
Let me cordially salute you. There has been a remarkable event in Samukh District, we have just commissioned a new office building of the district’s executive authority. This is a very significant event. Good conditions have been created for the people working here. At the same time, new buildings and a new center will be built constructed around it and Samukh will be developing.
Industrial enterprises are being established in Samukh District. Today I attended the opening of an enterprise drying and processing fruit. It produces wonderful high-quality products. I am told that a poultry farm has been built. New jobs are created and local production is being bolstered. We must provide ourselves with domestic products to the maximum extent possible, especially in the poultry industry in which our self-sufficiency is only at the level of 70-75 per cent. Therefore, the development of poultry is now a priority. Over two to three years, we will become fully self-sufficient in this sphere as well.
The process of gasification is successfully under way in Samukh. I am told that gasification of most villages has been completed. Electricity supply is at a good level. Today I will attend the opening of a major substation. This station will play an important part in ensuring uninterrupted power supply of the whole district. In addition, these capacities should also be created for the large metallurgy facility under construction in Ganja.
In short, as is the case in all other districts, creative work is well under way in Samukh, new businesses are being set up, social issues addressed, the district is improving and becoming nicer. I think that in the coming years this positive trend will be continued, because all our projects and programs focus on the future. We are securing our current dynamic development, but most importantly, all this work is part of our long-term development strategy. Economic development, solution of social issues, infrastructure projects, landscaping, creation of new businesses and jobs – all this is being implemented in Azerbaijan in a combined and successful manner.
I have been in Azerbaijan’s western zone since this morning. I can see that a lot is being done. Every time I come to this region, I am glad to see that our western districts are successfully developing. Agriculture is developing, industrial enterprises, social facilities and new parks are being established, roads being built. We have built the Baku-Georgian border highway, which is very comfortable.
In the coming years we will implement all the projects necessary for our country. Recently, we started the construction of the Shamkirchay water reservoir. After it is commissioned, thousands of hectares of land will be irrigated. Over 20,000 hectares of land will be cultivated in Samukh District alone. Irrigated area will also be increased in neighboring districts, such as Shamkir, etc. Therefore, Azerbaijan’s agriculture will be further strengthened.
On my recent instruction, we will be looking for vacant lands throughout Azerbaijan to establish major grain-growing farms. In the near future these lands will be identified and the government will provide for the necessary infrastructure – electricity, water supply, so that we could achieve even greater successes in the field of agriculture, particularly in grain-growing. We must provide ourselves with basic food commodities. We have already achieved great successes in that. Currently, our self-sufficiency in crop production and poultry is at the level of 70 percent. We can say that in terms of meat and dairy products, vegetable oils, sugar and other basic food items we provide ourselves at the level of 100 or 90-95 per cent. What will that give us? First of all, local production will develop faster. Besides, we will ensure our own food security. Issues of food security are of high priority around the world today. There are great concerns that food security may come to the fore on a global scale. Under such circumstances, people may face great difficulties. We must do our best to be able to produce all the food consumed in Azerbaijan. In addition, we must take our products to foreign markets. Our products are natural and of high quality. Moreover, the factories built on the basis of new technologies enable production of commodities meeting international standards.
We have specific programs and schedules for each district of Azerbaijan. Local executive authorities are and will be doing this work, while the work carried out by central authorities, their recommendations, the funds being allocated, of course, contribute to greater efficiency of these affairs.
This is not my first visit to Samukh District, I have been here before. Every time I come here, I am glad to see something new, there is development and improvement here. Let me repeat that the opening of this office building is very significant. This is not just a place of work, it is an important step towards the development of Samukh and towards turning it into a modern district. I wish you every success and good health. I want everything to be fine in Samukh District.