Speech by Ilham Aliyev at the openning of the Khachmaz District Central Hospital after major overhaul

23 September 2011, 14:10
Speech by Ilham Aliyev at the openning of the Khachmaz District Central Hospital after major overhaul

- Hello. Let me congratulate you on the occasion of the opening of a new building of the district hospital after major overhaul. Other buildings of the hospital were renovated two years ago, the conditions are good. Only this building was left, and now the issue is fully resolved. The conditions are good. Working conditions for doctors are good. So patients should be looked after well.

So the major overhaul of the Khachmaz District Hospital has been completed. At the same time, I can say that health problems of the entire northern region are being resolved. Health facilities have been built in all the districts, from Baku to Khachmaz – in Siyazan, Shabran. A wonderful Medical and Diagnostic Center has recently been built in Khizi. A Medical and Diagnostic Center has been built in Guba and the district hospital has been renovated. Practically all key health issues in Khachmaz are being resolved. A large hospital is under construction in Gusar, it will soon be put into operation. So if we look at the map, we can see that central district hospitals have been renovated or new diagnostic centers built in all our districts – from Baku to the border.

Similar work is carried out in all other districts. Health facilities are built in our districts, hospitals are renovated and new equipment is installed. In short, health issues have been successfully resolved in Azerbaijan in recent years. This is witnessed by both Azerbaijani citizens and international organizations who are praising the reforms in this area.

Baku has recently hosted a conference of the Regional Committee for Europe of the World Health Organization. Representatives from all over Europe came to Azerbaijan. During the conference, senior officials of the World Health Organization spoke very highly about the state of healthcare in Azerbaijan. As is the case with all other spheres in Azerbaijan, healthcare is also developing. The fact is that investment in this sector has increased several times in recent years. Our budget expenditure on health have increased several times. This investment is channeled into the construction of hospitals, medical and diagnostic centers in all our districts. So I am sure that in the next two years we will solve the key issues associated with upgrading the material and technical infrastructure of our health system.

We only need these centers and hospitals to provide good medical care. To do that, physicians should enhance their professionalism and knowledge. It is also necessary to expand international relations. Our doctors should gain experience in foreign clinics. At the same time, we are trying to arrange for doctors from leading health centers of the world to come to Azerbaijan. In short, we are addressing all public health issues in Azerbaijan.

Of course, medical care is only one aspect of the issue. I have repeatedly said this, and I want to say again that there are other important factors to health – the environment, drinking water, clean air, sports. All of these factors are also very important. We must ensure that these areas are at the level of international standards in Azerbaijan.

Today, drinking water projects are implemented in Baku and districts. The quality of the water supplied should meet the standards of the World Health Organization. All the work we do in Azerbaijan must meet the best available practices. The public health situation must also evolve in this direction.

I am very pleased that large, new and modern health facilities are built both in our districts and in Baku. This process is well under way and will be continued. Azerbaijan’s healthcare system must and will rise to the level of advanced countries. The work done to this day provides grounds for such a conclusion.

There are other events scheduled for today in Khachmaz. I will participate in these activities, the opening ceremonies. I am very pleased to be in Khachmaz again. I have repeatedly visited Khachmaz District, I know the situation. I am aware that good work has been under way here in recent years, there are positive changes. I have just reviewed the Heydar Aliyev Center after reconstruction. A carpet museum has been built, I will go and have a look at it. A chess school, a library, plants have started to operate. Defense industry enterprises are under construction. Of course, Khachmaz has a very good tourist potential, and Azerbaijani citizens are using it. I would very much like the tourist facilities existing here also to be at the international level – both in terms of service standards and conditions.

A lot of landscaping work is carried out in Khachmaz. You, the people of Khachmaz, see and contribute to this work. This is very gratifying. Beautiful buildings are constructed, old ones are renovated. I can see that the people of Khachmaz and local authorities approach this work with great love and taste. They want Khachmaz to become even more beautiful. But I can say that Khachmaz is already one of the most beautiful Azerbaijani towns. I have been to all Azerbaijani districts. There is no place I have not visited. In some places I have been a number of times. Of course, I can say that the attention being paid to the landscaping work in Khachmaz in recent years is yielding results. You, the people of Khachmaz, can be rightly proud that your town is becoming prettier and improving. The ongoing projects related to landscaping and infrastructure will further improve the situation in the future.

An Olympic Center is under construction in Khachmaz. I have issued the instruction. A large district such as Khachmaz clearly must have a modern Olympic Center. Gasification is ongoing, gas is run to villages. We must fulfill the gas program by 2013. Gas must be supplied to all the villages. A water project will be executed. This project will be fulfilled within two years, possibly even earlier. In other words, all the issues – health, education, infrastructure, gasification, drinking water, roads. The greater part of the Baku-Khachmaz road has already been commissioned, the rest will also be built. Thus, all the tasks entrusted to the government are being fulfilled. I am very glad that the people of Khachmaz are actively involved in this work. Both Khachmaz District and the town are becoming more beautiful and improving. This hospital is already at a good level. I hope no-one is sick, that everyone is well. I wish you good health and further successes. Thank you.