Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of the Second Baku International Humanitarian Forum

04 October 2012, 11:30
Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of the Second Baku International Humanitarian Forum

The Second Baku International Humanitarian Forum has started at the Heydar Aliyev Center.

President Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva attended the opening ceremony.

The Baku International Humanitarian Forum is an authoritative platform which discusses current issues of humanitarian cooperation. Azerbaijan, which has a rich tradition of cooperation between cultures, civilizations and religions, is the perfect place for events in this format. The decision to conduct the forum was reached in January 2010 during the first Azerbaijani-Russian forum of humanitarian cooperation organized in Baku.

The co-founders of the forum are President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

The second Baku International Humanitarian Forum is being attended by 694 people representing 70 countries and seven international organizations. These include 10 former heads of state, 11 Nobel Prize winners, five honorary professors of the world (Emeritus professor), 10 senior officials from authoritative international organizations, 55 prominent public and political figures.

The President of Azerbaijan delivered a speech at the opening ceremony.

Speech by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev

- Dear ladies and gentlemen!

Distinguished guests, dear friends!

I sincerely salute all of you. The Second Baku International Humanitarian Forum is beginning its work today. All the guests attending the forum are our dear guests. I am sure that the meetings due today and tomorrow, the ongoing discussions will be very valuable, you will hear new ideas, and thus new opportunities for humanitarian cooperation will emerge. I am very pleased that we have further strengthened these positive trends since the first forum. In fact, the organization of the second forum suggests that the first forum was very successful.

I am sure that the third, fourth and fifth forums will be held in the future, we have already created this wonderful tradition. There is a great need for that because the results of the first forum, the decisions made, the declaration adopted reflect our shared vision for the future. And this vision is that we should strive to ensure that all people of the world live together. We must strive to increase the trend of mutual understanding, prevent confrontation on religious and ethnic grounds. On the contrary, cooperation trends should be further strengthened. I do hope that the outcome of the second forum will also be positive.

Thus, a new format associated with humanitarian issues is emerging on a global scale.

The fact that the International Humanitarian Forum is held in Baku is no coincidence. Azerbaijan has for centuries been a place of confluence of cultures. Over the centuries, representatives of various nations and religions have lived in Azerbaijan like one family, in an atmosphere of peace, harmony and understanding. These positive trends are continuing. I am sure that these trends will be even stronger in the future and Azerbaijan will continue its successful development.

In 2008, the Baku process began. The Baku process began with the participation of representatives of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in a meeting of Culture Ministers of the Council of Europe in Baku in 2008. This positive experience contributed to the start of the Baku process. Since then, other international events have been held and, finally, the Baku international forum emerged as a forum. And now this process is well under way.

I think Azerbaijan’s experience in the field of multiculturalism is very interesting for all of us.

Multiculturalism is one of the topics of the forum. I am sure that some valuable ideas will be expressed and discussions held on this topic. The ideas about the positive future of multiculturalism are important and necessary. I believe that Azerbaijan’s experience is very significant and valuable for promoting multiculturalism. Because, I repeat, multiculturalism is our way of life.

Although it is a relatively new concept, multiculturalism has been part of our people’s lives for centuries. For centuries, representatives of different religions and nationalities have lived in Azerbaijan like one family.

Azerbaijan has never had and I am sure never will have confrontations and disagreements on religious or ethnic grounds.

Different views on multiculturalism are expressed in the world lately. Some believe that multiculturalism has failed, that it has no future. We believe that it has a present and future. We all have to work hard to strengthen the trends of multiculturalism.

One of the goals of the Baku International Humanitarian Forum is precisely to increase multiculturalism trends.

There is no alternative to multiculturalism. At the previous forum I also expressed my views about this. I can reiterate with full confidence that multiculturalism is the most viable option for future development.

