Euronews: Former Soviet republic wins Eurovision

15 мая 2011, 15:00


Sunday, May 15, 2011


More than one hundred million people watched Azerbaijan win the Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday night with the song “Running Scared” sung by duo Ell-Nikki.

Italy came second, and Sweden took third place at the finals in Düsseldorf, Germany.

There was however a Swedish element to the winning entry in that it composed by three Swedes.

It was a fairy-tale victory for 21-year-old student Eldar Gasimov and 30-year-old Nigar Jamal, a mother-of-two who lives in London.

It was also proud moment for the former Soviet republic that only gained independence in 1991.

On the streets of the capital Baku, the people celebrated. They now have the privilege of holding the competition next year.

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