To His Excellency Mr. Peter Pellegrini, President of the Slovak Republic

01 September 2024, 11:02

Dear Mr. President,

On behalf of myself and the people of Azerbaijan, I extend my sincere congratulations to you and your entire nation on the occasion of the national holiday of the Slovak Republic – Constitution Day.

Today, relations between Azerbaijan and Slovakia are experiencing dynamic growth. I express my confidence that our fruitful cooperation in the energy sector will continue successfully in other areas and directions as well. I believe that, through our joint efforts, we will achieve the development of Azerbaijan-Slovakia friendship and further deepen our mutually beneficial cooperation on both a bilateral and multilateral basis, in line with the interests of our peoples and by utilizing existing opportunities.

On this significant day, I wish you robust health, success in your endeavors, and the friendly people of Slovakia everlasting peace and prosperity.



Ilham Aliyev

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku, 29 August 2024