Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of the Heydar Aliyev Center in Siyazan

15 August 2011, 12:30
Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of the Heydar Aliyev Center in Siyazan

President Ilham Aliyev has arrived in Siyazan District.

First, the head of state went to the Heydar Park in the center of Siyazan and laid flowers at the statue of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev.

President Ilham Aliyev was informed of the work carried out at the Heydar Park. It was indicated that located in Heydar Aliyev Avenue, the park was commissioned in 2010. It covers an area of more than one hectare. A green area in the Heydar Park has been expanded and nice fountains and other conditions for the recreation of local residents created

It was also noted that the Heydar Aliyev Center built in the Park lent further beauty to the area. The head of state cut a ribbon symbolizing the opening of the Heydar Aliyev Center. It was indicated that, as is the case elsewhere in the republic, the people of Siyazan were cherishing the memories of great leader Heydar Aliyev. The Heydar Aliyev Center built in the town is evidence of the great respect for the memory of the nationwide leader. The Center has photos and exhibits documenting various periods of the nationwide leader’s life and activities. There are numerous photos reflecting world-famous political figure Heydar Aliyev’s contribution to the strengthening of Azerbaijan’s international authority, prevention of civil war in Azerbaijan thanks to this great personality’s consistent policies in the early years of independence, the fact that the republic found a way out of a severe economic recession and embarked on a period of comprehensive development, and important steps taken to build a regular national army.

It was mentioned that the two-storey building of the Center, the construction of which began in 2008, has been built in a beautiful corner of the park named after the nationwide leader and on the basis of an original design. The total area is 600 square meters. The center, which represents great importance in terms of perpetuating the memory of great leader Heydar Aliyev, demonstrates photos and exhibits about the life and multifaceted public activities of the nationwide leader. The center has 12 photo sections reflecting different periods of Heydar Aliyev’s life and work, his visits to foreign countries and districts of Azerbaijan. The first floor, covering a total area of 300 square meters, has the bust of the great leader. There is a computerized foreign languages club, a meeting room and offices fitted with modern equipment. The Center also has clubs for in-depth study of the rich Azerbaijani literature and history. A large area has been allocated for various publications in foreign languages dwelling on the activities of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev. On the second floor of the Center there will be painting and carpet weaving clubs. There is also a virtual classroom here. Using its opportunities, the guests of the Center will be able to learn more about Heydar Aliyev’s life and activities.

After touring the Center, President Ilham Aliyev reviewed the stands reflecting a new entrance to Siyazan, the Flag Square and a sketch of the Youth Center. The head of state also examined the stands reflecting future landscaping of local neighborhoods and refurbishment of the facades of the existing shopping centers.

President Ilham Aliyev expressed satisfaction with the work done, give his recommendations and instructions.

The head of state signed the Guests of Honor book of the Center.

After touring the Center, President Ilham Aliyev met with members of the public and health workers of Siyazan District.


After the opening ceremony, President Ilham Aliyev met with representatives of the district public. Saluting those present, he said:

Let me heartily congratulate you on the opening of the Heydar Aliyev Center. This is a wonderful Center, a beautiful square. The Center has photographs reflecting the life and work of the great leader. At the same time, there will be various clubs here. In other words, the Center will serve district residents.

I have been shown a small presentation about the development of Siyazan District. I endorse and approve these plans. I am very pleased that the new executive authorities of the district have prepared specific proposals on a comprehensive development of the district over a short period of time. I believe that the appearance of Siyazan District and the district center will change completely in a short period of time, in a matter of a few years. So Siyazan will turn into a modern and beautiful district center. Of course, creative and landscaping work should also be carried out in the villages.

As you know, extensive creative work has been under way in Azerbaijan in recent years. There is recovery and development in every district, specific projects are implemented. I want this work to be done at a high level everywhere, in every district. First of all, we must quickly eliminate the problems worrying people, and concrete steps have been taken in this direction. We can see this in Siyazan District: infrastructure projects are implemented, roads are built, the highway has been built, and it is very comfortable to travel to Baku now. At the same time, extra measures should and will be taken to build rural roads. Power supply – there are no problems with that. A gasification program is being implemented. As you know, gas supply in Siyazan has always been better than in other districts. But we have set the goal of laying gas lines to all villages. We are working on that now. Work on water supply and sanitation projects is ongoing, and this program also covers practically all our districts. The problems accumulated in Azerbaijan over many years should be finally resolved. Drinking water and sanitation projects are either being implemented or prepared for implementation everywhere.

Extensive work has been carried out in Siyazan District to renew the social infrastructure. Several schools have been built and renovated. Other schools in need of renovation should also be renovated in the coming years. According to my information, there are no serious employment problems in Siyazan District. There have traditionally been a lot of people working in the oil industry here. A broiler factory was once set up here at the initiative of the great leader.

It is now playing a significant role in the creation of jobs. However, Azerbaijan’s population is growing, and no matter how many new jobs are created, there is always a need for more. So there are specific programs to improve the business environment, stimulate business people, provide credits and solve all other issues.

We must take advantage of the tourist opportunities available in Siyazan District. This district has a great tourist potential. It has a large coastal area, great air and mountains.

Large complexes, hotels, recreation areas and parks are established in attractive natural conditions throughout Azerbaijan these days. Of course, we need to engage the private sector in this work. But you all know that the development of tourism is impossible without the infrastructure. Therefore, infrastructure projects should be implemented everywhere, in every district, roads should be built and modern architectural experience used. I think the proposals on further development of the district that are reflected on the stands I have been shown deserve approval.

