
Dear friends, please accept my warmest greetings. It is a remarkable day today as we are inaugurating the new headquarters of Upper Qarabag’s Azerbaijani community. The building will also house the Susa executive authorities. This beautiful and modern building was fully renovated over a short period of time. All conditions have been created here for work. I am sure you will work very productively here. Your working conditions must correspond to your status, and we have achieved that today. All the necessary construction and refurbishment work has been carried out over a short period of time, and the building produces a very good impression. It is also true that this is only your temporary headquarters.
After the liberation of our lands in Upper Qarabag, new beautiful buildings will be established for you. I am absolutely sure that Azerbaijan will restore its territorial integrity and an end will be put to this injustice. The territorial integrity of our country recognized by the international community will be restored.
Upper Qarabag is Azerbaijan’s native land. The people of Azerbaijan know that very well. As representatives of Upper Qarabag, you certainly know the history of this region very well. Thanks to our current activities, all the realities related to the conflict are being communicated to the international community. As a result of Azerbaijan’s effective activities, the information pertaining to this conflict and the truth about the history and culture of this region is shared with all organizations, leading international organizations of the world. In the first years of the conflict, due to the activity of the Armenian lobby and a lack of significant international opportunities in Azerbaijan, the world had false and distorted information about reasons behind the conflict and the history of Upper Qarabag. However, we can say with confidence today that Azerbaijan has already dealt a severe blow to the false propaganda of Armenia and the Armenian lobby. Today, all leading international organizations of the world are supporting Azerbaijan’s fair cause through their resolutions. The UN, the European Parliament, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, the Organization of Islamic Conference and other organizations have adopted very strong resolutions reflecting the actual state of affairs and serving as a foundation for conflict settlement.
There are different documents and facts confirming that Upper Qarabag is native Azerbaijani land. As you know, the Armenians were resettled to this region in the early 19th century. Subsequently, for different reasons, they formed the majority in Upper Qarabag. As a result, an autonomous region was established in Upper Qarabag in the early 20th century, in the 1920s. The entire history, place-names and geographical locations of Upper Qarabag are associated with the history and culture of Azerbaijani people. The names of all villages and towns reflect the history of Azerbaijan.
The center of Upper Qarabag, the town of Xankandi, was established under this name. I have recently expressed my opinion in this regard and want to reiterate it now: suffice it to look at the early 20th century maps to see that there was no town called Stepanakert – these maps reflect genuine place-names. There was a place called Xankandi. The word Stepanakert was derived from the name of Bolshevik Stepan Shaumyan who is guilty of shedding the blood of innocent Azerbaijani people and perpetrating genocide against the Azerbaijanis. But I want to repeat that, unfortunately, these realities were not adequately communicated to the world community for many years. In other words, the world community was not aware of this.
This is one side of our problems. On the other hand, even today, when all international organizations are receiving accurate information thanks to our activities, we can still see certain injustices towards Azerbaijan. In some cases the international community turns a blind eye to the reality. This reality is not taken into account, while certain foreign circles still pursue their policies on the basis of conjured-up facts and distorted history. This is a policy of double standards. Unfortunately, this approach existed in the world in the past and is still there. Double standards mean injustice. How fair is it to treat an occupier and a victim of occupation equally?! The Azerbaijani people are well aware of that. We will continue our work towards informing the world of the real state of affairs.
The decisions of international organizations are very important. In some cases it may appear that although decisions are being made and the world community supports Azerbaijan’s cause, the conflict is not being resolved. This is true. But at the same time, the decisions of international organizations represent a foundation for resolving the problem by any means because despite Armenia’s breaches of international legal norms, no-one can scrap international law. The world community has been formed and operates on the basis of international legal norms. The United Nations, other organizations, their charters and missions are based on the principles of justice, democracy and legal norms, and any settlement of the conflict must be based on the norms of international law. If Azerbaijan sees that the peace process has proved futile and there is no further hope, and gives preference to a military option, international law is on our side because Article 51 of the UN Charter explicitly says that every country has the right to defend itself. We want to resolve the issue in peace. We want our territorial integrity to be restored in a negotiated way. But so far it is impossible.
