
On 1 October, on the International Day of Older Persons, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva attended the opening of a care home for disabled war and labor veterans in the Bilgah settlement of Baku after major overhaul and reconstruction.
The special attention being paid by President Ilham Aliyev to the solution of social problems of the population has helped improve the living conditions of all social groups, including the disabled people, and restore their public rights. The legislation concerning persons with disabilities has significantly improved in recent years and up of 10 new regulatory and legal acts adopted in this area. The Republic of Azerbaijan has acceded to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted by the General Assembly in 2006.
Improved material support for the disabled is one of the main directions of state policy. According to relevant decrees and orders signed by President Ilham Aliyev, pensions and benefits paid to the disabled people are increased on an annual basis. The reforms carried out in the pension system have contributed to a substantial increase of pensions for the disabled.
The government is implementing numerous programs on the social protection of persons with disabilities, including those on rehabilitation and provision of free recreation, technical and transport vehicles. In accordance with the policy on enhancing state care about persons with disabilities, the Cabinet of Ministers has provided funding for the state program on social protection of the disabled. As part of state care about the disabled, new rehabilitation centers have been built in the country. Recent years have seen significant progress in strengthening the social protection of persons with disabilities and their financial security. The focus has also been on addressing the problems of those who became handicapped in the Karabakh war and martyr families. In order to provide persons of this category with housing, new residential buildings and individual houses have been built in Baku and the countryside over the past few years. All in all, more than 5,000 disabled Karabakh war veterans and martyr families have been provided with housing over the past years. In addition, about 750 individual houses with garden plots have been built and provided to disabled veterans in rural areas. At present, disabled veterans of the Karabakh war and martyr families are provided with an average of almost 700 apartments every year. Along with all this, a program on the provision of disabled Karabakh war veterans with cars is also under way. In recent years, cars have been provided to hundreds of disabled Karabakh war veterans. Disabled veterans received 500 cars in 2009, 350 in 2010 and 304 in 2011. In 2012, disabled veterans of the Karabakh and Great Patriotic War received a total of 325 cars.
As a result of the attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev about the elderly and low-income families, the pension reform has successfully continued in the country. A new legal framework in the area of pension benefits has been put in place. Currently, the pension insurance system is governed by three laws designed on the basis of the best international practices – "On social insurance", "On individual registration in the public social insurance system" and "On labor pensions". The new system provides all citizens with a level playing field in the pension benefits system and with the exercise of acquired pension rights.
A new system of labor pensions based on a three-stage procedure that has justified itself internationally has been in operation in Azerbaijan since 2006. The initial experience already gained demonstrates high social efficiency of the new system, during which both the minimum and the average pensions have been substantially increased. An important stage of the reform has been the application since 2004 of modern technologies on bringing the pensions and benefits to the population. As part of the pension reform, the state program on the development of the pension insurance system in the country covering 2009-2015 has been adopted. Considering certain strategic goals for poverty reduction and sustainable development of the country, the program has identified the next stage of reforms in the pension insurance system. This has helped create an improved pension system based on the principle of social justice.
We recall that in early 2003, the average monthly pension in Azerbaijan was 20 manats. As a result of the successful pension reform, the President has signed seven orders on increasing the base portion and six more orders on increasing the insurance part of the age pension. Since the start of the new system, the average monthly pension has been increased on an annual basis. The measures taken in the area of pension benefits in 2011 covered about 900,000 retirees and led to an increase of pensions by an average of 40 per cent. All of this also shows that social protection of pensioners has improved many times in recent years. Since the start of the new system in 2006 and up until 2013, the minimum pension has been increased 3.4 times and its average size 5.2 times. Compared to 2003, the average monthly retirement pension has been increased almost eight times. At the same time, the average pension for disability has been increased 9.6 times in recent years, while the amount of social benefits 3.7 times.
According to the statistics of the International Association of Pension and Social Funds, Azerbaijan is in one of the leading places in the CIS for the size of the base part of labor pensions. This contributes to resolving the problems of the country’s population, in particular the categories that need special care – the elderly. The major overhaul and reconstruction of the care home for disabled war and labor veterans in the Bilgah settlement of Baku is an example of this care.
Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Fizuli Alakbarov informed President Ilham Aliyev that the care home was built in the 1960s. Since the care home was not renovated for many years, its buildings became uninhabitable and the need for reconstruction emerged. As part of the reconstruction project, an area of 7 hectares has been landscaped and a new building with a total area of 10,000 square meters built.
During familiarization with the care home, President Ilham Aliyev was informed that the new building is suited to accommodate 170 people. The renovated building can accommodate another 130 people. After completion of the reconstruction, the care home can house 300 people. It was noted that the new building has 160 single and five double rooms. There are two more such institutions in the country: one in Ganja and the other in Shahbuz District of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
It was noted that constant control is exercised over the health problems of the people living here. After reviewing the building, President Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva met with the elderly people staying at the care home.
President Ilham Aliyev said:
- Let me greet you all! As you know, the Day of Older Persons is marked in the world today. And we are gathered for the post-reconstruction opening of a care home for war and labor veterans. This care home was built in the 1960s. In 1998, great leader Heydar Aliyev came here and met with veterans. Now a new life is being breathed into this care home. A new building has been constructed. The old building has been overhauled. There are excellent conditions. A total of 300 veterans can stay and have rest here. All the conditions are available. Excellent modern standards are applied. The care home looks like a beautiful hotel.
In fact, that’s the way it should be because there has always been great respect for veterans in Azerbaijan. In general, our society has very strong foundations. The foundations of our nation consist in national values. There has always been great respect for the older generation and the elderly in Azerbaijani society.
We need to build on these traditions. We must make sure that the younger generation also grows in this spirit, the national spirit, builds its life on the basis of national values and follows your example. At different times you have worked and served Azerbaijan and our common country, while today, at the older age, you are supported by the state.
The reconstruction of this care home and completion of the work at such a modern level confirm that Azerbaijan is a strong welfare state. I have repeatedly expressed my thoughts about this and I want to say again that Azerbaijan is a welfare state. A welfare state is a state which pays great attention to the social sphere and the people, a state where people are at the center of attention.
The term of a "welfare state" is fully ensured in the independent Azerbaijan. This includes annual increases of pensions, wages and targeted social assistance. A total of 120,000 families receive social benefits every year. In the last 10 years poverty has decreased almost 10 times. The attitude to the IDPs is such that 20,000 IDPs move into new homes and apartments every year. Our attitude to the elderly generation shows that Azerbaijan as an absolutely welfare state.
A strong social policy will be continued. In particular, representatives of the older generation, the elders, must and will be given due consideration. The reconstruction of such fine establishments and the organization of all this work at a modern level reflect the policy of the Azerbaijani state.
We have to become a model country in all fields. We must make sure that our country grows stronger in every area and people live better. Of course, homes, care homes and sanatoria are built for representatives of the older generation in developed countries too. But, unlike us, all of their services must be paid for. Those who have money go and live there, while those who don’t have to live in dire straits.
And here the state has assumed all the expenses. So all of your costs, all the conditions created here and the operation of this care home in the future will be carried out at the expense of the state. This once again shows that our policy is focused on citizens of Azerbaijan. The slogan we once put forward on turning the oil wealth into human capital is becoming a reality.
I salute you on this joyous day. I am very glad that we are celebrating this day together. I am sure that our veterans will live in comfort both in this new building and the renovated old one.
Resident of the care home Mirabutalib Talibov said:
- Mr. President.
Dear Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva.
Please allow me to greet you on behalf of the care home and say "You are welcome!" Indeed, Mr. President, someone who respects the memory of his father and mother should be just like you. May Allah protect you! May Allah always be with you and grant you many years of life.
You have done so much for the welfare of the people of Azerbaijan! Our pensions grow every year. Our pensions have been raised only recently. We, the older people, are happy to have a President like you, to feel such support on your part. May Allah bless you!
President Ilham Aliyev: I have reviewed the building. The rooms are comfortable and spacious. All the conditions are available. The territory is large – 7 hectares. It is located in the city, because Bilgah is part of Baku. There is every opportunity to travel to the city without any problems now.
