Ilham Aliyev took part in nationwide festivities on the occasion of Novruz holiday

19 March 2013, 13:30
Ilham Aliyev took part in nationwide festivities on the occasion of Novruz holiday

The most ancient and brightest holiday of our people, Novruz, is coming to our land. Nationwide festivities on the occasion of Novruz, a holiday left to us by our forefathers and fully reflecting our national spirit and memory through its diversity, were held in Baku on 19 March. The buildings surrounding the square outside the ancient Maiden Tower were decorated with colorful posters glorifying the arrival of Novruz. A giant Samani, the traditional symbol of Novruz, was adorned the thronged square.

Novruz is an ancient folk festival which has absorbed the culture, national and spiritual values of our people and is popularizing them worldwide. The elegant taste and artistic thinking of the Azerbaijani people are manifested in the traditions of this national holiday. It is hard to imagine another festival that would reflect the spiritual world, the way of thinking, the ideology, the ancient mythical beliefs, the folklore and identity of our people in all their entirety as much as Novruz does.

Novruz is a holiday for the entire Turkic world, but in Azerbaijan it is celebrated more grandly. The Azerbaijani people have made an important contribution to the establishment and development of the Novruz holiday. Although a severe ban was imposed on the celebration of Novruz in Soviet times, the Azerbaijani people have always aspired to celebrate this bright holiday. Great leader Heydar Aliyev had great respect for the factors that enhance the national spirit. Giving a high assessment to the national customs and traditions, including the Novruz holiday, great leader Heydar Aliyev said the following about the holiday, "Novruz is one of the holidays our people have preserved over the course of centuries and revered at all times. Its history has been as difficult as that of the Azerbaijani people. The fact that this ancient holiday is celebrated in our independent country at state level demonstrates our deep respect and inviolable attachment to our national roots, customs, traditions and the historical past."

The fact that this wonderful holiday associated with nature is celebrated in our country at state level is also a manifestation of deep respect for the memory of our ancestors. Describing Novruz as the embodiment of our national and spiritual values, President Ilham Aliyev annually takes part in the festivities, meets with people and lights a bonfire in a historic square in Baku, which, in addition to further enhancing the festive mood, attests to the strong unity of the people and the government. "Novruz inspires confidence of the future, awakens the most sublime emotions in people’s hearts, and urges people to be compassionate, responsive and kind," President Ilham Aliyev said, adding that this holiday also encourages people to be creative.

Thanks to the efforts of First Lady of Azerbaijan and President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva, the favorite holiday of our people has been included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. On 23 February 2010, the UN General Assembly declared 21 March as the International Day of Novruz.

Based on our rich spiritual values, the Novruz holiday establishes an atmosphere of mutual respect, sincerity and good relations among people. It makes people optimistic and hopeful of the future.

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, his wife Mehriban Aliyeva and Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva joined the Novruz festivities.

First the head of state and his wife arrived at the square outside the Maiden Tower.

City residents and visitors of the capital gathered in the square warmly welcomed the head of state and his wife.

A girl dressed in national costume presented the President of Azerbaijan with a tray filled with traditional festive treats.

Fighters carrying swords and shields reminiscent of our ancient history stood on the walls of the Old City and in the square. 

Dada Gorgud gave his blessing and expressed hope for the spring holiday to bring abundance to our people.

Children dressed in national costume danced in the square. Songs about spring and Azerbaijan were sung by people of art, which further raised people’s holiday spirits. 

President Ilham Aliyev started the Novruz bonfire.

Then the President of Azerbaijan, his wife Mehriban Aliyeva and Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva arrived at the Seaside National Part where the festivities were continued.

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made a speech at the celebrations.


Speech by President Ilham Aliyev

- Dear ladies and gentlemen!

Dear friends.

I want to wish you and all the people of Azerbaijan a happy Novruz. I want to wish all the people of Azerbaijan good health and happiness.

Novruz is the most favorite holiday of our people. The people of Azerbaijan have celebrated the holiday of Novruz for centuries. Regardless of the public and political system, this festival was celebrated in every Azerbaijani family at all times. And today, it is celebrated as a nationwide holiday in independent Azerbaijan.

