Ilham Aliyev checked out the works carried out in Badamdar settlement of Sabail District

20 April 2011, 18:10
Ilham Aliyev checked out the works carried out in Badamdar settlement of Sabail District

Ilham Aliyev has studied the public works carried out in Badamdar district of Sabail region related to the social and economic development of Baku’s villages and suburban areas.

President Ilham Aliyev visited different suburban areas to study the implementation of instructions related to the social and economic development of Baku’villages and districts issued at the meeting dedicated to the social and economic development of Baku’s villages and districts in Baku Executive Power Authority.

On April 20, President Ilham Aliyev got familiarized closed with the work done Badamdar district of Sabail region.

Head of Baku Executive Power Authority Hajibala Abutalibov informed President Ilham Aliyev on the work done in Sabail region on the basis of special scheme. It was reported that parks and circles undergone a full refurbishment in the territory of the said region. The recreation center, kindergarten, polyclinics number 15, secondary school number 236 were refurbished in the area. Wedding and funeral procedures house was commissioned. A new building of power grid was built her. The district of Badamdar with the population of 21,600 persons has got a full repair of internal roads. Insofar, 18 square meters got a new asphalt layer while preparations work was finalized in the area of 12 thousand square meters.

Studying closely the work implemented, the head of state met with local residents:

President Ilham Aliyev greeted them by saying:

- The Development Program of Baku suburban areas is underway. Each suburb will have a concrete program, and thus it will enable us to speed up the development in living districts located around Baku. This program is being already elaborated and each district should soon have its solutions for all social and economic issues.

Badamdar District does also have problems pending for its resolution. We know it and will solve it. At first, we started by roads. Nice roads are being already constructed here. Overall, the total length of roads inside the district is 50 kilometers. It means that there is a lot to be done. But, we will do it. There is a water problem, and apparently, it is a matter of concern for us. This issue is being generally solved across the country, including Baku and Baku suburban areas. Gas pipelines should be replaced because of their obsolete status. In some cases, natural gas pressure is not called as satisfactory. In a word, all issues should find its resolution. We put an issue to build a new school. I have been told that though all requirements are respected at this school, all schoolchildren are studying here on the basis of double shift. This creates problems. It means that we should build a new school. Here, a new hospital should be also built by us. There is a need for that. We will treat all these issues in a complex manner. By the end of 2013, all social and economic issues of Baku suburban areas should find its resolution. The infrastructure should be reconstructed. There is no problem with providing power. But, power lines should be constructed here. It should be in line with modern requirements. In some places, it should go underground. As I say, gas supply, water and sewerage issues are very serious not only for this living district, but for the whole country.

In fact, Badamdar district is a part of the city. We would not even call it as a district because it has all urban infrastructures. This district is inside the city. But it has the status of a district. As it goes with all living districts, all work should be conducted appropriately in this place.

Today, I came here to ask you and listen to you about additional work to be carried out here. What are the most pressing issues for local residents? We should know it for its resolution.

Local resident: Dear Mister President, Badamdar residents welcome you wholeheartedly. Welcome to our district. Though you have a lot of work, you found a tome to come to our district and meet with us, the residents. Therefore, we express our deep thanks and sincere gratitude to you.

Dear Mister President! In the past, one of our wise poets used to say: “Look at Baku, Azerbaijan and its oil! The first sun of East will rise here”. Yes, that time came. The sun rose over Azerbaijan in 1969.

That sun was our great and genius leader Heydar Aliyev who sought to turn the economically lacking republic in Soviet period into a comprehensively developing and leading republic and making our country to prosper in a short period of time. That sun was our great leader Heydar Aliyev, the architect of independent Azerbaijan, its creator and founder. That sun was our great leader Heydar Aliyev, the founder and author of oil strategy of Azerbaijan. Afterwards you started to continue the political course of our great leader. During the period of leadership, great achievements were obtained in the republic. New cities and districts were built while the infrastructure in the republic was reconstructed. Large social and industrial areas were created. It is not possible to name all these achievements. And, most importantly, the way of living and moral status of our people have started to improve and continues to better each day.

Our dear President! It is quite a long period of time that I do not live in this district. In the past, Badamdar was a tiny living district. You could count the buildings here on fingers. But, during recent times, and particularly the last decade, our living district has enlarged in unrecognizable decree. Many living mansions were built here. Roads are constructed and the infrastructure is created in this district. Particularly, the reconstruction work has expanded in greater form in recent years. Houses built in our district last century were repaired. Wedding and funeral procedures houses as well as the recreation centers were built here. Auxiliary living mansions were commissioned in the district.

Our main problems such as potable water, natural gas and electric energy issues have found its full resolution. Water supply and sewerage facilities have been constructed recently and will be built further. Mister President, our forefathers were wise in saying: “Water means life; water means respire; water means living”! You have ensured this living and life. Under your leadership and your direct support, water supplied through Oguz-Gabala-Baku water pipeline which reached Baku city will give us a new life, living and respire.

In Azerbaijan’s history, there were three persons who brought water to Baku city. The first among them was Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev in the beginning of the past century, the second was our national leader Heydar Aliyev and the third is You, Mister President!

As the entire Azerbaijani people, we have always following your way, we do follow and will do so in the future because this way is a right one. This way is the way o four national leader Heydar Aliyev. This way is the way of Ilham Aliyev.

