Ilham Aliyev received ambassadors and heads of diplomatic missions of Muslim countries to Azerbaijan over the holy month of Ramadan

20 July 2013, 20:10
Ilham Aliyev received ambassadors and heads of diplomatic missions of Muslim countries to Azerbaijan over the holy month of Ramadan

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has received ambassadors and heads of diplomatic missions of Muslim countries to Azerbaijan over the holy month of Ramadan.

Welcoming the meeting participants, President Ilham Aliyev said:

- Our meetings in the holy month of Ramadan have become a wonderful tradition. I am very glad to see you. We met in August of last year. At the same time, we have been together at various events during the year. I am very pleased that the ambassadors of Muslim countries actively participate in our events. In particular, they take part in the opening ceremonies of our ancient mosques after renovation. We were together at the opening of the mosques of Bibiheybat, Tazapir and Ajdarbay. In May this year we were also together at the opening of one of the oldest mosques of Azerbaijan and the Muslim world, the Shamakhi Juma mosque, after major overhaul.

All of this brings us even closer together and enhances mutual understanding in the Muslim world. Azerbaijan has very close ties with the countries you represent. Our countries have friendly and brotherly relations. I am very glad that the number of embassies of Muslim countries in Azerbaijan is increasing. We, in turn, increase the number of our diplomatic missions in Muslim countries. Political relations are at a very high level. There is development in the economic sphere as well. But I think that more attention should be paid to cooperation in the economic sector in the coming years. At the same time, our countries successfully operate in international organizations and support each other. Our countries have always supported each other within the framework of the United Nations. The efforts of Muslim countries were very significant in the election of Azerbaijan a member of the UN Security Council two years ago. We are grateful for this support.

We constantly feel the support of Muslim countries in the issue of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

As you know, a growing number of countries recognize the Khojaly genocide as an act of genocide. We are very pleased that the first country to recognize the Khojaly genocide as an act of genocide was a Muslim country - Pakistan. As you know, Azerbaijan has been suffering from Armenian occupation has for many years. Nagorno-Karabakh is historically Azerbaijani land. In Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding districts, the Azerbaijanis have been exposed to a policy of ethnic cleansing. As a result of this occupation, more than a million Azerbaijanis became refugees and IDPs. Everything has been destroyed in the occupied lands. The OSCE fact-finding mission has visited the occupied territories twice and acknowledged that everything is destroyed. All buildings, public facilities, historical monuments, tombs, mosques – everything has been destroyed by the Armenians. There are norms of international law to resolve the conflict. There are four resolutions of the UN Security Council, which must be unconditionally fulfilled. I want to say to you again that I am grateful for your support of our position.

At the same time, Azerbaijan is contributing to the enhancement of Islamic solidarity and will continue to do so in the future.

Five ministerial conferences have been held in Azerbaijan within the framework of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in recent years. Baku has recently hosted a donor conference to assist Palestine. We will continue our efforts in this direction in the future. We are pleased and inspired by the support provided to Azerbaijan by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its assessment of the work carried out in Azerbaijan. Although Azerbaijan is a young independent country, it is very active in matters of Islamic solidarity. We will continue to strive to further strengthen the unity in the Islamic world. There is a great need for that because our strength is in our unity. We must support each other in all matters.

At the same time, we try to achieve some progress in intercultural issues in the world. As you know, Azerbaijan is doing consistent work in this field. The Baku process has continued for five years. The Baku process began in 2008. At that time, we invited ministers of Muslim countries to a meeting of Council of Europe ministers. Thus, the ministers representing the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Council of Europe came together for the first time. Then in 2009, we invited Council of Europe ministers to a conference held by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation here. As you know, Baku has hosted the International Forum on Intercultural Dialogue two times in recent years. We believe that such activities are very useful and necessary. We believe that peoples and nations belonging to different religions can and should live in peace and cooperation. There is no room for discrimination in the 21st century. We are legitimately worried and outraged by the strengthening trend of Islamophobia in some countries. We must speak with one voice against these trends and join our efforts. At the same time, we have to promote Islam in the world is a peace-loving and compassionate religion. For this purpose, Azerbaijan conducts various international events. Last year, a department of Islamic culture was opened at the most famous museum of the world - the Louvre. We are proud to say that Azerbaijan has provided its support and contributed to the establishment of this department. At the same time, Azerbaijan is the first Muslim country to have held an exhibition at the Vatican. Therefore, I believe that we need to join our efforts to this end and act even more closely together. We need to better introduce our history, religion, traditions and customs to the world with for what they are.
Dear friends, let me salute you again on this great day. Please convey my sincere greetings on the holy month of Ramadan to the heads of states and governments you represent.


Addressing the meeting, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Azerbaijan, Hasan Hami, said:

- Your Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev! We are proud of the fact that you are receiving us, the ambassadors and charge d’affaires of Muslim countries in Azerbaijan. We would like to convey to you our best wishes on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan and the forthcoming Eid al-Fitr. May Allah protect you, your family and the brotherly people of Azerbaijan.

We represent our countries in Azerbaijan. At the same time, as diplomatic envoys, we are pleased to witness the great development of your beautiful country in various fields. The economy of your country is developing. Azerbaijan has achieved sustainable growth and is one of the fastest growing countries in the world today. In all areas one can see the implementation of successful projects. The infrastructure is developing, and all of this has been achieved in a matter of a few years. This is a truly remarkable achievement.

Your Excellency, we approve personal activities and the work of your government to modernize the country and to preserve your commitment to the rich culture and civilization of Azerbaijan. Over the past five years Baku has turned into a city of friendship and a venue of international conferences, workshops and meetings on intercultural and inter-civilizational dialogue. This policy is built on a truly solid foundation. This policy urges people to maintain a dialogue, exchange experience and build a universal civilization together.

Foreign observers emphasize the responsive attitude of the Azerbaijani people and the commitment of your government under your wise leadership to the restoration of the historic Silk Road. We are pleased that Azerbaijan will host two major sporting events in the coming years – the Fourth Islamic Solidarity Games in 2017 and the inaugural European Olympic Games in 2015. We are confident that these activities will be as successful and memorable as the "Eurovision" song contest in 2012.

Azerbaijan is developing thanks to the wise policies based on the principles of good neighborliness, good will and the desire to solve problems through dialogue. Our countries as members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation reiterate their support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan and are in favor of a negotiated settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the framework of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan.

Your Excellency, please allow me to once again wish you good health and the Azerbaijani people progress and prosperity. Thank you.


A picture was taken at the end of the meeting. 