According to the Order I signed a few years ago, the Novruz festival is celebrated in Azerbaijan for five days. If we add to that Saturday and Sunday, then our people rest for a whole week.

The Azerbaijani people have always been committed to their national and spiritual values. These values have preserved us as a people. Today, in the years of independence, the process of state building in Azerbaijan also rests precisely on the national and spiritual values.

Of course, we share our common values and have great respect for European values. But our national values, Azerbaijani values are above everything else for us. The modern independent state of Azerbaijan is built on a solid foundation. Today Azerbaijan is developing rapidly and successfully in all areas.

National and spiritual values are a primary issue for us. Of course, we must make sure that these values always dominate in Azerbaijan in the future too, so that our young people, our children, the younger generation could be brought up on these values, could grow up in a national spirit, be attached to the country, be patriots, always think about the country and do their best for its development. This is of even greater importance, especially at the present time, in the time of globalization. A lot is being said about the positive sides of globalization. But it also has negative sides to it. In order to protect ourselves from negative impacts in the future and to lead Azerbaijan along the path of development for many years to come, it is important that national values prevail.

Our holidays are also our national values – as are our national music, literature, art and language. All this forms the national values. We have to take care of our native language, the purity of the Azerbaijani language. Just as the previous generation took care of our native language, so we should cherish it too. Today, the independent state of Azerbaijan is developing successfully on this solid foundation.

We have been living as an independent state for over 20 years. We have achieved quite a few successes in the years of independence. But the most important thing is that we have always developed, are not content with the successes achieved and look to the future. What will be the development directions of Azerbaijan in the future and what role will Azerbaijan play in the region and the world? We are in charge of our destiny. I believe that the history of our independence gives grounds to say that Azerbaijan has achieved great success during this time.

But we all remember too well how difficult the first years of independence were for our country and people. We can say that the arbitrariness, anarchy, chaos and civil strife that were observed in the country in 1991-1992 dealt a serious blow to our independence. The process of building a modern state began in Azerbaijan after 1993. Thanks to the ascent to power of great leader Heydar Aliyev on the demands of the people an end was put to all the negative phenomena, the illegal armed groups were disarmed and stability set in. Stability is the main prerequisite for the development of each country. Today we can see bloody clashes and instability in different parts of the world. While discussing these issues, the international community is seeking ways out: what needs to be done to improve the situation in those countries and regions, to improve the situation there. I believe that the entire progressive mankind can clearly see that the successful development of each country first of all requires stability.

The period of stability that began in Azerbaijan in 1993 thanks to the tireless efforts of great leader Heydar Aliyev has allowed us the opportunity to develop our country. If stability had not been established at that time, the overall future of Azerbaijan would have remained doubtful.

Along with stability, it was in those years, in the mid-1990s, that the main directions for the development of our country were also determined. At that time, Azerbaijan could take different courses of development. But thanks to the views and policies of the great leader, Azerbaijan chose the most progressive and the best path for our country's development. On the basis of nation-building, the construction of a law-governed, democratic and secular state we began the implementation of reforms. Reforms began in the political sphere. Azerbaijan managed to successfully integrate into the international community and became a member of authoritative international organizations.

At the same time, the principles of market economy started to be applied to the economic sphere in Azerbaijan. Today, we can say that the market economy accounts for 85 per cent of Azerbaijan's economy.

A lot of work has been done to develop and introduce the national ideology of the modern independent Azerbaijan. This ideology is also based on the national and spiritual values. The ideology of Azerbaijanism is our main ideological support today. Currently, the independent Azerbaijan develops on this ideological foundation. Every state should have ideological pillars. It is our advantage that the ideological foundation laid down by great leader in Azerbaijan brings together the vast majority of our population. The vast majority of our population has a positive attitude towards this ideological foundation. And this unites our society, all the people living in Azerbaijan and representatives of all religions. We live like a large and united family in the true sense of the word. These have been the main prerequisites for our success.