Nevertheless, I think we must continue our diplomatic efforts. A very important resolution on Upper Qarabag has recently been adopted in the European parliament. Although it has been about 20 years since the conflict began, the resolution has been adopted only this year. I consider that despite the delay, the adoption of a fair decision, especially by the European parliament, is very important. Everyone knows about the capabilities of the Armenian lobby there and about the efforts it made to counter the resolution.
We know this very well. The broad public may not be aware of that, but we do know that even their resistance until the very last moment, the efforts and consolidation by all Armenians of the world could not stop the adoption of the resolution. Justice was done. Thanks to Azerbaijan’s growing influence and communication of the truth to European MPs, we have succeeded in adopting this resolution. Of course, it would be wrong to think that this resolution will play a crucial role in resolving the conflict today or tomorrow. But I repeat: whenever Azerbaijan wants to restore its territorial integrity on the basis of international law, the legal assessment will certainly play the key role.
Therefore, the present-day situation, i.e. the processes relating to the conflict which awaits a settlement based on international law, are unfolding in a positive direction because the resolutions of the UN Security Council have been followed by important decisions passed by different international organizations over these years.
As for the conflict settlement, let me repeat: Azerbaijan must and will restore its territorial integrity. Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity has never been a talking point. The updated principles based on the Madrid ones create conditions for the restoration of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. It is for this reason that Azerbaijan is taking part in the talks and demonstrating a constructive stance. We have always wanted Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity to be taken into consideration so that the conflict could be resolved on this bases, and we have succeeded in that. Today, the countries co-chairing the Minsk Group are voicing their views perhaps more openly. The following important aspect is always emphasized: the issue must be resolved on the basis of the Helsinki principles. What are the Helsinki principles? Those dealing with the issue will certainly know them. The main principle here is territorial integrity. There is also a principle of self-determination of nations, but it should not damage or contradict the territorial integrity of countries. Self-governance and self-determination opportunities must not undermine territorial integrity. This is the essence of the Helsinki principles. The co-chairing countries have prepared proposals on this basis and Azerbaijan accepts them with certain provisos. What are they? I would like to inform you of them again. First of all, the occupying forces must withdraw from all occupied districts around Upper Qarabag. Five districts must be vacated immediately, while two others, Kalbacar and Lacin, after some time. The proposals envisage a five-year period. The reason is that Kalbacar and Lacin Districts are located between Upper Qarabag and Armenia and, in some respects, more comprehensive security measures are required for the return of the Azerbaijani population there. However, all districts must be under the control of Azerbaijan. There is a road, i.e. a corridor, between Armenia and Upper Qarabag, and Azerbaijan has agreed to that because this is an important issue for the conflict settlement. All security guarantees must be provided.
We have no intention of conducting a policy of ethnic cleansing there, as the Armenians did. The Azerbaijani people have never resorted to such dirty acts. Therefore, the existing road between Upper Qarabag and Armenia must function the way it did in the past, and I think this proposal may be accepted. Security guarantees must be provided. Peace-keeping troops must be stationed on the administrative boundary of Upper Qarabag, and I think there is no threat to us in that because the security of the Azerbaijani citizens who will return to the occupied territories must also be ensured. The peace-keeping contingent will perform this function until all parties assume responsibility for security measures.
The provision of Upper Qarabag with a transitional status is now being discussed. This status will not breach Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. All the people affected by the occupation must return to their native places. This means that the citizens of Azerbaijan must return to Upper Qarabag, to Susa, which is explicitly stated in a recent statement by three co-chairing countries. These are democratic principles reflecting the norms of international law, therefore, they may become the only solution option. I want to repeat: with certain exceptions, Azerbaijan has accepted these fundamental principles, and we expect a similar approach from Armenia. However, the information we are receiving is not very positive. It appears that the Armenian side prefers to continue its tactic, i.e. to drag out the process as much as it can and continue the occupation.
