
First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva has addressed the people of Azerbaijan in connection with the coronavirus infection.
“The world has found itself face to face with a global challenge. A year ago, most of us naively believed that the era of pandemics, the yet unknown and dangerous diseases that take human lives was in the past, that the modern level of development of bioscience, medicine, pharmaceuticals and technologies, as well as the level of the collective intelligence of mankind, have insured us against certain ‘surprises’. The reality turned out to be different. The notorious “Black Swan” by Nassim Taleb runs the show. The author writes in his famous book: ‘Everyone wants to protect themselves from danger. One way is to assess and manage risks ... It doesn't matter how hard we try. It is impossible to predict any risk accurately.’
There is plenty of information today about what COVID-19 is. The new virus and all the consequences of this infection are the main global information trend in real time. Paradoxically, despite the abundance of information, there are more questions than answers.
The official WHO statistics says: the number of people infected worldwide is 198,737, the number of deaths is 7,989, the number of those who have recovered is 82,779. The epidemic has been declared a pandemic and has affected 167 countries.
The undeniable conclusion is that the world was not ready for such a risk. Even the most developed countries with multibillion-dollar healthcare budgets, with colossal scientific and intellectual potential and possessing all advanced technologies could not resist the spread of the epidemic.
Unprecedented measures are being taken, borders are being closed, states are going into isolation.
I believe and hope that our common efforts will definitely bear fruit. Humanity will overcome this challenge, cope with it and become stronger. I also want to believe that we will reflect and try to rethink simple truths. We are different, but we have one home, a common home. There is no other people's misfortune. Pain and suffering have no boundaries.
Immunity to the virus will appear with the creation of a vaccine. Everyone should cultivate immunity to indifference in themselves.
Dear fellow compatriots!
Every effort is being made in our country to prevent the worst scenarios of events. All state bodies have been mobilized and consolidated. Since the first days, we have been working closely with WHO and taking the recommendations of this organization very seriously.
The rapid spread of the epidemic and its transition into a pandemic complicate the development of a unified strategy and tactics to combat this disease. Research on the virus and disease is ongoing in parallel with the fight against them. Therefore, many recommendations are ad hoc in nature and change as the database expands. One thing is obvious though – strict adherence to safety precautions, personal responsibility and organization are unconditional measures to protect yourself and others.
I express my gratitude to WHO for close cooperation with the Azerbaijani state in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic.
I call on all our compatriots to show civic responsibility and strictly follow the recommendations and requirements of the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers.
I ask everyone to take care of their elders. In the vast majority of cases, the disease is mild and ends in recovery. Elderly people, those who suffer from chronic diseases, people with weakened immunity are at risk. We, the Azerbaijanis, have always treated the older generation with special care and respect. We have always guarded them with awe. I am sure that in the current situation we will be even more attentive. Carelessness is unacceptable today.
I would like to express special gratitude to all those who are on the front line of the fight against the infection – doctors, medical personnel, employees of various government agencies who are taking the necessary measures to protect the health and lives of Azerbaijani citizens.
Dear friends!
I have no doubt that together we will overcome this serious challenge thanks to the best qualities of our great people – such as fortitude and courage, mercy and compassion, faith and love. I wish you good health and a long life!
May the Almighty help everyone in this difficult time.
With prayers for everyone and with love,