13 марта Президент Азербайджанской Республики Ильхам Алиев принял генерального директора Всемирной организации здравоохранения Тедроса...
13 марта 2025, 16:11
The news from Poland
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Polish head of state is being accompanied on a six-day trip to theS outh Caucasus this week by the Polish Investment Agency as well as the Confederation of Polish Private Employers.
The talks concentrated on energy security and energy investments. President Komorowski told journalists that extending the Odessa - Brody pipeline into Poland was a business as much as a political decision and considerable investment in infrastructure would have to take place before the plan is realised.
"Poland is still interested in the construction of transport systems that could help solve Poland's energy problems and that could become significant solutions for the entire European Union," President Komorowski said.
In 2013 the EU is begining construction works on the Nabucco pipeline which is to deliver gas from the Caspian Sea region, via Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria to central Europe. The investment is aimed at diminishing European dependence on gas supplies from Russia.
President Komorowski invited the Azerbaijan head of state to Poland to take part in September's Eastern Parnership Summit, part of Poland current EU sixc-month presidency.
The Polish head of state also declared Poland’s support for the EU aspirations of Azerbaijan.
President Ilham Alijev said that it is time for the partnership to be more defined.
“Time has come for the programme to be more detailed and present a clear picture of the benifits which stem from the Eastern Partnership for our citizens.
From Azerbaijan, Bronislaw Komorowski, who is being accompanied by his wife Anna, is to travel to Georgia and Armenia.
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13 марта Президент Азербайджанской Республики Ильхам Алиев принял генерального директора Всемирной организации здравоохранения Тедроса...
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