
In a post on her official Instagram page, Mehriban Aliyeva said: “We are all going through difficult days. The epidemic of coronavirus, a new and dangerous disease previously unknown to science, has disrupted our usual way of life. The modern world has never been faced with such crises before and has not had to adopt such large-scale quarantine measures.
The coronavirus pandemic is proving to be the most challenging test for the modern healthcare system. Even many advanced and developed countries cannot cope with it successfully.
These days, the fight against coronavirus is already being compared to war. This is a war indeed, a war, literally, with an invisible enemy.
Azerbaijan, like many countries, has to take emergency measures, shut its borders and introduce a strict quarantine regime. The fight against invisible danger is going on in many directions today. It requires hard work, difficult and responsible decisions from many people of different professions. But the most important and most difficult task today is being solved by our medical workers, our doctors, nurses, technical personnel, scientists and laboratory assistants.
They are at the forefront of the fight against the epidemic. Their up-to-the-minute decisions, their professional knowledge and skills, their dedication and compassion are our main weapon and hope.
These days, we are rediscovering the fact that the medical profession is called a sacred mission. Indeed, it has always required profound knowledge and refined skill. But today our medical workers are also required to display great personal courage. And they are passing this difficult test with dignity. An entire army of our medical workers has joined the fight against the epidemic. Among them are men and women, the experienced and very young, recognized luminaries and recent graduates of medical universities, nurses, technicians and orderlies only making their first steps in the profession. They are all saving our fellow citizens – those infected with the coronavirus and those who have avoided meeting this deadly danger.
Our dear medical workers,
I express to each of you my deep appreciation for everything – for your dedication, for your work to the limit of possibilities, for your everyday feat. Today you epitomize the best qualities of our people – courage and compassion, responsibility and humanity, warmth and mutual assistance. I bow to you for your heroic work, for working with full dedication. I am sure that you are doing and will continue to do everything in your power to stop this terrible epidemic. We infinitely believe in you, in your professionalism.
I wish you courage, patience and, most importantly, good health!
May the Almighty protect you!
With deep respect and love,