Of course, we should do this work together – the public, representatives of the executive authority, leaders of the state. We are strengthening and developing our country. Today, Azerbaijan is among world leaders for the pace of socioeconomic development.

You will know from the media that some countries are now experiencing a second wave of the financial and economic crisis. In Azerbaijan, we see a completely different picture. The citizen of Azerbaijan is at the center of our policy. All our work serves one goal: to enable the citizens of Azerbaijan to live better. As a result of the pension reform conducted this year, the pensions of about 900,000 people have been raised by an average of 40 per cent.

Developed countries are cutting social benefits, social programs are curtailed, wages reduced, public sector jobs axed. At the same time, we in Azerbaijan are opening jobs, raising wages and pensions and implementing social programs. Not a single social program has been delayed or cut.

We have also been affected by the crisis. The sharp drop of the oil price in 2008, 2009 and even in 2010 created problems for us too. But we found a way out of this situation, as we have already developed the non-oil sector. If we look at our economic indicators, we will see that the non-oil sector grew by 6 per cent in six months of this year. Of course, these are statistical figures but they are underpinned by hard work, consistent policies and a strategic course. The development of all our districts contributes to the comprehensive development of the country.

Azerbaijan has both large and small districts. There are even districts with a population of 100,000 or 200,000 people. In terms of its population, Siyazan is a small district. Despite that, Siyazan is given the same attention as districts with larger populations. This is confirmed by the work carried out here. I should also note that the construction of hospitals has gained momentum in this region. The foundation of this program was also laid here. In 2004, the first district hospital was opened in Siyazan, and I remember attending its opening.

Let me salute and wish you all further success. A new head of your district has been appointed. He has received all the instructions to work actively, always be in touch with you and solve your problems. Siyazan District should become one of the most advanced Azerbaijani districts in a short period of time. Of course, you also need to participate in all these affairs.


Expressing gratitude to the head of state on behalf of the district public, Galamshah Babayev said: 

Dear Mr. President! Allow me to warmly welcome you on behalf of all the people of Siyazan! It is one of the happiest days in the life of every resident of Siyazan today. We are gathered here for the opening of this beautiful Center named after brilliant leader Heydar Aliyev. There is a statue of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev in this beautiful part of the town, the Heydar Aliyev Center has been opened. This beautiful place has already become a popular recreation area, a place of worship for residents of Siyazan. Our sons joining the army and young people starting their families come here to swear an oath. From now on, our children will be coming here to study the heritage of Heydar Aliyev, learn perseverance, prepare themselves for life and learn to love the motherland, people and homeland.

It is not so easy to talk about the genius and greatness of Heydar Aliyev in simple words. We all know that at the most difficult time for our country Heydar Aliyev became the savior of the people and nation, the founding father of our state. No-one has forgotten the misfortunes brought by incompetent leaders in the early years of our independence. When the people were completely disappointed, they turned to the Almighty and asked for Heydar Aliyev’s return. Heydar Aliyev heeded people’s requests, came back and reestablished order everywhere. It was from that time that all of us erected a monument to Heydar Aliyev in our hearts. And this monument is higher than what we have here.

Mr. President, I was fortunate enough to speak to Heydar Aliyev in 1998 during his meeting with voters. And today I stand before you, Mr. President! And I am speaking at the opening of this magnificent monument, this temple, on behalf of all the people and elders of Siyazan. We, the older generation, know that quite recently Siyazan was located on this road, in a very difficult place. There were several dusty and dirty streets, crooked alley and roads which became impassible after rain. It is with the feeling of immense gratitude that I declare to you now that thanks to your attention and care our native Siyazan has developed and grown in the shortest possible time to become one of the best cities of Azerbaijan. There are nice avenues and squares here, spacious and well-lit streets are being established, beautiful houses built.

A number of enterprises have recently been commissioned in Siyazan, which has led to the opening of a significant number of jobs. People's lives and mood have improved. Our social problems are being resolved. In fact, I want to say, as you have mentioned as well, that in accordance with one of your recent orders pensions were substantially raised in our country. This has produced a great impression on our people. We all know that older people, the elderly, best appreciate those who show concern for them and improve their welfare. Therefore, Mr. President, on these days of the holy month of Ramadan we pray for Allah to rest the soul of our great leader, send you and your family long life and good health.

Mr. President, we are all aware that the country did not achieve all these successes easily. We all know that they are backed up by your hard work, great care and attention, and tireless effort.

Now you are continuing the strategy on the development of independent Azerbaijan that has been left behind by great leader Heydar Aliyev. You are continuing it with great love and pride. May Allah help you! Our people love you very much.

As you have pointed out, Siyazan is not very big. Its population is not growing very fast. Our economy is somewhat weak. But we have persistent, businesslike and hardworking people. They love you very much and support you in all the issues, Mr. President.

I want to express another wish on behalf of our population. We are expressing our deep respect and reverence for the President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, MP Mehriban Aliyeva, who does noble things that cannot fit into a single human life, builds excellent schools for our children in all the districts, including Siyazan.

Mr. President, we believe in you, our people love you.

Thank you again. May Allah protect you, Mr. President!

President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you, thank you very much!


A picture was taken in the end. 

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