Because the alternative to multiculturalism is isolation. I don’t think that in the 21st-century globalizing world any country would want to build its future on the basis of self-isolation. So the ideas to be voiced at the forum, in particular on this subject, will be a valuable contribution to our common cause. We must strive to ensure that people of the world cooperate with each other, enhance mutual understanding and avoid confrontation. Certain steps, statements and actions of provocative nature face response, which leads to confrontation and mistrust. We see this both in our region and elsewhere. So I think it is the responsibility of politicians and public figures, representatives of civil society and the media to highlight the positive trends and experiences. We must work on the basis of this positive experience. I believe that if this approach prevails, the world will be more secure and the relations between peoples will be more positive and sound.

In order to successfully address all the issues I have mentioned, an important role, of course, is played by the level of education, especially in underdeveloped countries. We in Azerbaijan pay great attention to this area. Azerbaijan has no illiteracy, an intellectual elite is emerging, science and education are rapidly developing. Education is a factor leading any society forward. The intellectual potential today and especially in the future will determine the development of any country.

There are countries rich in natural resources. But because of a low intellectual level these countries can’t achieve sustainable development. Therefore, we in Azerbaijan have designed programs to transform our natural resources into the intellectual potential. The principle of “turning black gold in the human capital” we proclaimed earlier is working well. A young and talented intellectual stratum is emerging in Azerbaijan. We can see that when there is a modern approach, there is development and the tendency to progress. Countries with a high level of education rarely experience negative events, struggle is conducted in a civilized manner. Now we can see growing public discontent in different parts of the world. Sometimes this discontent manifests itself in very convex forms, leads to confrontation, war, bloodshed. And where the level of education and general culture is high, it is of peaceful nature. We must strive to ensure, and we do that in Azerbaijan, that cultural and civilized ways of struggle prevail.

We need this, the region needs this. Because we live in this region, we don’t live on an island. Although everything in Azerbaijan is evolving in a positive direction – in the economic sphere, in the sphere of political reform, in humanitarian issues – we still live in this region and the problems of the region are very important for us. We need to prevent any negative trends to the maximum extent possible, to ensure that any protests are of civilized nature. I know that education will be one of the topics of the forum. This area, of course, should be given special attention.

Azerbaijan is a relatively young independent state. Our independence is only 21 years old. But Azerbaijan is a country with a rich cultural heritage. Our cultural heritage is duly protected by the state, by international organizations. Although we were part of other countries for many years, we have managed to preserve our national features and qualities, did not lose our national identity, and our culture has been the key prerequisite for that.

We have literature, art, music, native language, national values. Our national values are based on human values. I believe that national and spiritual values play and should play a special role in a globalizing world, particularly for the younger generation.

We in Azerbaijan attach great importance to that, but I should also say that respect for other cultures, religions and history must begin with respect for one’s own culture, history and religion. At the same time, people not attached to their homeland and far from patriotism can’t perceive the people of other cultures. Sometimes their disrespect for other cultures is based on contempt for their own. Therefore, this issue should be given special attention in a globalizing world. We are living in a period of rapid scientific and technological progress. New technologies, the Internet and other technologies are, of course, very important to us and Azerbaijan has made great progress in that. In Azerbaijan, the Internet is free, the number of Internet users has reached 65 per cent of the population. At the same time, we want the younger generation to grow up and be educated in the national spirit, patriotic spirit, the spirit of respect for our history and culture. So, I think this will play a positive role for peace and the processes ongoing in the world.

Other areas of the humanitarian field are also of great importance. For example, sometimes we see sports-related issues only as a sporting event. But the truth is that it is difficult to find another event of such significance that would unite people as much as the Olympic Games.

The Olympic Games bring together all nations, all people. They are both a competition and a symbol of friendship and understanding. Sometimes representatives of warring countries compete with each other in a sporting arena, shake hands, congratulate each other on victory. Unfortunately, we can see it only during Olympic Games. Thus, the factor of sport plays a very important role in enhancing the dialogue between cultures and we in Azerbaijan pay great attention to this area. In most cases, the struggle in sport is conducted by the rules and this is probably the main factor that distinguishes sports from politics.