Of course, Azerbaijan will never agree to that. We have been holding talks and demonstrating a constructive position for years. At different times, Armenia has disrupted the talks, the developments in Armenia have affected the negotiating process. Terrorist acts in the Armenian parliament, the coup d’etat in Armenia in the late 1990s and other crimes have created problems for the conflict settlement.
We, for our part, have always demonstrated a constructive stance. We are demonstrating constructivism even today by generally accepting these principles. If the conflict is resolved on the basis of these principles, I think the interests of Azerbaijan will be fully secured. First of all, citizens of Azerbaijan will return to the districts around Upper Qarabag. Azerbaijan’s population has increased lately and, of course, the demographic situation in that region will fully secure our interests in a short period of time. The return of the Azerbaijani population to Upper Qarabag, to Susa must be obligatory. It may take a little longer, but without this the conflict cannot be resolved. Azerbaijan will use all the opportunities available to do that as soon as possible.
I think the establishment of peace, the opening of communications will have a positive impact on regional processes. It is no secret that the balance of power between Armenia and Azerbaijan has changed in our favor. We have managed to do that. Azerbaijan is well ahead of Armenia in any sphere. From the standpoint of economic potential, the Azerbaijani economy is 7-8 times bigger than that of Armenia. The demographic potential is also making our positions stronger. Today Azerbaijan has a population of 9 million people, while the population of Armenia, according to unofficial but accurate information, is about 1.8 million people. According to the information available to us, about 60,000 people live in the Upper Qarabag region of Azerbaijan, i.e. the population of one district. The economy, geographical location, demographics, army construction, industrial potential, geopolitical situation and growing influence of Azerbaijan in the region and the world – all these factors are strengthening our positions and will enable us to meet our goal.
I do hope that co-chairing countries, by sending serious signals to Armenia, will urge it to respond positively to the proposals officially submitted by co-chairmen in December. Thus, we will make another step forward. Otherwise, I think that a successful continuation of talks will be called into question because there have been different stages in our talks since the Minsk Group was established in 1992. Every stage took us somewhere. I have already mentioned that the unconstructive position of Armenia has sometimes disrupted talks. Over the last five to six years, based on the principles I mentioned earlier, we developed a format described as the Prague process. Today we have approached a logical conclusion of that process, or an important stage of it. Updated proposals were submitted on the basis of Madrid principles. One party, Azerbaijan, generally accepts these proposals. The other side either disagrees or is still dragging out time. If the opposite side, Armenia, does not respond positively to these suggestions, there will be no point in continuing the talks in this format. If the continuation of talks in this format is impossible, then the peace process will be completely ruled out because different options have already been discussed and proposals made on the basis of different formulas. But there is no result. I think that the format we refer to as the Prague process is the last opportunity. It is the last opportunity for Armenia to vacate occupied territories on its own, thus ensuring its own future, and not to live in fear any more.
Therefore, this stage is crucial. During recent talks with representatives of co-chairing countries, we expressed our opinion about that. We think that all necessary steps must be taken at this crucial time to resolve the issue.
I want to repeat that I personally have no doubt that we will restore the territorial integrity of our country. Our position is backed first of all by international law. Our position is made stronger by the growing gap between Armenia and Azerbaijan in terms of development. Our position is backed by the will of the Azerbaijani people. Different ruling circles in Armenia even think that the talks have been under way for about 20 years, let them continue for another 10 and then another 10, while we will simply imitate them. Over time the Azerbaijanis will forget about these regions and a new generation not associated with it will emerge. The Azerbaijani people are countering all such speculation with their will. Let the Armenians judge themselves, not us. Perhaps they are the ones who can forget their native land. The people of Azerbaijan will never forget their motherland. Today the children born in tent-camps, in Baku and elsewhere, into the families from Upper Qarabag and occupied districts have the dream of returning to their native lands. The Azerbaijani people will never forget their native lands. We will never give up our fair cause. We will not leave Armenia alone until we have returned to our lands and restored the territorial integrity of our country. We will never put up with the present situation.
