
Ceremonies to open the AYPE-T factory and to lay the foundation for the Heydar Aliyev vocational lyceum and the Star refinery of Petkim have been held in the Turkish city of Izmir.
The ceremonies were joined by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The Azerbaijani President and the Turkish Prime Minister were informed that Petkim-Petrokimya Holding, the first and the only petrochemical plant in the brotherly country, was established in Yarimca in 1965. In 1984, the holding built its second facility in the Aliaga settlement of Izmir. In 2008, the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) jointly with the Turkish company TURKAS acquired 51 per cent of the petrochemical plant owned by Petkim-Petrokimya Holding. Last year, Petkim reached record levels in terms of output, revenue, profits and exports. Fifty per cent of the output was exported. The holding’s 11 plants produce more than 50 types of petrochemical products.
Then, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived at the ceremonies to open the AYPE-T factory, lay the foundations of the Heydar Aliyev vocational lyceum and the Star refinery of Petkim.
First, ceremony participants paid tribute to the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the begetter of the modern independent state of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, and martyrs.
National anthems of Turkey and Azerbaijan were played.
A film about the future of Turkey’s Petkim peninsula was demonstrated.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev make remarks at the ceremony.
Remarks by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
- Dear President Ilham Aliyev, my dear brother!
Dear guests!
Dear ceremony participants, ladies and gentlemen!
My sincere greetings to all of you!
I would like to warmly welcome my dear brother, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, and his delegation to Izmir, to Turkey.
At the beginning of my remarks I would like to thank all our Azerbaijani brothers through dear President Ilham Aliyev on my own behalf and on behalf of our country and people for extending us their brotherly hand in the first hours after the earthquake in the province of Van.
A number of countries led by our neighbors have quickly provided assistance to the affected region in the aftermath of the Van earthquake. We are grateful to all of you. I want to thank all of you individually from here. But the helping hand extended to us by Baku, which is very close to Van, was particularly warming on this cold day. Azerbaijani rescue teams quickly started work in the earthquake-affected region and pulled three our citizens from under the rubble alive. Three aircraft-loads of assistance from Azerbaijan have been distributed among our citizens in Van. I was very pleased to learn of the “You are not alone” campaign launched by the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society for their Turkish brothers and sisters. I want to thank dear President and through him and the brotherly people of Azerbaijan again.
May Allah protect both Azerbaijan and Turkey from such tragedies and make our brotherhood and solidarity eternal.
Dear Mr. President, my dear brothers!
We are gathered for a ceremony to lay the foundation of a truly large and magnificent oil refinery. The investment of $5 billion in the Star oil refinery to be built on the Petkin peninsula by the SOCAR-TURKAS joint venture is the biggest investment ever made in an enterprise in Turkey and the world. This enterprise will be a source of pride for Izmir and for Turkey. A total of 10,000 people will be engaged in its construction and 1,000 people will have permanent jobs after it is commissioned in 2015. It will change the appearance of Izmir. This investment will add further energy to the energy available in Turkey and facilitate our development that will help us achieve our goals by 2023.
Together with the Star refinery, we are officially opening Petkim’s AYPE-T factory today. Besides, we are laying the foundation of the Heydar Aliyev vocational lyceum where 720 students will be receiving theoretical and practical knowledge at the same time.
I would to express my gratitude to the SOCAR-TURKAS joint venture, the management of Petkim, Azerbaijani and Turkish officials, everyone who has contributed to the preparation of the project and those who will be engaged in construction operations.
I want to specifically thank my brother President Ilham Aliyev for supporting these major projects. This year Azerbaijan celebrates the 20th anniversary of its independence. Turkey and Azerbaijan share and celebrate this happiness and joy together.
Twenty years ago, on 18 October 1991, when Azerbaijan declared its independence we were as happy and overjoyed as any Azerbaijani. We have sincerely struggled for Azerbaijan’s development and progress, for its prosperity and confidence for these 20 years like brothers. We have signed for major projects and investments. Thanks to the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, we export Azerbaijani oil from Ceyhan to world markets. We have brought Azerbaijani gas to our country thanks to the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline. We have reached the final stages in the so-called Iron Silk Way railroad project that will connect Baku and Kars.
The oil refinery we are laying the foundation of today represents yet another major project and investment made for the benefit of our countries. The meeting of the Council on high-level strategic cooperation this afternoon will help us further expand our relations and cooperation.
Dear friends, my dear brothers. I want to openly declare that Azerbaijan and Turkey want nothing more than peace, quiet, stability and prosperity in the region. We want solidarity, not enmity, to dominate the region, and we are working to that end. The views of Turkey and Azerbaijan converge on the issues of Northern Cyprus, the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh and terrorism. We have the same goals and ideals. Every citizen of Turkey is just as concerned about the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh as our Azerbaijani brothers. Just as the pain in our hearts grows with the death of every young martyr killed by terrorists, I am sure it equally hurts our Azerbaijani brothers.
