
First Vice President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva has once again addressed the nation in connection with coronavirus infection.
"Dear fellow compatriots!
I want to share with you my thoughts on the current situation of the COVID-19 epidemic in our country.
Assessing the path traveled, we can already say today that there was too little information at the very beginning of this massive viral attack to evaluate and understand its real extent, the degree of its danger and its possible consequences. One thing was obvious – it was necessary to consolidate all resources and take decisive measures. It is possible to say with full confidence that our country has coped with this task with dignity. According to experts, both Azerbaijani and international, Azerbaijan is among the states that survived the first and very dangerous stage of the epidemic with the least losses. We have managed to achieve the main thing – stop the uncontrolled spread of the virus, create a professional team that coordinates all aspects of the fight against the epidemic and consolidate the necessary technical and human resources. Tight quarantine measures have helped to reduce the spread of coronavirus. In the shortest possible time, the healthcare system has built up an effective strategy for countering the dangerous epidemic. Urgent tasks were addressed by people working in life support systems of cities and villages. In order to support small and medium-sized businesses and provide social assistance to the population, the state has developed and is implementing packages worth more than 3 billion manats.
In a word, thanks to timely and thoughtful measures, the country managed to avoid a truly catastrophic scenario.
I want to express my deep gratitude to all and everyone whose work was the guarantor of our success.
In the days of difficult trials, our people again showed their best qualities and deserve the highest credit for that. We cared and are caring about the security of our homeland, we are united and cohesive in the face of danger. Together, dear fellow citizens, we were able to protect our home from the disastrously rapid spread of the disease. Thank you all so much!
I once again express my sincere and endless gratitude to our fearless medical workers – doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, laboratory assistants, technical staff of hospitals and clinics, to all those who continue to struggle for the life and health of our people around the clock. I am deeply grateful to the police and personnel of the internal troops. After all, it is them who provide order, security and compliance with quarantine measures in these difficult days.
I want to thank all the employees of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the “Regional Development” Public Union, social workers and volunteers. I thank all caring people, all those who help others and show mercy. The Almighty will reward everyone for their good deeds!
Dear friends!
Thanks to the undoubted positive results, we can afford some relaxation of the isolation regime. The activity of a number of state bodies and private businesses is being restored. Some quarantine measures introduced earlier are being removed. Does this mean that the worst is over and we can return to our usual lives? Alas, this time has not arrived yet. Yes, we have won the first battle, but the war with the pandemic is still ongoing – in our country and around the world. The virus, which has brought so much misery and suffering to all countries and peoples, is still not defeated. It continues to pose a serious threat to all. It is still among us. Today, no-one can say for sure when the vaccine for COVID-19 will be created and when there will be a quick and effective way to treat it. Until this happens, it is necessary to understand and accept that we have to live with this new reality. Under no circumstances should we lose our vigilance. Against the backdrop of encouraging figures, we cannot afford to be light-minded. It is unacceptable to nullify and lose all the results that we managed to achieve with such difficulty. Carelessness will create a real threat to each of us, our loved ones, our country. We all need to learn to live by the new rules. In fact, these rules are not so complicated – to keep a distance, use protective equipment, wash hands more often. On the other side of the scale there is life and health. This is a new implacable reality and everyone has to reckon with it – from the president to ordinary citizens.
Dear fellow compatriots!
Without a doubt, the day will come when the scary story called COVID-19 will be a thing of the past. I do hope that this day is not far off. But until that happens, dear brothers and sisters, I ask you to be patient and responsible, be vigilant and disciplined, take the new rules and requirements seriously. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Take care of our beloved land, our Azerbaijan!
With deep respect and love,