Of course, no country can develop without the economic independence. Economic independence leads to political independence. The successful economic and political reforms have run parallel to each other in Azerbaijan in recent years. These reforms have significantly strengthened our political independence as well. Even in the most difficult years for the world – the years of the financial recession – the Azerbaijani economy developed, the social status of our population improved and Azerbaijan managed to achieve its goals.

If it hadn’t been for economic independence, our capabilities in the political arena would be inevitably limited. Today, Azerbaijan is a completely independent state from the economic point of view. Azerbaijan is developing only thanks to its own capabilities. We are building our policy solely on our own capacities. The ongoing economic reforms are improving people's daily lives. At the same time, the leading international financial and economic institutions are also seeing these realities and evaluating them. The credit ratings of some leading European countries which are faced with the crisis are being downgraded by international rating agencies, while the credit rating of Azerbaijan is rising.

According to the estimates of the Davos World Economic Forum, number one economic forum in the world, the Azerbaijani economy is ranked first in the CIS and 46th in the world in terms of competitiveness. All these statistics give reason to say again that the prudent political and economic reforms conducted in Azerbaijan are bearing fruit.
Azerbaijan has also become a donor country for international financial institutions. Our strong financial situation allows us to invest our financial resources, including outside the country, which increases our influence opportunities. We are the leading country in the region. Not a single project or initiative can be implemented in the region without the consent of Azerbaijan.

I have repeatedly stated this. The recent history has demonstrated once again that no initiative – be it political or economic – can be implemented in our region without Azerbaijan's consent. Therefore, our position in the region is quite strong.

Azerbaijan is also recognized as a reliable partner on a global scale. During numerous meetings with my colleagues we can see again that the attitude towards Azerbaijan in the world is based on great respect and sympathy. The policy of independent Azerbaijan is accepted and approved by the international community. Otherwise Azerbaijan would not have been elected as a member of the Security Council – the biggest structure of the world’s top organization that unites countries of the world. This is our historic victory, and this victory coincided with the 20th anniversary of our independence.

Today Azerbaijan is respected worldwide. There is no international organization above the UN Security Council. We have been a member of this organization for more than a year now. We are speaking our mind and expressing our principled position there. As I noted in my earlier statements, as a member of this organization Azerbaijan supports and upholds international law and justice. At the same time, we have become a member of the Non-Aligned Movement. I can say that this is one of the biggest organizations after the UN, and we were immediately able to secure great support within the organization too. Thanks to our work at the first summit of the organization, the Non-Aligned Movement adopted its first fair resolution on the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. It emphasizes that this conflict must be resolved on the basis of the principle of territorial integrity.

So these facts are an indicator in themselves. I would like to say that it would be impossible to achieve more than what has been achieved in the foreign policy direction. At the same time, our energy diplomacy has also been very successful. Looking at the developments unfolding in the world and Europe in relation to energy resources these days, we can see again that it is impossible to separate the energy policy from the overall diplomatic and political context. Azerbaijan is able to speak its word here too, our position is crucial. Why? Let me go back to the mid-1990s again. At that time, thanks to Heydar Aliyev’s determination and courage, invaluable work was carried out for the future of our country. Despite all the threats, attacks and pressure, and thanks to the determination and courage of Heydar Aliyev, the "Contract of the Century" was signed. From that day on the oil strategy and then the energy diplomacy of Azerbaijan have been fully serving the national interests of our country and people. While our energy initiatives practically never went beyond the regional context in those years, now the position, actions and initiatives of Azerbaijan are introducing major changes to the energy map of the continent. Today Azerbaijan makes a crucial contribution to the transportation of energy resources of the Caspian basin. Our position, as always, is fair and fully complies with national interests. The energy initiatives Azerbaijan has put forward will, of course, provide the momentum for a further long-term development of our country and, at the same time, will make Azerbaijan an essential partner for friendly countries. I am confident that, as was the case in previous years, all our initiatives will be implemented again and the long-term development strategy of our country will be successfully fulfilled.