I want to say a few words about the responsibility of politicians. I believe that underlying some of the painful and worrying developments unfolding in the world are irresponsible politicians. This lack of responsibility is manifested in different forms.

There are instances when provocative statements by some politicians incite insufficiently educated people to resort to aggression. On the other hand, unrealistic promises, populist speeches of politicians and social initiatives not based on real economic fundamentals cause fair resentment in society. Perhaps this is one of the main causes of the financial and economic crisis. Unrealistic promises, populist tendencies of excessive borrowing are a key contributor to the financial and economic crisis.

In the humanitarian sphere too, the responsibility of politicians is very important. Because in the Internet era, in a globalizing world, any word spoken in any part of the world immediately reverberates. Therefore, politicians should be more responsible, be aware of this responsibility. In this case the degree of tension in the world will subside.

Speaking about humanitarian issues, I want to say a few words about our most disturbing problem of course.

Azerbaijan has been faced with a humanitarian catastrophe for 20 years. For 20 years, the internationally recognized ancestral lands of Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding seven districts have been under Armenian occupation.

This occupation continues. Azerbaijanis have been subjected to a policy of ethnic cleansing. All the Azerbaijanis have been driven out of Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding districts. Currently, the world's biggest number of refugees per capita is registered in Azerbaijan. We have over a million refugees and IDPs who can’t return to their homes because of the ongoing Armenian aggression.

Our people have seen great tragedies. The Khojaly genocide was perpetrated when a massacre was unleashed against innocent people, including women and children. The Armenians have destroyed our cultural monuments. So a genocide has been committed against our people and against our culture. Those who carried out this genocide, this crime have yet to be adequately condemned by the international community. True, international organizations, the world’s leading international organizations have passed many decisions and resolutions on the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. But, unfortunately, there is no mechanism for enforcing these decisions and resolutions. This leads to reducing respect, lost of faith in the decisions of these international organizations.

Twenty years ago the UN Security Council passed four resolutions on an unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian forces from the occupied Azerbaijani lands. None of them has been executed. All the other reputable international organizations, such as the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, NATO, etc., have also adopted similar resolutions. Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity is recognized by the international community.

But the conflict remains unresolved. The main reason is that Armenia is interested in maintaining the status quo. But they have to realize that the status quo can’t remain unchanged, it will be changed and we want it to happen soon and peacefully.

Because we have already started playing a stabilizing role in the region and, of course, strive to ensure that the stability of the region is not compromised. But on the other hand, it is impossible to come to terms with occupation.

So I believe that it is time to resolve the conflict. Armenia must fully comply with international law and resolutions of international organizations and unconditionally withdraw from the occupied lands. In this case, real peace and cooperation can be achieved in the region.

Despite this problem, our country has covered a long and successful road in the years of independence. The political reform carried out in Azerbaijan has contributed to the emergence of a free society. There are all the freedoms in Azerbaijan, political reforms have successfully continued, there is democratic development. At the same time, our economic reforms further reinforce the political reform. Because the political reform without the economic basis may lead to failures, and we know that from history. Therefore, economic and political reforms are conducted in parallel in Azerbaijan. In the economic sphere – if we consider that one of the topics of the forum is economic issues - we have achieved great success in recent years.

I want to bring to your attention some figures. Over the past few years, Azerbaijan has been the fastest growing economy in the world. Over the last seven to eight years our economy has grown three times. The poverty rate has dropped from 49 to 7 per cent. We will try to make it even lower. The problem of unemployment has been practically resolved. Of course, there are still unemployed but their share is 5.4 per cent. Azerbaijan's foreign debt amounts to only 7 per cent of the GDP. This suggests that by conducting economic reforms and initiatives, we built our work on internal resources. We didn’t borrow much. So we can fully repay our foreign debt at any time. I believe that Azerbaijan is in one of the leading places in the world in this respect.

