One-on-one meeting of Ilham Aliyev and Islam Karimov was held
27 September 2010, 16:25
After the official meeting, Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev and Uzbekistani President Islam Karimov had a one-on-one meeting.
Welcoming the head of the Azerbaijani state, Uzbekistani President Islam Karimov said:
- Ilham Heydarovich, let me sincerely welcome you to the land of Uzbekistan, and say in our common language, "Khosh gelmisiniz Ozbekistana”. We view your arrival, your official visit to Uzbekistan as a momentous event, as a natural and logical continuation of the dynamic relations that exist between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. I believe that the importance of your visit can be seen in the fact that in such difficult times that we are experiencing today - I mean not only globally but primarily in the Caucasus and in Central Asia, our meetings with you, the exchange of views, the discussion of current, critical and sensitive issues our states are interested in – are highly important.
The exchange of views is a great asset in itself, a great event as a result of which we can not only sum up what has been done in the past period of our cooperation, but also decide on what I would describe as priority areas in which we need to make some amendments, to define new ways to resolve the problems that are equally important for Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. I think that the events that have taken place recently, especially in Central Asia, disturb and create problems for the peace and stability in our region. Similarly, there are problems in your region the solution of which is long overdue. And we follow the same positions on these issues – both Azerbaijan on Central Asia and Uzbekistan on Nagorno-Karabakh. I would like to take this opportunity to say in the presence of journalists again that Uzbekistan's position on Nagorno-Karabakh remains unchanged, it is constant. And its essence is to resolve the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh peacefully, by political means. But one principle should be sacredly respected - the principle of indivisibility of borders, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
Similarly, I am convinced that we will find common understanding in matters relating to the Afghan problem, as well as the issues that have recently arisen on our border – I am referring to the tragic events in Kyrgyzstan of June this year. The list of these problems in itself means that we have something to talk about, have something to exchange views on and decide on such issues of great importance for our countries.
With regard to economic issues, of course, there is a general understanding that the potential of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan is not being used to the full extent and this is mainly happening because of the issues relating to trans-communication problems. I think that if this problem is solved, we will be able to use the unclaimed opportunities that are very important today to the interests of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. Obviously, we will also find the opportunity to exchange views on these issues.
With regard to cultural and humanitarian issues, I think this area is very important for us from the standpoint that our history has too much in common, if you will. There is a lot in common in our national interests, in the lives of the Azerbaijanis and Uzbeks. We are talking about the commonality of not only religion but also of the language, culture and spiritual values that Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan are so proud of. And we also have a lot to talk about on this topic.
Once again I would like to say "Welcome to Uzbekistan" to you and wish all members of the Azerbaijani delegation a successful stay here.
Expressing his gratitude to President Islam Karimov, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said:
- Thank you very much, dear Islam Abduganiyevich, for your kind words. First and foremost, I want to thank you for the invitation to visit the brotherly Uzbekistan. I am very pleased to visit the land of fraternal Uzbekistan again, to have the opportunity to exchange views on a broad agenda of our relations and to jointly determine ways for further developing our relations in the spirit of friendship, brotherhood and cooperation.
Our agenda is quite broad, we are actively cooperating in many areas and, of course, would like to see our economic ties at least getting closer to the level of political relations, which, in my opinion, are at the very top. There is mutual understanding between our countries both on regional issues and on matters relating to unresolved conflicts, potential threats in the Caucasus, Caspian region and Central Asia.
We are very grateful to Uzbekistan and you personally for your country’s principled position on the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. This position has just been expressed by you again and has been defined in previous years in your public appearances. Uzbekistan has always been noted for its principled, consistent position and adherence to the relations of friendship and brotherhood with Azerbaijan, as well as international law, during voting in international organizations.
We respect the borders of neighboring states and, of course, expect the same attitude towards us from our neighbors, primarily from Armenia, which has been violating the norms and principles of international law, UN Security Council resolutions, decisions of the UN General Assembly and major international organizations for many years. So once again, I want to thank you. We appreciate the position of Uzbekistan, which was expressed two years ago during a vote at the UN General Assembly on the situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, and this support is very important to us. It further strengthens our belief that we can resolve this issue and restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan through diplomatic means with the participation of international organizations.
I also want to assure you that Azerbaijan, as before, will always support any initiatives of Uzbekistan at all international platforms. We have already demonstrated that in the past. And in the future, our position on this issue will be unequivocal. We very much value our relationship. It has a solid foundation of friendship and brotherhood between our peoples. Our peoples are actually fraternal peoples, close nations. We do not need translation when we speak our languages, we understand each other, we love culture and art of our peoples. We are united by a common history. And today, as two independent and rapidly developing states, we, of course, can and will make a great contribution to the strengthening of stability and predictability in our region.
We are also concerned about the current situation unfolding around your borders. This situation requires active settlement, and I want to say that we in Azerbaijan are following very closely the events that are happening in your area. We appreciate your policy - a wise, prudent, competent policy which has largely preconditioned the fact that the situation has stabilized at the moment. It is your policy and the steps you have taken that have played a crucial role, demonstrating once again the important role your country is playing not only in regional matters, but also globally. We are very pleased to see the successful development of Uzbekistan and the way you are addressing social and economic issues, strengthening Uzbekistan's standing in the world which also strengthens our positions. I am therefore very pleased to come to your beautiful country again. I am sure that the exchange of views and the documents we will sign today will bring our countries and peoples closer together. Once again, thank you for your hospitality.







Your Holiness,
On my behalf and on behalf of the people of Azerbaijan, I convey to you and, through you, to all your co-religionists, my most sincere congratulations on the occasion of your Election Anniversary.
The current level of relations between Azerbaijan and...
13 March 2025, 11:3010:10