At the same time, our domestic policy required us to reduce the dependence on the energy factor, because energy resources are exhaustible. We must look to the future. Despite the fact that Azerbaijan’s gas and oil resources will serve our people for decades to come, it is already necessary to lay a solid foundation for the non-oil economy, and this foundation has already been laid. Clear evidence of that is the statistics for the previous year. Last year our non-oil economy grew by almost 10 per cent. We have successfully addressed issues of economic diversification.

As for the solution of social issues, we are conducting a very serious policy here too. Sometimes a market economy can have bitter implications. The crisis experienced in some European countries and the protests it has generated show that the market economy does not always lead to a fair distribution of incomes. Under such circumstances it is necessary to pursue a strong social policy. This is the case in Azerbaijan, and the reforms towards a market economy have improved the well-being of our people. The repayment of Soviet deposits, the regular increases in wages and pensions, the implementation of targeted social programs, the improving conditions of the internally displaced persons – all these issues require large financial resources. The policy of the state of Azerbaijan is focused on the citizens of Azerbaijan. Everything should be done for the citizens of Azerbaijan. This is the context in which we are building our future plans.

The most painful issue for our country – the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict – unfortunately remains unresolved. The main reason for that is the unconstructive position of Armenia and somewhat indifferent attitude of mediators to the issue, although some strong statements have been made. We all remember the well-known statement of the heads of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair countries on the fact that the status quo is unacceptable and must be changed. But in reality no action is taken. Of course, Armenia is interested in maintaining the situation – the situation of neither peace nor war – as long as possible. But this can’t suit us. Azerbaijan is using and will continue to use every opportunity to achieve progress and development in the talks, so that the issue could be resolved soon and the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan could be restored. But, of course, all the steps being taken to address the issue should be based on international law. No step can be taken outside international law. The norms of international law, decisions and resolutions of international organizations require that the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan recognized by the international community must be restored unconditionally. Using all the possibilities available, the steps we are taking in the process of army building and in the diplomatic sphere, addressing economic issues and other regional initiatives we are strengthening our position.

Azerbaijan is growing stronger with every year, while Armenia is weakening by the year. According to their own statistics, at least 100,000 people leave the country on an annual basis. Of course, if we approach the issue from a historical point of view, no-one will doubt that this issue will be resolved fairly and Azerbaijan will restore its territorial integrity. The development of Azerbaijan shows that there can be no other solution to this issue. Azerbaijan will never come to terms with this situation. Azerbaijan will never tolerate the establishment of a second Armenian state on its lands. The Armenian state was founded on historically Azerbaijani lands. The Erivan Khanate, Zangezur, Goycha – all these are our historical lands. No-one has forgotten Erivan being presented to Armenia by the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1918.

This is historical truth. A second fictitious Armenian state can not be established on Azerbaijani lands. This will never happen. But we are striving and should strive to resolve the issue soon. I have no doubt that the issue will be resolved in our favor. The question is when and in what way. So far we are giving preference to diplomatic ways. At the same time, we are building up our strength. We are keeping Armenia aloof from all regional programs. We have isolated them from all projects. This policy will be continued in the future too. They don’t have the capacity, human resources, will or power to compete with Azerbaijan. Today, Azerbaijan is a strong state from political, economic and all other points of view. Azerbaijan is demonstrating and will continue to demonstrate its strength.

Celebrating this wonderful holiday today, I can say that the city of Baku and indeed all our regions have been improving in recent years. Today, Baku is becoming one of the most beautiful cities around the world. This is noted by everyone coming to Baku. This is really very gratifying. Baku is our center, our heart, our capital.

Each one of us must try to make Baku even more beautiful and comfortable. In recent years a lot has been done to improve Baku. In 2011, we adopted the state program on the socioeconomic development of suburban settlements of Baku. The program must be completed before the end of this year, and all the infrastructure issues existing in suburban settlements will be resolved.

New parks and public places are being set up in Baku, extensive landscaping work is carried out. I want to emphasize the construction of the underground. To date, we have 23 stations. In the last few years we have put three stations into operation. But according to the adopted master plan, the number of underground stations in Baku must reach 70 by year 2030. This work is done consistently.