Our steps towards economic diversification are paying off. As you know, Azerbaijan is a country rich in oil and gas. But our economic indices for the first six months of this year show that our non-oil sector grew by more than 10 per cent. So diversification is already a reality. There are all the possibilities for achieving long-term and sustainable economic development in the future. First of all, there is political will. There is also a strong financial situation.

Our energy and transport projects are of great importance not only for Azerbaijan and the region, but also for Europe. So we can already predict our future and see what Azerbaijan will be like in five to 10 years. As someone conducting this reform, I don’t see any problems. I am sure that our economic development will be stable and rapid.

With regard to social issues, the welfare of the people is improving, which is evidenced by the reduction of poverty. Social justice plays a major role in Azerbaijan, the principles of the market economy are the main mechanism of our development.

The private sector share in the GDP is currently 83 per cent. So in 21 years of our independence we have not only completed the transition and switched from a planned to a market economy. Due to our reforms we have also minimized the dependence of our economic development and the future of our citizens on the oil and gas factor.

We have ambitious plans regarding the application of scientific and technological progress and high technology in the coming years. We have a clear vision for the future. The modern independent state of Azerbaijan rests on a number of principles.

Among them, a very important place is occupied by the “strong state” concept. Because for the people who were deprived of independence and were part of other states for centuries, state institutions are of paramount importance. Additional measures will be taken to strengthen the foundations of statehood. A strong state is our national idea, a nationwide cause. Along with this, we have succeeded because of our domestic resources. I repeat that we have achieved all these successes without borrowing much, using our own resources. So this concept is very important for us. We are a nation attached to national, spiritual and religious values, we appreciate our values. At the same time, Azerbaijan is a secular state. Secular foundations of society and the state are strong. I believe that in the next few years the processes in this area will only go in a positive direction.

As I noted earlier, regardless of the socio-political system, Azerbaijan was home to different religions and peoples for centuries. It is still the case now. Representatives of all nations and religions live like one family in Azerbaijan, there is no and can’t be any discrimination. This is also one of the factors that epitomize modern Azerbaijan. I can say that our experience in this area is already causing interest in other countries.

The principles of social justice must be strengthened. In fact, the main reason for the negative events taking place in the world is social injustice. Economic reform must be accompanied by a strong social policy. If it is not, the fundamental economic reform can bring suffering. We have designed and are implementing very serious programs in the social sector. The improving welfare of our people suggests that the action taken in this area has also been successful.

Of course, at the heart and in the center of all our work is the human factor. I believe that this is the most important approach for any state. Everything is done for the people. Their freedom, security, health, employment and prosperous life is the responsibility of the state. I think we have achieved great success in this area too. Azerbaijani citizens live in a free society.

They have all the freedoms and work to multiply the power of the state.

Overall, there is a very positive atmosphere in society – an atmosphere of creation and development. Of course, there is a great need for international cooperation to enhance this positive trend.

Azerbaijan plays a role in enhancing the dialogue among civilizations. I am sure that this role will only grow in the future. There are natural reasons for that because we are located at the crossroads of continents. There are political reasons because it is our political conviction that has historical basis. Azerbaijan is a member of both the Council of Europe and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. There are several countries in the world that are members of both. Sometimes, when Azerbaijan is viewed from Europe, it is presented to the Europeans as an Asian country. And when we are viewed from Asia, we are portrayed as a European country.

So I can say that there is this synthesis, a synthesis of cultures in Azerbaijan. We can say that this is one of the factors contributing to our national identity. As a natural geographic bridge, we also strive to serve as a bridge in the humanitarian sphere. This is the main objective of the forum.

I want to reiterate that the results of the first forum, the discussions held last year really inspired us. I am sure that the results of this forum will also be positive. All the guests will express their valuable thoughts. This forum is attended by prominent political and public figures, Nobel prize winners, media representatives, academics. There are people from over 60 countries. I can say that the intellectual elite of the world will be expressing its valuable thoughts in Baku today and tomorrow.