Just as we are one nation in two states, we have one heart. This is why we will carry on fighting hand-in-hand with Azerbaijan until Nagorno-Karabakh is freed from occupation. We will always be grateful to Azerbaijan for its genuine support in our fight against terror. We want to establish the relations of brotherhood we have with Azerbaijan with all regional states. Just as Azerbaijan and Turkey move forward and develop together, we want to have the same solidarity with other regional states. The whole world, all regional countries have got to understand that terrorism kills not only our security bodies and civilians, it also kills universal human conscience. While terrorism aims at us, it also aims at peace, brotherhood, quiet and solidarity in the region. We urge all countries of the region and the world to resolutely condemn and fight terrorism, a universal problem of mankind. It is time to see and understand that any country creating conditions for terrorism will one day come under terror attacks itself.
As you can see, Azerbaijan and Turkey are making great investments in a brotherly atmosphere. A total of 10,000 people will have jobs during construction here. After the oil refinery is commissioned, 1,000 people will be receiving salaries here. Insha’Allah, we will protect this solidarity and brotherhood we share with my brother Ilham Aliyev and try to show it as an example to the whole world. We will, Insha’Allah, create stability and prosperity in this region by working hand-in-hand, shoulder to shoulder and, most importantly, heart to heart.
As you know, Azerbaijan has won a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council. My congratulations to Azerbaijan. Good luck!
Some time ago Turkey was also a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. Now brotherly Azerbaijan will carry this mission for two years, Insha’Allah. We have done great things together and this is the result. My congratulations again! I hope this success will be continued. I also wish every success to the enterprises we are opening and laying the foundation of today, and hope that this investment in our country and people will be successful.
I would like to thank all our Azerbaijani brothers led by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, the SOCAR-TURKAS joint venture and the Petkim company. My warmest greetings to all of you!
Remarks by President Ilham Aliyev
- Dear brother, dear Prime Minister!
Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear friends!
It is a remarkable and historic day in the history of Turkish-Azerbaijani relations. But first of all I would like to express condolences to the great Turkish nation on behalf of the people of Azerbaijan over the earthquake that has hit Turkey and the heavy human loss. May those killed rest in peace and the wounded recover soon.
As always, Azerbaijan stands by Turkey, the people of Azerbaijan stand by the Turkish people. We are together on both nice and sad days because our unity strengthens our relations and rests on a historical foundation. Our peoples have been together for centuries. We speak the same language. We are one nation, and while we celebrate the 20th anniversary of our independence, Turkey is with us. Perhaps there are no other two countries that would be so close and attached to each other. We are happy to be faithful to the historical justice, our past and the legacy of our forefathers.
Turkey and Azerbaijan are together on all matters. We always support each other in international issues. We cooperate successfully in all areas. We jointly implement projects that represent huge importance to the region and the world. We put forward joint initiatives and create miracles.
This ceremony, this groundbreaking ceremony actually shows our unity. It shows that we have done and will do a lot together. Our strength is in unity. I am very pleased that Turkey and Azerbaijan are also making valuable contributions to the cooperation among Turkic states. Our unity and cooperation are important to the entire Turkic world. I can say with confidence that Turkey and Azerbaijan are making exceptional contributions to Turkic cooperation. So Turkic unity is taking place as a result of our efforts.
This groundbreaking ceremony is quite symbolic. Because after only 20 years of independence Azerbaijan is starting to invest heavily in the brotherly country. Such investment can only be made in friendly and brotherly states. I am pleased that Turkish companies invest in Azerbaijan and Azerbaijani companies are already investing in Turkey. These are our joint projects. The new enterprises to be set up here in Petkim will serve both Turkish and Azerbaijani peoples.
I would like to look a little back today. Only five years ago we were celebrating the launch of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline together with my dear brother, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It was a historic achievement, a wonderful ceremony. It was a beautiful ceremony on the Mediterranean coast. Today, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline operates practically at full capacity and brings our peoples even closer together.
A year later, in early 2007, my dear brother Tayyip Erdogan and I signed documents on the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway in Georgia. This project is also well under way and I hope there will be another great ceremony to attend in the near future, in one year’s time.
As my dear brother has said, the Baku-Erzurum gas pipeline was commissioned in 2007. Thanks to the commissioning of this line gas from brotherly Azerbaijan was delivered to Turkey for the first time. I am sure we will significantly increase the volume of gas in the coming years.
In 2008, SOCAR and TURKAS applied for the takeover of Petkim. I am very pleased and grateful to my brother that our application was considered positively and SOCAR acquired the opportunity to invest here. Today, in 2011, we are at the start of a new project. So this history is an indicator in itself. Where there is a strong political will and sincere relations between states, we can resolve any issues. Indeed, we are implementing major and highly important projects of global proportions. The execution of these projects primarily rests on our friendship and brotherhood. Friendship and brotherhood form the foundation of all our successes.
As my brother Tayyip Erdogan has said, we have recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of our independence. This holiday was broadly celebrated in Azerbaijan. Looking back again, we were noting that Turkey was the first country to recognize our independence. A country gains independence when it is recognized by others. So brotherly Turkey played the key role in our recognition by the world community, and the people of Azerbaijan will never forget that. In subsequent periods, at the most challenging years for Azerbaijan, brotherly Turkey was the first to support us. Today, 20 years on, developing Azerbaijan is ready to support Turkey and supports it when necessary. This is our obligation. I want to repeat that Turkey is a native country for us. We do not differentiate between us. The earthquake of two days ago equally shocked Turkish and Azerbaijani people. I am very pleased that not only our government, but also ordinary citizens and people tried to help with whatever they could, to extend their helping hand. We know that Turkey is a great state and can resolve any issue on its territory.