Large recreation areas and parks are being set up, parking lots are under construction. There is a great need for that, as hundreds of thousands of cars are imported to Azerbaijan every year. A large parking lot is under construction under Azadlig Square. It will be commissioned in the coming months. But the biggest parking lot is under construction behind the Heydar Aliyev Palace. It will be able to accommodate about 4,000 cars. At the same time, a beautiful park will be established above this parking lot. It will be 1 km long and 150 meters wide. So it will be the biggest recreation area in our city next to the boulevard, of course.

The Baku Boulevard is also expanding. The new section of the boulevard has already been commissioned. Finishing work is under way in the Flag Square. After one or two months, the Flag Square will be opened to the public.

The construction of the boulevard from the Flag Square to Bibi-Heybat is under way. The length of the boulevard will exceed 15 kilometers, and these sites will also be opened to the public in the coming months. At the same time, this year we launched a project on the continuation of the boulevard from the Seaport in the direction of the Zikh settlement. Preliminary work has already been done. There are many old enterprises and buildings there. There too, cleaning and removal work is under way, people are paid good compensations. So the Baku Boulevard will become even bigger and longer. This, of course, will make our city more beautiful and create better conditions for people’s recreation.

Of course, Baku is one of the most beautiful cities in the world today. At the same time, Baku regularly hosts representative international events. We can say that international conferences, activities or sporting events are held here every week. Last year we successfully played host to the "Eurovision" song contest. This year, the Davos Economic Forum is expected to be held in Baku. And this is evidence of the confidence in our country and city. Of course, we are all getting ready for the 2015 European Olympic Games. Preparatory work has already started. The inaugural European Olympic Games will be held in Azerbaijan. This too has a great symbolic meaning.

In other words, every citizen must make effort to ensure that our country develops and flourishes further, our people live better and Azerbaijan moves forward successfully. I am sure that our path of development will continue to be open.

Azerbaijan is making good progress on the path of development. I am sure that we will follow this path in the future too.
Once again, dear friends, I wish you and all the people of Azerbaijan a wonderful Novruz. Happy holidays!


Then the President of Azerbaijan, his wife Mehriban Aliyeva and Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva watched a holiday concert.

After that, President Ilham Aliyev and Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva reviewed Azerbaijani carpets displayed at the National Park and observed the process of their weaving.

The President and his wife were met by the main characters of Novruz – Kosa and Kechal.

Kosa and Kechal wished the President and his wife a Happy Novruz and arranged an egg-breaking competition with the head of state.

The President of Azerbaijan and his wife also reviewed the works of young Azerbaijani artists, model designers and craftsmen.

The crowd keenly watched the performance by members of the Armwrestling Federation of Azerbaijan. President Ilham Aliyev met with members of the Federation and left a note in a book of distinguished visitors. The President also competed with one of the athletes in armwrestling. 

President Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva had a chat with representatives of the national culinary center.

The President of Azerbaijan tried kebabs cooked on a brazier.

The ceremony, which also featured ancient folk crafts, also exhibited different festive treats symbolizing Novruz. President Ilham Aliyev, his wife Mehriban Aliyeva and Leyla Aliyeva had tea with various sweets.

The oriental bazaar organized at the National Park imparted a special touch to the festivities. It featured performances of amateur groups from different parts of the country and displayed various handicrafts. Young athletes were wrestling on a mat near-by, while sportsmen were demonstrating their skill.

President Ilham Aliyev, First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva and Leyla Aliyeva watched these scenes with interest and reviewed samples of ancient handicrafts.

A picture was taken together with young athletes.

As part of the celebrations, the head of state and his wife also toured an exhibition of products grown on prolific Azerbaijani soil. The traditional Novruz dishes brought from different regions of Azerbaijan caused particular interest among participants in the festivities.

The President of Azerbaijan expressed his best wishes to the residents and visitors of Baku who had come to meet with him and come out for a holiday walk.

Also attending the festivities on the occasion of Novruz were Prime Minister Artur Rasizade, Head of the Presidential Administration Ramiz Mehdiyev and other officials. 

The celebrations lasted until late at night and were crowned with a concert featuring renowned artists and craftsmen. 