Once again, I sincerely welcome you, dear guests. I know that some of our guests are in Azerbaijan for the first time. I am sure this visit will also be an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with our country and that you will remember this experience. I know that anyone visiting Baku at least once wants to come back to our city.

I welcome you again and wish you the forum success.

Thank you!


The Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cultural Cooperation, Mikhail Shvydkoy, thanked the government of Azerbaijan for the high-level organization of the forum. He said:

- Your Excellency, dear Ilham Heydar oglu,

Dear Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva,

Ladies and gentlemen!

Over a little more than three years since the Baku Humanitarian Forum began, it has become clear that it is one of the most serious and interesting platforms to discuss fundamental problems of modern civilization. In the three years, Azerbaijan and Baku have proved that this country is developing extremely rapidly, its achievements and successes are evident. I think that one of the symbols of this development is this wonderful center and this hall where we are conducting the Second International Humanitarian Forum. The list of participants of this forum is evidence of the international recognition of Azerbaijan, its leadership and President Aliyev. I have the honor of reading out a message from Russian President Vladimir Putin to the forum participants.

Mikhail Shvydkoy read out a message from Russian President Vladimir Putin to the forum participants.

The message reads: “To the participants and guests of the Baku International Humanitarian Forum “21st century: hopes and challenges”

“I am glad to salute the participants and guests of the Baku International Humanitarian Forum “21st century: hopes and challenges”. Your forum expands its borders every year, becoming a significant and much anticipated event in the social life of Russia, Azerbaijan and other countries. It attracts attention of renowned politicians, scientists and intellectuals and makes an important contribution to the dialogue on key aspects of international humanitarian cooperation. I am sure that the forthcoming discussion will bring about fresh and constructive ideas meeting the challenges of the day, new important initiatives in the field of science and culture, education and mass communication.

I wish everyone good work and all the best.

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.”


In his remarks, the president of the UNESCO General Conference and Hungary’s Ambassador to UNESCO, Katalin Bogyay, noted that the Baku forum on humanitarian cooperation was an excellent opportunity for taking steps towards peace and security on the planet.

“Azerbaijan is a valuable partner of UNESCO,” Katalin Bogyay said, noting that humanitarian aid is the foundation of progress of free societies. Stressing the importance of preventing negative factors that have led to the global financial crisis, the UNESCO representative noted the need for significant steps to address environmental problems and poverty reduction in the world. She said UNESCO and her mission were paying attention to the development of people’s creative potential, and the organization’s multicultural platform seeks to form new ways of thinking and develop traditional experience. Stressing that the Baku forum was important for a broad exchange of views on these issues, Katalin Bogyay said:

- The Baku International Humanitarian Forum, which brings together leaders and prominent personalities from around the world, is making a great contribution to our ongoing struggle for human values. I thank the President and First Lady of Azerbaijan, the Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO, for organizing this special event and look forward to participating in the “round table”. I hope that we will exchange views on the “Ubuntu” principle.

Thank you.


Then a video message of UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova to the forum participants was demonstrated:

- Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

It is an honor for me to address the Baku International Humanitarian Forum 2012.

I want to thank the First Lady of Azerbaijan, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, for the commitment to the goals of UNESCO. The Baku International Humanitarian Forum launched as an initiative in 2010 has already taken its place in the international calendar.

We have a need for such new opportunities to discuss the current trends in the rapidly changing world and think about the future. This forum will consider the humanitarian prospects of the role of science and culture in the globalizing world, cultural diversity and media issues.

In her video address Irina Bokova also said that UNESCO as a humanitarian organization would continue to step up efforts to achieve cultural diversity, innovation and sustainable development. It is necessary to adopt a new approach to the issues of concern to people in the 21st century, in particular issues such as the protection of our planet, poverty, discrimination, instability. “We see a way out in working together,” Irina Bokova said, noting in this regard the special importance of the Baku forum. She wished the forum every success.


