Ilham Aliyev participated in the opening of Baku Ring Road

08 November 2010, 12:22
Ilham Aliyev participated in the opening of Baku Ring Road

President Ilham Aliyev took part in the inauguration of Baku Ring Road.

Road builders and transport agencies’ employees extended their warm welcome to the President.

President Ilham Aliyev got familiarized with the construction project of Baku Ring Road and its general location plan.

Briefing the head of state, Transport Minister Ziya Mammadov noted that this road carries a special significance for decreasing traffic density in the capital and ensuring uninterrupted movement of heavy-load trucks without entering into the city. Length of first grade main road is 21.5 kilometer. Length of two-lane local road is 4.8 kilometer. This road will help vehicles to take other directions without entering the main motorway. Taking into account the comfortable living of local residents, noise-reducing barriers were installed at places. The total length of 27 auxiliary roads is 11.7 kilometer, while the width of motorway is 22.5 meters. Ring Road is composed of two sided six lanes divided by three per each direction. Width of each lane is 3.75 meter. Electronic displays were installed by right-of-way. In total, there are 5 road junctions, 8 intersections and 3 pedestrian hang crossings. Total length of water supply pipes is 2 thousand 300 meters.

Implementation of this project will link the North-South international transport corridor to the Great Silk Way. It will also allow for unloading significantly the roads in Baku and improving environmental situation in the capital. In the future, the number of such roads will increase swiftly by ensuring uninterrupted move of vehicles.

President Ilham Aliyev met with road builders and congratulated them:

- I congratulate you on the occasion of opening of such a nice road. This road has a particular place in the Baku transport system, because this motorway will be very meaningful in unloading the streets of city. In previous periods, one had to go across Baku while moving in south-north directions and vice versa. Distance was quite long, which generated time-consuming traffic jams. The construction of Ring Road is the main issue to solve the problem. The road, which contains several junctions and has quality six lanes, is constructed in a professional way. It looks very attractive and comfortable.

I am confident that this road will have a tremendous importance for city transport. For the time being, new roads are under construction in various corners of the city. Roads constructed in previous times are being expanded, restored and repaired at high level. Besides that, the opening of new roads is very important for city transport. So, we can say that this road is the largest artery of the city. New roads have been constructed also in other places, which did not enjoy any roads in the past.

However, this motorway has a special significance. Therefore, this road was always under particular attention. A great job has been done while projecting this road.

At the same time, this road is the result of an international co-operation. This is a project financed by the Kuwait Fund and Abu Dhabi Fund. Azerbaijani Government has also its share in the venture. If not for our good relationship with international financial institutions and confidence into the successful development of Azerbaijan, then we could have faced difficulties in obtaining those credit resources. Today, there is a big confidence of international financial institutions in long term and swift development of Azerbaijan. This is a substantiated confidence. Therefore, we are able to attract financial resources to our country and to the implementation of this excellent infrastructure project.

I would like to express my gratitude to all citizens, peoples and road builders who participated in the construction of this road. They have done a great job. I congratulate all of you, Baku residents and all region residents sincerely, because this road will link north with south and west.


President Ilham Aliyev cut the ribbon signaling the opening of the road.

It was reported to the head of state that the project is composed of three parts. The first and second parts have been constructed and are ready to be commissioned. The third part is planned to be commissioned by the end of current year. This is part, which will start from Lokbatan circle and cover 22 kilometers of Alat-Astara road.

President Ilham Aliyev was informed in details about the work carried out in this territory.

Head of state also checked the work carried out in the territory of landslide of Baku Ring Road. It was noted that large-scale operations had taken place here in order to prevent any possible landslide. Thus, earth and concrete walls of 19 thousand 300 square meters have been constructed in order to prevent landslide and fill fissures discovered on hillside while constructing the road.

President Ilham Aliyev was informed that each of junctions built right-of-way have special importance. While touring the first junction, it was noted that it will link Baku Ring Road with Baku-Russian Federation highway and enable transit trucks in North-South international transport corridor move southwards and westwards without entering the city. Furthermore, this junction will ensure an easy exit towards southern direction of vehicles arriving from other living districts of Absheron region as well as Sumgayit city and Bilajari district. There are two crossings built in the junction.

The second junction is aimed at linking vehicles moving in the territory of Gurd Gapysy of Baku city to the capital itself. Two crossings constructed in this junction will ensure traffic in all directions. At the same time, additional entry-exit points have been created in Baku city for vehicles moving north and southwards.

The third junction will link Baku Ring Road to Lokbatan-Khojasan highway, Heybat railway station and industrial-commercial centers.

The fourth junction links Baku-Astara highway with the current Lokbatan circle. The traffic circle constructed under the crossing composed of four parts built in the junction allows vehicle to move in all directions.

The fifth junction ensures entry-exit of vehicles to Sadarak, Bina and other commercial centers via tunnel constructed in Baku Ring Road.