The present-day Azerbaijan is not what it was 20 years ago. When our lands were occupied, there was chaos in Azerbaijan. There was no state in Azerbaijan at all. There was no state construction. The world knew nothing about Azerbaijan. We had no army. There were different armed formations, bandit detachments, every alleged party leader had his own armed units. Fighting with each other, they were also struggling for power, while we were losing our lands. On the other hand, Armenia was receiving both financial and military assistance from abroad. You all know this perfectly well. We arrested very many foreign mercenaries in those days. Even then Armenia did not have the capability to create problems for Azerbaijan, not to mention the present situation. Today Azerbaijan is a strong and independent state which raises its fair voice in all forums, is not afraid of anyone and has a strong army. Today our army is capable of fulfilling any task. I have no doubt about that. I am absolutely sure.
How much longer will they live in this situation? Is this their choice?! Is this their independence?! For us, for our generation, independence was an opportunity, a historic asset. We are a happy people because we live independently. The Azerbaijani people had dreamed about independence for centuries. Generations were replacing each other, lived as a colony, as a republic or in some other form, as a province. We were not masters of our own fate. We were part of other empires, we were divided and were losing our lands. The history of independence was an opportunity for us, for Armenia and all other post-Soviet republics. And it is up to a country and the will of its people whether to take this opportunity.
Today Azerbaijan is successfully using this opportunity although our lands are under occupation and a million of Azerbaijanis have become victims of ethnic cleansing. Our people became the victims of the Xocali genocide. Despite all this, we are looking ahead with confidence. We are a strong country. We live at our own expense. We influence regional processes. We have equal relations with all countries, including superpowers, and our relations are based on mutual respect and mutual interest. There is nothing for us to be embarrassed of. We are not asking anyone for anything. On the contrary, we are the ones being asked for help. And we do provide assistance if we can.
What does Armenia do? Armenia’s independence is only nominal. This country cannot be considered independent because it cannot pursue an independent policy and is governed by the will of circles outside it. It does not have an independent economic policy either. All its infrastructure and strategic facilities are in the hands of other countries. The population is reducing, there is a demographic and economic recession. If it hadn’t received assistance last year, the year of economic recession, the country would have fallen apart. How much longer can they live at the expense of foreign donations?! This is why I am saying that this is a historic choice. Azerbaijan has successfully taken the independence opportunity. I am sure that our choice has been correct. We will continue to strengthen our potential in all areas, economic and industrial, step up our diplomatic efforts and army construction. I am sure we will free our lands from occupiers.
Armenia thinks that its positions are growing stronger over time. This is an erroneous approach. Their positions are weakening in all spheres. It is the strong positions of world Armenians that are securing the present-day status-quo for the time being. But this status-quo cannot be eternal and long-term. I want to reiterate that there is a ceasefire regime. But there are no peace-keeping troops in the region, there are Armenian and Azerbaijani soldiers. Sometimes the distance between them is 40-50 meters. No-one can guarantee that some unpleasant events can’t happen there. How much longer can the people of Azerbaijan tolerate that? How much longer can we put up with this injustice? To some extent, this could have been explained at the time when there was a military balance between Armenia and Azerbaijan. But there is no such balance now. And we know that very well.
Therefore, I would like to express my opinion on these issues today because this is our common and nationwide cause. It is the most painful and most important problem the country is facing. Without resolving it, we will never put up with the current situation. We must restore the territorial integrity of our country. I also want to indicate today that the option tabled within the framework of the peace process can, I am sure, serve as a basis for the conflict settlement. Azerbaijan, for its part, demonstrates a constructive approach again and wants to continue its cause on the basis of proposals submitted in December. If the opposite side demonstrates a similar position, we can approach a settlement.
I want to repeat that the occupation of Upper Qarabag and adjacent districts is unbearable. The Azerbaijani people, the government of Azerbaijan will never put up with this situation. This issue is a priority for us and for me as president. And it will remain as such until it has been resolved. I also want to note that on this remarkable occasion we must talk about this issue. I would like to hear your views.
The chairman of the “Azerbaijani community of the Upper Qarabag region of the Azerbaijan Republic” public association, Bayram Safarov, thanked the head of state for the conditions created for the community and provided the following information about its activities:
- This beautiful building has been constructed for the Azerbaijani community of Upper Qarabag using the funds allocated under your decree dated 31 August 2009. Members of the community’s board only need to work hard. In such conditions we must inform the world community and international organizations of Azerbaijan’s fair cause.