In remarks at the forum, ISESCO Director General Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri said:

- I am pleased to participate at the Baku International Humanitarian Forum, which has actually become one of the most important forums in the world. This forum brings together political, intellectual, scientific and academic personalities, elite groups of different backgrounds and from different countries. In the true sense of the word, this is one of the most highly valued of our initiatives. This initiative was launched by President Ilham Aliyev. The international community has been offered that we, relying on this approach, demonstrate our confidence in the world.

This important step is actually a great contribution to international efforts aimed at creating a new and strong structure in the world. In fact, it is based on such universally accepted values as tolerance, dialogue, mutual approach between people and nations, and international law. In this way, we can ensure a balanced and secure peace for all.

“This forum is contributing to international efforts in this area,” Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri said, noting that such forums are important on the path to a more secure future. For this, it is important to respect human values and take economic measures.

“The road map being prepared for the future should be based on effective progress and committed innovation,” the ISESCO General Director said and added that the world was in need of further reforms. As part of these reforms, it is necessary to seriously consider international political developments. Various human approaches to this issue should be in the spotlight.

Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri said:

- This event aims to strengthen the dialogue between cultures and civilizations, promote a proper culture of peace. In this case, special attention should be paid to the problems of people affected by the occupation. As an example, we can refer to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Therefore, a new rationalization of international relations is an important issue. In this case, we truly need to give a new impetus to international politics. This is our responsibility. It is the responsibility, the duty of the political, intellectual and academic elites participating in this forum.

Before concluding my remarks, I wish to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the President of Azerbaijan, His Excellency Ilham Aliyev, for the support extended to ISESCO. Mr. President has launched many initiatives. These initiatives can bring people together and make the dialogue effective. I wish this forum success and think that Baku will become the embodiment of intellectual and cultural education and that the forum of intellectuals will be successful.

Thank you for your attention.


Then a film about Azerbaijan was shown. It provided detailed information about the ancient history and culture of our country, the development road covered by the Land of Fire, a country serving as a bridge between the East and the West and playing a special part in intercultural dialogue. The film describes the major projects Azerbaijan has initiated in recent years and the measures being taken to improve the city of Baku.


After the break, the first part of the plenary session of the Baku International Humanitarian Forum was held. It was attended by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The first part of the plenary session was chaired by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov.

Speaking about the importance of the Baku International Humanitarian Forum, the former president of Lithuania, Valdas Adamkus, said that the Forum, which brings together well-known public figures and cultural workers from around the world, has turned into an authoritative scientific and political platform for the exchange of views on various issues.


Praising the work of the Forum, the former president of Estonia, Arnold Ruutel, expressed his satisfaction with the holding of the grand event which brings together prominent members of the scientific and cultural elite in Azerbaijan. He said that new information and ideas quickly spread through social networks in today's world. And this has led to new challenges in our modern life. Such grand events are important in terms of finding answers to the new challenges.

Speaking of Azerbaijan’s great economic successes achieved in recent years, A. Ruutel noted the rapid development of the country’s economy.


Noting that Azerbaijan is one of the unique countries in terms of ethnic and religious tolerance, the former president of Croatia, Stjepan Mesic, said that the development he saw in Baku had made a great impression on him. He described the Baku International Humanitarian Forum as a very important platform of intercultural dialogue.


The former president of Bulgaria, Zhelyu Zhelev, said with confidence that this great event would play a special role in the development of relations between countries. Noting that Azerbaijan is already experienced in hosting such prestigious events, the former Bulgarian president said that the issues to be discussed at the forum would contribute to finding solutions to some of the problems facing humanity.


“We live in a single world, and at this junction it is very important to protect human values,” the former president of Latvia, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, said. In her remarks, the former Latvian leader focused on the protection of human rights. She said that as in many countries of the world, human rights are also violated in Azerbaijan – over a million Azerbaijanis have been driven out of their native lands. It was noted that the world community must demonstrate a categorical position in this matter.