Mister President, I wish successes in your difficult and glorious activities, good health and happiness to your family. Let Allah protect you for Azerbaijani people.

Mister President! We do have another problem also. In the past, we had the hospital building in our district. I do not know exactly but due geographical or architectural reasons, it has been decided to dismantle it. It was demolished and the construction of a splendid hospital building was started in its previous place. However, since that moment, the hospital construction is halted. The majority of local population living in this district is working in oil industry, civil engineering and various fields. Some of them are military servants. Therefore, our possibilities to go to the city are slightly limited. Thus, we, the local residents, ask you to issue an order to build the hospital building in our district.

President Ilham Aliyev: This issue will find its obligatory solution. I will issue a special decree on the construction of this hospital to start the work immediately and additional resources will be allocated in the next year’s state budget to solve this issue. At the same time, the construction of a new school building should be envisaged also because there is a need for it. As you pointed out, the district enlarges its territory and increases its population. All infrastructure facilities should be built here in near future.

I know that there are some problems related to the natural gas supplies. In some cases, the pressure is low because pipelines are obsolete. Now, a large scale gas supplying work is being done all over the country. You wouldn’t find any region which has no gas supply. Now, gas pipelines are being constructed even remote villages. By the end of 2012, gas supplies should cover 90-95 percent of our country’s territory and it should have quality. In particular, these issues should be solved more swiftly in Baku and its suburban areas.

Unfortunately, potable water problem was topical for us. You pointed out that pipelines supplying water were constructed in Azerbaijan and Baku. Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev built the Shollar pipeline. Afterwards, great leader Heydar Aliyev built water pipelines. Now, Oguz-Gabala water pipeline is built. The specific nature of this pipeline is explained by the fact that water is formed at the expense of internal resources. It means that sources of the Kura and the Samur are located in the territories of other countries, and it makes us somewhat dependent on other countries.

I would like to declare again the specific nature of Oguz-Gabala-Baku pipeline is explained by the fact that this is spring water, and at the same time, it is being formed at the expense of internal resources. In future, we can augment the volume of water supplies by that pipeline.

Now, water storage facilities are being constructed in Badamdar and other places. After its commissioning, water supply process will improve further. At the same time, new pipelines should be constructed because pipelines built in the past came to obsolete status and in some cases, are rusting. We have to reconstruct all of them. This is a work which requires huge financial resources. At the same time, water and sewerage issues are very complicated work from technical point of view. Both issues should be solved in parallel in all districts, Baku and all regions. Now, a special water supply project is elaborated not only for Baku, but for each region. In some places, the work has started already. In some other places, we will start the work soon.

It means that the main infrastructure issues are the following: supply of water, sewerage service, natural gas, electric energy and construction of social infrastructure, hospitals, schools and roads. We deal with these issues. Programs are being implemented nationwide and Baku suburbs should not be left out of these programs. Each region has a regional development program. Often times, I visit regions and see the development. I want to see this development to happen in each place, village and district. In particular, the work should be carried out at the highest level in Badamdar which has a greatest history.

Truly to say, it is not possible to call Badamdar as a district. This is a city and is being formed as the city. It is inside the city. Of course, all the work here should be done in high level. It means that following the implementation of development program of Baku suburban areas, main issues will be solved within two years. This road construction is just the beginning. Other roads will be also built here. Then, lampposts should be installed alongside the road because there is no lighting here. It becomes dark in evenings. Every place should be in light. Now, we provide ourselves with power energy. We export our natural gas and oil to other countries. Therefore, each street should be in light here.

Local resident: Mister President! Me too, on behalf of the district residents and all mothers, I welcome you here! Welcome to our district! You brought joy to us by your visit. We are honored!

As an employee of education sector, I would like to talk about education. As a result of your attention to the education and science sectors, over two thousand secondary schools were built, refurbished and commissioned in Azerbaijan in recent years. At the same time, more than 300 kindergartens, boarding and secondary schools were built, refurbished and commissioned for our children on the basis of assistance of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. And, this school that we see here, and both schools in our district were refurbished under the personal supervision of Madam Mehriban Aliyeva, the president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. Additional buildings were constructed here. Being known by its emergency status in the past, these schools are equipped now with all devices and are the modern schools that meet the world standards. You noted that we do need the construction of a school in our district. Therefore, we thank you. As all our people, we highly value your and Mehriban khanum’s activities. Taking into account the preschool education, there are only two kindergartens in the district. These kindergartens do not ensure preschool education. We need additional kindergartens.

We are grateful to Mehriban khanum who promotes our national moral values across the world. She brings back all those misappropriated by our murky enemies and restores so our genuine ownership by promoting our national and moral values in the world. We are the people committed to our national and moral values.

Our youth and schoolchildren are surrounded by our comprehensive care today. Nowadays, the youth house is being built in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani young people get education using public funds in the famous Universities of the most developed countries of the world. Olympic Centers are under construction. This is the care about our future. We, the mothers, are encouraged by these steps. We express our thanks to you.

Heydar Aliyev was a lighthouse sent by Allah to Azerbaijan. You are the light of that house. We advance our way in that light and will continue to do so. We have been always with you and will be so at all times!

Thank you. Live your life. Be happy with your family, children and grandchildren because kids are sweet anyway. May Allah protect you.

President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you very much. I am grateful to you.


Listening to the proposals of residents, the head of our state gave relevant instructions.


Afterwards, President Ilham Aliyev took photo with district residents.