On my own behalf and on behalf of all community members, I would like to thank you for creating such wonderful conditions for us. You have always taken good care of one million IDPs. We are all witnessing that. There is not a single tent-camp left in Azerbaijan. You have always been attentive to the problems of IDPs. In response to that, we always stand ready to fulfill your orders. All of us, soldiers of this nation, are ready for the battle. We support your wise domestic and foreign policies.
Members of the board and our community want to have representative offices beyond Azerbaijan, in foreign and CIS states, to inform the world community of the issue. With support from the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, a lot is being done in that direction. On the initiative of the foundation’s president, UNESCO and ISESCO Goodwill Ambassador, MP Mehriban Aliyeva, books about Qarabag realities, the Xocali massacre are being published in different languages. On the initiative of the head of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s representative office in Russia, Leyla Aliyeva, activities dedicated to the Xocali tragedy are held in over 100 countries of the world every year. All this work is on hand. All of us, Qarabag natives, are always ready to answer your call. We always support your domestic and foreign policies. On my own behalf and on behalf of the board, thank you very much again. Thank you.
The president of Baku Music Academy, Prof. Farhad Badalbayli, while pointing to the importance of universal readiness for the major return, stressed that Azerbaijanis of Qarabag believe in a soonest return to their motherland. He said:
- You have spoken about Qarabag in detail. All the speeches you make are truly impressive and remind us of our history. I think one of our key goals has to do with the future return. We need to prepare our society for this return. I think our society, TV channels should pay more attention to the subject of return, to how will return and live there. We must be ready for that because you are resolving our main problem. We know that on the order of the supreme commander-in-chief, our army can reach Xankandi within a week. But we wouldn’t like to have more victims. Of course, we are going along the path of peace. We can see that in all your meetings and talks with heads of state, you always emphasize the Qarabag problem.
I can remember our nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev, while in America, would always have a pointer on hand and, like a geography teacher, would explain where Qarabag is and who it belongs to. You are continuing that policy today. Therefore, we have great hopes for you and have no doubts whatsoever that these hopes will soon come true.
In the 1980s, we were in snow-covered Susa together with you. We were young and happy at the time. I have no doubt that we will go back there. You will restore the mausoleum of Vaqif, the house of Bulbul’s uncle. I would like to present one magazine to you. This is the first publication of the community. With your support, we have conducted a major Academy of Sciences conference in Germany. It was also attended by senators. We had a discussion on the Qarabag issue there, a very serious discussion. We even gave a concert. I must thank Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva because the Qarabag musicians album prepared with her support is also a powerful weapon. Whenever we present this album in different countries, it is always viewed as a miracle. This is also a weapon, a musical weapon, and a very powerful one.
I would like to express our gratitude to you – we all know your principled stance on the Qarabag issue. We believe in you. We believe that sooner or later we will return there together. Please accept this magazine.
Thank you very much.
Stressing Azerbaijan’s adherence to the peace process and the importance of stepping up efforts to promote accurate information about Upper Qarabag, the president of Baku Slavic University, Kamal Abdulla, said:
- We will always remember our nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev tirelessly explaining to world leaders, with a pointer in his hand, where Upper Qarabag and Azerbaijan are, where the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan lies and what the actual course of events in history was. Prior to that the world had obscure information about the conflict and it was then that realization of the essence of the issue occurred. Today world countries are well aware of that.
The people of Azerbaijan have been very lucky, and I am saying that quite sincerely, that the policy of Heydar Aliyev is being continued with dignity, conscientiousness, inspiration and tireless effort. We realize what feelings you must be experiencing while elaborating these principles, strategy and relations. We have been lucky also because the policy being pursued is well worth of our unforgettable president. I am sure that a very remarkable peculiarity of Azerbaijan’s choice of the path of peace, not war, is that it is evidence that our people and president adhere to universal human values and democratic principles. In response to that, we can expect appropriate treatment from world countries.
