
- Dear friends, as usual, we meet at the end of the year to analyze the results of the year and award the distinguished athletes. This tradition continues today. These traditional meetings have been held at the end of each year for many years now.
Year 2012 is drawing to a close. Overall, 2012 has been very successful for our country both in the field of sports and beyond. I can say that all the problems facing the country have been resolved this year as well. Our economy has successfully evolved. Many social issues have been resolved. The repayment of deposits which had been “frozen” for many years, since the Soviet era, has begun. So we see development and innovation in all areas. Of course, our strong economic potential will enable us to invest even more in sports in the future.
Today, our economy is developing more on the account of the non-oil sector. And this is natural. This was the task we set several years ago. According to the results of this year, our non-oil economy – while exact calculations are still pending – will probably increase by almost 10 per cent. This is a very high indicator, it shows that we are already developing as a diversified economy. As you know, there has been a certain decline in oil production this year. I have expressed my thoughts and comments on this matter. I am very glad that in the oil sector too a period of stabilization is setting in. Some time ago, at a Cabinet meeting, I openly expressed my views on this issue so that the public could also know the situation. In general, a turnaround should be achieved in this issue. I am very pleased that our main partner, bp, has responded to these thoughts and comments with great responsibility. In a meeting with me this morning, the bp president unveiled the company's plans for the future. And I am very happy that at the forefront of these plans are issues of stabilization of oil production. This shows that our cooperation is really built on strong foundations. Beginning next year, the main sector of our economy, the oil industry, will be stable. Stable oil production will be ensured for many years further.
Why do I speak about this? Because this meeting took place today. And also because certain external forces that don’t like Azerbaijan, the Armenian lobby, and, unfortunately, the internal opposition which is in the same camp with them, have tried to highlight this issue after my commends, suggesting that there is some serious problem in Azerbaijan’s oil industry, that Azerbaijan, SOCAR and its partners have some problems. There may be problems. But our advantage is that these problems are identified and we express our thoughts in a timely manner. And our partners treat our observations with great interest and responsibility. I simply want to tell the forces that don’t like us not to walk on air, the internal forces, the traitors, the internal opposition, those who rejoiced at the fact that in the early days of the Summer Olympic Games in London our athletes had failed to win gold medals. Then, together with the Armenians, they were disappointed with the results of the Games. Let the Armenian lobby, the external forces that do not like us and can’t come to terms with Azerbaijan’s successful development not rejoice.
The Azerbaijani economy is strong. Our oil and gas sector is the backbone of the economy. I want to repeat that thanks to the determination of the Azerbaijani leadership in this area, the responsibility of our partners, the development of relations between bp and SOCAR in the right direction, the negative trends have been prevented and starting next year sustainable economic development will be ensured in the oil and gas sector.
Overall, next year will be very significant for the development of our country because next year we will lay the foundation for a number of ambitious projects. Each of these projects is a mega-project in itself. Major investments will be made in the implementation of these projects. Most of the funds will be invested by our foreign partners. So the influx of investment in the economy will be ensured. This will enable us to enhance our economic power and invest even more in the humanitarian sphere, sport, culture and social issues.
As for the sports results of the year, we can all see that year 2012 has been very successful for our athletes. It is no coincidence that we declared 2012 the Year of Sport. This is evidence of the attention paid to sports by the state. At the same time, when taking this decision at the beginning of the year, we actually expected victories and successes from our athletes. And they have lived up to our expectations. In 2012, Azerbaijani athletes won more than 700 medals in various international competitions, including 255 gold.
Our athletes have worthily represented Azerbaijan in the international arena. The country has hosted a number of prestigious international competitions. Among them, I want to emphasize the world football cup among girls, because this was our first and very successful experience. The Presidents of FIFA and UEFA have both praised the championship held in Azerbaijan. The championship was held for almost three weeks and all the issues were resolved at the highest level. As always, we were on top in all organizational matters. This championship has gone down in history as one of the most successful championships. Azerbaijan has played host to other international events. We have become accustomed to this process. We can say that Azerbaijan hosts an international event every week. The fact that international events are conducted in Azerbaijan shows again that Azerbaijan is a sports nation.
At the same time, we have continued efforts to develop the sports infrastructure this year. This year we put into operation two regional Olympic Centers – in Jalilabad and Astara. Thus, the number of Olympic sports complexes built in our districts has reached 35. The construction of eight other complexes is under way. There are plans to build several more. Thus, after several years, each district center, each city will have a modern Olympic facility.
In Baku we have put into operation new and refurbished old sports facilities. The national stadium named after Tofig Bahramov has been renovated. I think this is the first time in history when such overhaul has been carried out. Now the stadium meets all international standards. The Eighth Kilometer Stadium. So far, this stadium is conventionally called the Eighth Kilometer. Perhaps we need to consider giving it a name. This beautiful sports facility should be given a beautiful name. It has also been commissioned. We are now building a large gymnastics center. Recently, the construction of an aquatic center has begun. Last year the foundation was laid for the big Olympic Stadium. This year some specific steps have been taken in this area. This Olympic Stadium will be the largest sports facility in the region.
So we have done a lot of work to build sports infrastructure. This work requires a lot of money. Of course, the burden of all these expenses, the financial burden falls on the state budget. Each year, when we review the investment program, we envisage fairly large amounts for the construction of sports facilities. Of course, these processes will be continued in the coming years.