The main thing is for you to live in comfort. You deserve that because you have worked for our country and people for many years. Today, the state is taking care of all your concerns and trying to create decent conditions for you. Azerbaijan is one of a handful of countries where very serious practical steps are taken in this area. Care homes are built for the elderly – such homes are available in Baku, Ganja and Nakhchivan. There are also orphanages. The absolute majority of them have been renovated. This is done by the government, public organizations and businesses. In particular, I want to emphasize the role of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. This area has received careful attention thanks to the Foundation. We can say that all of the orphanages have been beautifully renovated. Work is under way in orphanages for sick children.
The state should provide the most disadvantaged population with all possible assistance. This means social justice.
Of course, Azerbaijan, like most countries, has built its economy on the basis of a market economy and made great strides in that. But at the same time, social policy is always in the spotlight because we work for the people. We want Azerbaijani citizens to live even better. We want people’s opportunities to become even wider. And those who do not have such opportunities will be supported by the state. Our citizens and representatives of older generations of Azerbaijan are well aware that there is a strong state behind them. There is a state that will never leave them in the lurch and will support them in any matter.
And so it should be. This policy should be continued in the future, so that social justice is never broken in Azerbaijan and our traditions live on. There is a great need for that and for the word of the elder. The present-day world is changing and globalizing, and some traditional values are being lost. This shouldn’t be allowed to happen. Any society rests on its values. A society built on sound values is a healthy society. We have to make sure that our young people grow up in this spirit, the national spirit, are committed to national customs and traditions. Therefore, the state care about representatives of the older generation directly increases attention to these issues in society. You will have good conditions here, and I am sure that you will live in comfort.
Speaking about nationwide love of great leader Heydar Aliyev, care home resident Ilyas Isgandarov said:
- Mr. President, I am proud to have had such a president as Heydar Aliyev. His memory will always live in my heart. I have a large photo of the great leader at home. I always look at this picture and feel proud. I am very pleased with you. I do not have one leg and one of my arms is crippled. I have lived in this care home for 19 years. I am very happy with the situation here. After the pensions were increased in 2006, I saved money for four years and bought a car.
President Ilham Aliyev: Very good!
Next speaker Kubra Islamova said:
- Dear Mr. President and Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, welcome to our new home. Welcome! We have received this house thanks to you. God bless you! Baku is booming thanks to you. It is improving, new bridges are built. You have created all the conditions. Thanks to Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva many schools and kindergartens have been built. May Allah grant you good health!
President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you very much. A lot has been done. As you said, bridges, buildings and cities are built. But social issues, of course, have always been a priority for me. Everything is done for the people, for them to live in comfort, safety and peace of mind, to be well-off and have jobs. We want pensioners to receive good pensions. Those who do not have such opportunities will be looked after by the state. This creates a positive atmosphere in society.
Today, our society is a healthy society. This is a great advantage. Calm, prosperity and stability. Look what is happening in different parts of the world! Clashes, wars, confrontation, provocation, calamities, etc. Calamities have happened here too. Last year there was an earthquake and then a flood. We came out on top of all these ordeals. We built thousands of homes. Within one year after the earthquake the state built more than 4,000 homes. The state must meet all of the people’s needs. Those who live in a difficult situation will be assisted by the government. There was an earthquake, a natural disaster, homes were destroyed. When this happens in developed countries, the government says: “Go to the insurance company and get your money, your home is insured, so just get your money.” But this is not the case here. Here, the state takes on the entire burden. In this area too, the homes for the elderly, the orphanages, boarding schools for sick children, hospitals, schools – all these projects require a lot of money.
Today, we have a strong state. There is a strong state of Azerbaijan in the world today. Our state says its word and always protects its citizens. I congratulate you again.
Then a picture was taken.
Statement by President Ilham Aliyev
- Dear Mr. President, my dear brother,
Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome, my dear brother, and welcome back. I have very good memories of your last visit in November to attend the COP29 conference. I invited Mr. President...
27 February 2025, 15:23