Stressing that Azerbaijan is a model country in terms of tolerance, Vaira Vike-Freiberg described the participation of well-known politicians, Nobel prize winners, representatives of international organizations in the forum as an example of Azerbaijan’s growing authority. She noted that the rapid development of our country opens up new opportunities for the implementation of new ideas.


A member of the European Parliament and the mayor of the 7th district of Paris, Rachida Dati, said the rapidly developing Azerbaijan, a country initiating regional projects, is a unique country in the world. Stressing that Azerbaijan attaches great importance to multiculturalism, R. Dati noted that representatives of different religions live in the conditions of mutual respect and understanding in our country.

R. Dati said that the holding of such an important event in Baku significantly enhances the value of the forum because Baku is a place where different cultures, ancient and modern times converge. She added that this international event would achieve its objectives of discussing many issues and finding solutions.


The former president of Romania, Emil Constantinescu, expressed his confidence that, as was the case last year, the Baku International Humanitarian Forum would be a success. He stressed that the issues to be discussed at the event would be remembered as an important contribution in terms of responses to the challenges facing humanity. Because the discussion of important issues by the people of different professions, in particular those representing cultural sphere, in Baku is a great result.

Constantinescu said that Azerbaijan, which has organized the Baku International Humanitarian Forum at a high level, has already turned it into a tradition.


The former president of the Kyrgyz Republic, Roza Otunbayeva, spoke about Azerbaijan’s rich history and cultural heritage.

The former president also noted the growing influence of Azerbaijan, which developed from Soviet times to independence and beyond. Speaking about the importance of the forum, Otunbayeva stressed the relevance of multiculturalism and the role of media in society.


Expressing his gratitude to the President of Azerbaijan for the excellent organization of the Baku International Humanitarian Forum, the former president of Bulgaria, Peter Stoyanov, focused on multiculturalism. He stressed that multiculturalism, which involves understanding and respect for other peoples and religions, enjoys special attention in Azerbaijan. He noted that by bringing together influential representatives of the global elite, Azerbaijan had achieved great success by organizing the forum.

Therefore, the forum is an important platform for discussing current world affairs and sharing cultural values. Noting that Azerbaijan was introducing its cultural values to the world, Stoyanov said that Azerbaijan, using its favorable geographical location and the tradition of multiculturalism, had developed into an important center of dialogue in the world.

Speaking about the rapid economic development of our country in recent years, Peter Stoyanov praised President Aliyev and the country’s successful political course. Most importantly, Azerbaijan always seeks to share its successful experience with other countries.


“The Baku International Humanitarian Forum is an idea that was put forward at the right time,” said the former president of Latvia, Valdis Zatlers, and expressed his appreciation for the excellent organization of the event. Stressing that the global world is rapidly changing and that technological development further strengthens this change, the former president said that the main thing is to adapt to the change. Technological development has no cultural and historical measure. It poses new challenges to society.

To address these challenges and adapt to this change, we need to establish closer and more friendly relations with each other. Valdis Zatlers said that the people and government of Azerbaijan are confident and know what steps to take. Such a grand event is an indication of precisely this confidence.


In his remarks, the former president of Bulgaria, Georgi Parvanov, said that the Baku International Humanitarian Forum went beyond regional boundaries to become one of the major events that contribute to the discussion of global issues. Georgi Parvanov praised Azerbaijan for conducting such large-scale events at the highest level.

“Another value of this forum is its direct involvement in issues of global security,” Georgi Parvanov said, adding that the European Union should treat Azerbaijan as a strategic partner because there are many factors contributing to this. Georgi Parvanov urged UNESCO and the Council of Europe to further support Azerbaijan in the annual organization of such grand forums.