At the same time, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the National Olympic Committee this year. This is also a very significant event. Guests from different countries have participated in these wonderful celebrations alongside us. We have been a member of the international Olympic family for 20 years and have our own place in it. Today, our relations with international and European federations are expanding. The international and European Olympic Committees treat us very positively. They always note Azerbaijan’s successes in the field of sports. The 20th anniversary has allowed us to analyze the work done, feel proud of our success and address the shortcomings so that we could achieve even greater results. Of course, speaking about sports events of 2012, we can’t but mention the London Olympic Games. The Olympics will also go down in history. In these Olympics, our athletes have achieved the greatest success, delighted all our people and succeeded in making Azerbaijan one of the leading sporting nations. Ten medals, including two gold, two silver and six bronze – this is our historic achievement. Several months have passed since the Olympics, but this issue, Azerbaijan’s progress is still emphasized in my meetings with foreign colleagues. To this day, my colleagues, the heads of state and government, congratulate me on these successes. Of course, this is a great event. A moment that fills the heart of every citizen of Azerbaijan with pride. For this victory, of course, we are grateful to the athletes, their coaches and sports professionals.
At the same time, the work done in the field of sports in Azerbaijan has played an important role in achieving this victory. Our sports policy is conducted by the state. All relevant structures, government and public bodies, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the National Olympic Committee, federations, clubs, societies and the sports community, act like one family.
Our Olympic success plays an important part in popularizing sport because it is a factor that encourages children and young people to do sports. We see that after each success, each victory in the Olympics the influx of children to sports clubs increases. We need to make sure that every young person is engaged in sports. They don’t have to become professional athletes. But it is necessary to be healthy, improve fitness and exercise.
So I urge all young people to do sports. Now, we can say that there are opportunities to do sports everywhere. Physically healthy people tend to have high moral qualities. I am very happy that our athletes are also role models for young people by their behavior in everyday life.
Victory at the Olympics is truly historic. On a global scale, we finished in 30th, in Europe in 15th and in the Muslim in 3rd place. I have repeatedly congratulated athletes on this great victory and I want to congratulate you again.
Finally, great news came to Azerbaijan at the end of the year. On 8 December, the session of the General Assembly of the European Olympic Committee in Rome decided to award the first 2015 European Olympic Games to Baku. This is also a historic decision. First of all, these will be inaugural European Games. Although the Olympic movement historically originated in the European region and the modern revival of the Olympic Games also occurred on the European continent, European Olympic Games have never been held before. The first such games are a serious step, a turning point in the Olympic movement. The fact that these Games have been entrusted to us, that we have been given this responsibility, of course, is an event of great historic importance.
I immediately congratulated the Azerbaijani people on this occasion. I want to say again that this decision is based on a number of important factors, above all, the development of our country. For 20 years we have lived as an independent state. Although this is a short period from the standpoint of history, we have established ourselves on the world map as a developing, dynamic and modern country. Our international reputation is extremely high. Evidence of this authority is the fact that we were elected to the UN Security Council with the support of 155 countries, and there is no structure above it in the world. We also have very positive bilateral relations with all countries. At the same time, if we had only an international reputation and no economic opportunities, we would hardly be entrusted with such a responsible issue. The economic development of the country has continued in the crisis years. Some European countries are still in a serious crisis. There is no end in sight to this crisis and more and more countries are gradually affected by it. This process has been ongoing for years, and Azerbaijan’s economic achievements in the years of crisis have surprised all of Europe. This is confirmed not only by our statistics. The world's leading rating agencies have reduced the ratings of a number of leading European countries and raised the credit rating of Azerbaijan.
So it is impossible not to see this development, not to feel it. Of course, a significant role in the adoption of this decision was played by our economic opportunities and future economic development. Our experience in conducting international events, world and European championships, the highest level of organization of the Eurovision song contest this year, the availability of sports facilities have, of course, played a role in this decision. The sports facilities needed for Olympic Games have either been built or are currently under construction. We have done all this work in good time.
Of course, we wanted Azerbaijan to host such a significant and prestigious event. And we thought that in order to conduct it, we must have a diverse sports infrastructure. But whether or not the event takes place, we had to create and are creating these sports facilities. We already have a sports infrastructure enabling us to conduct any games here, accommodate any number of athletes from abroad.
Of course, the new hotels, recreation areas, sports facilities opened in Baku in the last two years have played a role in this decision. Prior to this decision, of course, an evaluation mission was sent here. Members of the European Olympic Committee came to Baku to examine the situation. The adoption of this decision was possible on the basis of these factors. I am confident that our successful performance and the victories of our athletes, especially in the Summer Olympic Games in London, have played a role in this decision.
I am sure that we will conduct these Games at a high level. But both we and the public should know that preparations for Olympic Games, i.e. summer and winter Olympic Games, take six to seven years. For example, the capital of the 2020 Olympic Games will be determined in September of next year. So wherever the games are held, the host country needs six to seven years to prepare. We have only two years. But our pace is very fast. There is no other country in the world that would develop at such a pace. Two years, of course, is a very short time. But I am sure that all the necessary measures, technical and organizational issues will be resolved and the first European Olympic Games will go down in history. Not only because these will be inaugural Games but also because they will be the best Games.
I am sure that our public and, above all, the sports community of Azerbaijan will play a very active role in preparing the Games. We are already dealing with organizational issues. It will be hard work that will require great dedication. But, again, we have good experience in conducting large and representative events and we will use it to conduct the best Games ever.
Dear friends, I want to congratulate you on your achievements again. By tradition, we will reward our athletes today. At the same time, I wish you a Happy New Year and congratulate you on the Day of Solidarity of Azerbaijanis of the World. I wish you good health and every success in the New Year to our athletes. Thank you.
Statement by President Ilham Aliyev
- Dear Mr. President, my dear brother,
Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome, my dear brother, and welcome back. I have very good memories of your last visit in November to attend the COP29 conference. I invited Mr. President...
27 February 2025, 15:23