We extended this hand of friendship because of a feeling in our heart. We want to be with Turkey at this difficult moment, just as we are with you on pleasant occasions.
There is a powerful Turkey on the world map today. We are very pleased with that. This makes us stronger too. As someone loving Turkey, I am very pleased with that. I am pleased that in the short period of activities of my dear friend, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a matter of 10 years, Turkey has covered a long, successful and glorious road. Turkey has turned into a power center not only in the region, but in the world, a center that attracts friends, a center that puts forward its initiatives on the basis of cooperation and friendship. So the number of countries that want to be friends with Turkey is growing both in the region and the world. The successes Turkey has achieved in the economic and political fields in the last decade are historic. Turkish citizens are certainly aware of that. As people always watching Turkey closely, we also know this, rejoice in and are proud of that.
We in Azerbaijan have also achieved great development in recent years. Rapid development is typical of Azerbaijan. Our election to the UN Security Council is evidence of our growing international authority. I want to take this opportunity to thank Turkey again for being with and supporting us in this vote. As Mr. Erdogan said, Turkey was recently represented on the Security Council, now it is Azerbaijan. But both our countries know that this is our joint seat.
Dear friends, I want to congratulate all of you again on this wonderful ceremony. I am grateful to dear Prime Minister, my brother Recep Tayyip Erdogan for inviting me to Turkey to attend this ceremony. As mentioned, the first meeting of the Turkish-Azerbaijani Cooperation Council is also due today. I am sure that the meeting, the Council will produce great results. These results will bring our countries and peoples even closer together.
Greetings from Azerbaijan to all our friends. I wish the great Turkish nation happiness and good health. Thank you.
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan joined, via a video link, the opening ceremony of the AYPE-T factory. The product to be manufactured there, low-density polyethylene, is a widely used raw material in the plastic industry. The plant, with a production capacity is 160,000 tons per year, will produce 11 types of products.
The President and the Prime Minister conveyed their congratulations on the occasion of the opening of the enterprise.
Expressing his congratulations on the opening of the factory, President Ilham Aliyev said:
We sincerely congratulate you on the opening of the new factory. We hope the factory operates successfully and all your dreams come true. The opening of any new factory is a great event. It means the creation of new jobs and new production. Our sincere congratulations on this wonderful occasion!
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said:
We congratulate all the people of Azerbaijan led by my dear brother Ilham Aliyev on this opening and wish you good luck.
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan also watched via a video link the groundbreaking ceremony of a technical and industrial vocational lyceum named after Heydar Aliyev.
MP from Izmir Aydin Sengul reported that this institution, which would serve as an educational bridge between the Caspian and Aegean seas, would be another symbol of the “One nation, two states” ideology in the field of education in the Aegean region after the Ceyhan and Kars.
The protocol on the construction of the lyceum was signed between SOCAR and the Izmir Governorate. The school, scheduled for commissioning for the 2012-2013 academic year, will provide education to 720 pupils, have 24 classrooms, a 10-flat residential building and a gym.
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said:
My sincere congratulations! This is a great event. I am very pleased that SOCAR invests not only in infrastructure and economic projects, but also in education. This is a great indicator.
We in Azerbaijan are proud that this lyceum is named after great leader Heydar Aliyev. We are grateful to all the people of Turkey for their respect for the memory of the great leader.
I would like to repeat what we said together with my brother Tayyip at the statue of great leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Baku. We said two great personalities showed us the way. Great Ataturk said Azerbaijan’s sorrow and joy are ours too. Heydar Aliyev said Turkey and Azerbaijan are one nation in two states. These two wise sayings show the way for the people of both Turkey and Azerbaijan. We will always and eternally go forward along this road together. My congratulations again!
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said:
As my brother Ilham has said, Turkey and Azerbaijan have become what they are by staying on the path indicated by the two leaders, two great personalities. The vocational lyceum named after the leader of Azerbaijan’s salvation movement Heydar Aliyev will be a school where theoretical and practical education will be combined. The education our children from Azerbaijan will receive here will make our cause even more important. We are now turning to the groundbreaking ceremony.
Our congratulations to everyone who has contributed to this cause. Good luck! Bismillah.
Then the foundation of the lyceum was laid.
Then Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the Star oil refinery of the Petkim company.
The Star oil refinery is the biggest investment project implemented through the Turkish private sector. The project, being implemented by the SOCAR-TURKAS group on the Petkim peninsula in Izmir, will enable the refining of 10 million tons of crude oil a year. The refinery will be built in line with state-of-the-art environmental technologies and end the petrochemical sector’s reliance on imports. The enterprise is value at around $5 billion. It will save the country billions of dollars worth of imports.
President Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan then signed letters expressing their wishes for the future. The letters were placed inside a capsule which was lowered into the foundation and the grouting facility was launched.