The Secretary General of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking States, Halil Akinci, highlighted the importance of the forum in terms of regional peace and security. He spoke about the activities carried out by the organization he heads, the steps taken to strengthen the ties between Turkic-speaking countries and the decisions made.

Halil Akinci thanked President Ilham Aliyev for the excellent organization of this Forum.


The second part of the plenary session of the Baku International Humanitarian Forum, chaired by President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Mahmud Karimov, featured presentations by winners of the Nobel Prize.


The winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Ahmed Zewail, highlighted the fact that the development of science and education in the modern world should be a priority. He approved of the fact that our country attaches special attention to that.


The winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, Kenneth Joseph Arrow, noted the great importance of the issues discussed at the forum. Mr. Arrow said that despite various efforts, the number of conflicts around the world is not reducing. The reason for this is the lack of a comprehensive approach. Talking about the economic processes occurring in the world, the winner of the Nobel Prize said that despite the existence of relations between countries in various fields, including the sphere of tourism, the problems in the global economy have not been resolved.


The winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Rudolph Arthur Marcus, speaking about environmental issues, said that the most pressing issue in the world is climate change. The scientist said that changes in the scientific field are occurring very fast and are even of revolutionary nature. For example, scientists still can’t say anything specific about the expansion of the ozone hole. Despite this, science can succeed in resolving global problems.


Nobel Prize-winning physicist Robert Betts Laughlin touched upon energy issues and noted that Azerbaijan’s activities in this field are of great interest in the world. The Baku forum is significant from the standpoint of studying Azerbaijan’s experience in this sphere.


According to the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, Finn Kydland, President Aliyev raised some important issues in his speech. Noting the importance of the exchange of information in the modern world, he stressed the efficiency of Azerbaijan's experience in this field.


According to Nobel Prize-winning physicist David Jonathan Gross, science and education are at the heart of global development. David Gross said that science is the most important form of international activity. In this context, science can become an essential tool for international cooperation. In a globalizing world, all problems are global, so there should be a single model in dealing with them.


The winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, Edward Prescott, built his speech around the issues of importance in terms of eliminating the problems of the environment and ecology. The Nobel Prize-winning expert said that now people are concerned about global warming. However, global cooling is a more serious problem. Today we are in one of the world’s most beautiful cities where extensive work is done “to turn black gold into human capital”. This event demonstrates that by conducting such activities we enrich each other, he said.


Nobel Prize-winning physicist George Fitzgerald Smoot, in turn, stressed the need for the introduction of modern technologies in order to avoid serious consequences of climate change which are worrying the world now. In order to discuss ways of addressing them and come to a conclusion, the Baku International Humanitarian Forum is a very effective platform. I am very happy to be involved in this forum.


The problems of the financial crisis in the USA were described by the Nobel laureate in economics, Roger Bruce Myerson. He noted that in a globalizing world such problems weaken the economy not just of one country, but of many other states. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to use all the opportunities and make a lot of effort.


The Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, Ada Yonath, stressed that the Baku International Forum is an important platform for the discussion of fundamental issues of concern. I am sure that we will hold useful discussions, share experiences and find solutions at this forum.


In his remarks, the Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Dan Shechtman, spoke about the consequences of demographic processes in the world. He said that the number of people in the world was growing and would soon reach 7 billion. If under such circumstances energy sources are depleted, how will humanity live on! In this matter a great responsibility lies with the scientists. By developing technology, they can find a solution to global problems.


The Second Baku International Humanitarian Forum will be continued with “round tables” on 5 October.

DOCUMENTS Addresses 15 October 2024
To the participants of the 4th Azerbaijan International “Restoration, Reconstruction, and Development of Karabakh” exhibition – “Rebuild Karabakh”, held as part of the “Caspian Construction Week”

Dear participants of the exhibition!

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

I welcome you to the opening of the 4th Azerbaijan International “Restoration, Reconstruction, and Development of Karabakh” exhibition – “Rebuild Karabakh”, held within the framework of the...

15 October 2024, 12:19