Today, the Azerbaijani community of Qarabag, following your instructions and under the guidance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Presidential Administration, is holding very interesting and useful meetings. We are witnessing the truth about Azerbaijan being discovered by the hearts and minds of different people. We are very pleased that Azerbaijan is now enjoying tremendous international authority. Even at a distance we could feel the impact of your recent meeting in Baku on US State Secretary Hillary Clinton. We are sure that thanks to all that we will soon reunite with our native Qarabag.
Today, I would like to thank you again on behalf of the community and my friends. I would like to express my confidence that, Inshallah, the day will come when you will be inaugurating such wonderful buildings in Susa, Upper Qarabag. Thank you.
MP Rovsan Rzayev, indicating that President Ilham Aliyev’s policy towards resolving the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Upper Qarabag was enjoying public support, said:
- Decisions of international organizations are very important for us. The European Parliament’s resolution of 20 May leads to the conclusion that peace is the most necessary and correct option. At the same time, I would like to indicate that Azerbaijan’s armed forces are at a very high level today. We are always proud to say that Azerbaijan is the only CIS country, apart from Russia and Ukraine, to have the Ministry of Defense Industry. Mr. President, I would like to express our deepest appreciation to you for that. The people of Azerbaijan support you and have confidence in the policy of great leader Heydar Aliyev. You, Mr. President, are continuing his policy. We are proud of you, our wise leader. We believe that Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity will be restored thanks to your resolute policies. Thank you very much.
President Ilham Aliyev said:
- Thank you. Let me repeat that this is our common nationwide cause. To resolve this issue, in addition to diplomatic efforts and propaganda, we must be strong. This is confirmed by history, both distant and recent. We must try to become even stronger. Therefore, for all these years Azerbaijan’s economic potential, army construction, defense potential, the establishment of the defense industry – all this was serving one goal: we must be able to free our lands at any time. We must build up critical strength for the opposing party to understand that further delay is not in its interests. Otherwise, if we had confined our activities only to diplomatic negotiations, I am sure the principles I have mentioned here would not have emerged. All this – Azerbaijan’s potential, its geopolitical importance and military power – is invigorating our political stance. Therefore, we must become even stronger. We must mobilize all our efforts. We must have a strong army for a peaceful settlement of the issue. Are we are building it.
A lot remains to be done in the future. In parallel, this subject must always be in the spotlight of all international organizations. Farhad was quite right to say that I raise the Qarabag issue everywhere. This issue is raised during economic discussion, at cultural activities, international forums. The voice of Azerbaijan is raised everywhere and the real state of affairs is brought to the world’s attention. Although Armenia and the Armenian lobby are conducting a policy of grab, have carried out the policy of ethnic cleansing and ousted Azerbaijanis from their native homes, they are also trying to convince the world that it is Azerbaijan that has unleashed aggression against them.
The world is already receiving accurate information. It is very important. The release of such brochures on all spheres, the release by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation of discs is evidence that this is our native land and our culture. We must protect our culture. I have no doubt that we will return to Upper Qarabag, to Susa.
I remember those days very well. We were standing in snow at Cidir Duzu outside Vaqif’s mausoleum. These unforgettable impressions live in our hearts and in the hearts of every Azerbaijani citizen. We will not set our minds at rest until we return there. We must mobilize all our efforts and do our utmost to return there as soon as possible. I want to reiterate: I have no doubt that Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity will be restored, we will return to Upper Qarabag, rebuild this region, restore all the destroyed buildings, mosques, schools, houses. We simply want to do it as soon as possible, so that our refugees could return to the lands of their ancestors.
Let me greet you all again from the bottom of my heart. I promise you and all the people of Azerbaijan that, as was the case in previous years, restoration of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity will continue to be top priority for me. I will do my best for a speediest and fair solution of the issue. Thank you very much.
Statement by President Ilham Aliyev
- Dear Mr. President, my dear brother,
Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome, my dear brother, and welcome back. I have very good memories of your last visit in November to attend the COP29 conference. I invited Mr. President...
27 February 2025, 15:23