs in Slovakia lasted two years and the car were delivered to Baku in late October. The cars have been brought into proper condition and can now be used express routes. Each of them has a modern ventilation system. The cars are equipped with environmental facilities, their interior design has been upgraded and new chairs installed.

It was indicated that four economy class cars are designed for 60 passengers each, while a business class carriage is intended for up to 45 passengers. The cars have all the necessary conditions for the convenience of passengers.

President Aliyev watched the process of online booking via a computer connected to the Internet.

It was noted that in addition to the passenger cars, also delivered in Baku have been a fuel oil shunting locomotive CM-3 renovated at the Sazvrudki locomotive plant in the Czech Republic and three new MPT-4 cranes purchased at the expense of the “Azerbaijan Railways” CJSC under the State program.

Expressing his satisfaction with the work done, President Ilham Aliyev gave instructions and recommendations.
