Ilham Aliyev reviewed the national exhibition “Independent Azerbaijan in 20 years”

27 September 2011, 13:00
Ilham Aliyev reviewed the national exhibition “Independent Azerbaijan in 20 years”

A national exhibition “Independent Azerbaijan in 20 years”, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the restoration of state independence, has been opened at the Baku Exhibition Centre.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev visited the exhibition.

Over 130 enterprises, organizations and companies are participating in the exhibition. Covering a total area of 11,000 square meters, the exhibition demonstrates the progress Azerbaijan has made in the past 20 years, including the spheres of industry, fuel and energy, information technology, agriculture, transport, environment, tourism, construction, healthcare, education, culture, etc.

Also on display are exhibits reflecting the socioeconomic development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

President Ilham Aliyev reviewed the exhibition pavilions featuring our economic successes in the 20 years. Pavilion expositions are designed to cover various stages of our development.

Minister of Economic Development Shahin Mustafayev, speaking about the indicators for 2003-2011, a period of rapid economic development of our country, said the average annual growth of the gross domestic product amounted to 14 per cent during these years, including 9 per cent in the non-oil sector. The share of the private sector in the GDP reached 81.7 per cent. Investment in the economy increased 2.4 times, including foreign 1.5-fold and domestic 5.5 times. By the end of 2010, strategic currency reserves increased more than 14 times to exceed 29 billion dollars.

It was noted that state budget revenues and expenditures grew at an average of 24 per cent, population incomes 3.2 times and the average wage 2.6 times a year. The Human Development Index has risen to the level of European and Central Asian countries. The level of employment has subsequently also increased. As a result, the level of poverty fell to 9 per cent. At present, Azerbaijan accounts for more than two-thirds of the South Caucasus economy. All these achievements are highly appreciated by international rating agencies.

President Ilham Aliyev reviewed the mechanism for managing public programs. The projects undertaken in various sectors of the economy were presented to the head of state on the basis of the most modern technology.

One of the most interesting exhibition pavilions is dedicated to the activities of the State Oil Fund. Established at the initiative of great leader Heydar Aliyev, the Fund has created favorable opportunities for a fair and transparent use of oil revenues. Projects to improve the living conditions of refugees and IDPs, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, the Oguz-Gabala-Baku water line and the Samur-Absheron irrigation system, the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway project and other important programs have been or are still being financed from the Fund.

The exhibition, in which the Azersu Open Joint-Stock Company is also represented, provides extensive information about the country’s water-supply sector in 20 years. Important water projects were also carried out in the years of independence. The biggest project of this sector in the years of independence has been the Oguz-Gabala-Baku water line commissioned late last year. In an effort to improve water and sewage systems in cities and districts of the republic, more than 1,500 kilometers of water-supply lines were laid using different diameter pipes, 59 water reservoirs built and over 200 sub-artesian wells drilled.

The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan is represented with a broader exposition. It features the country’s achievements in the fields of oil, gas and petrochemicals.

The President was informed that thanks to a successful implementation of the oil strategy of great leader Heydar Aliyev in the years of independence, oil production in the country has grown 6.1 times and gas production 3.1 times. Since the start of the first phase of the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli project, 247 million tons of oil and 62.7 billion cubic meters of gas have been produced. The oil industry has received 35.8 billion dollars of foreign investment, including 24.4 billion dollars invested in the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli project. These achievements have allowed State Oil Company to invest in Turkey, Georgia, Ukraine, Romania, Moldova and other countries. Rich deposits of natural gas have been discovered in Azerbaijan.

The exhibition pavilion of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs reflects the stages of the work our state has been doing to improve the living conditions of refugees and IDPs.

When reviewing the pavilion, the head of state was informed that the stands reflect the occupation of Azerbaijani territories and the initial facilities for the displaced persons. One of the stands features the process of elimination of IDP tent-camps. The stand called “The construction of new settlements” displays pictures and models of settlements with all infrastructure facilities constructed by the government of Azerbaijan to improve the living conditions of the IDPs.

The photo stand called “Care of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation about the IDPs” reflects the Fund’s attention to IDP families. The exhibition also demonstrates a map reflecting the consequences of Armenia’s military aggression against Azerbaijan in 1988-1993.

The pavilion of the State Social Protection Fund provides detailed information about the fund’s revenue and expenditure over 20 years, its public services and the system of personal accounts. In the years of independence, the fund’s total revenue and expenditure amounted to 1.765 billion manats. Currently, 99.4 per cent of pensioners receive pensions through plastic cards. Over the years, the material and technical logistics of the fund have also substantially improved.

President Ilham Aliyev also inspected the pavilion of the Azerenergy Open Joint-Stock Company. It was indicated that the region’s biggest energy producer Azerenergy is also a regional leader for distribution networks and the length of electricity lines. Currently, the power grid of our republic includes 13 thermal and seven hydroelectric power plants with a total capacity of over 6.4 thousand megawatts. The country’s energy system also includes more than 200 different-voltage substations. Every year the grid produces an average of more than 18 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity.

The pavilion of the State Committee on Property Issues broadly reflects the progress made in the years of independence in the spheres of privatization, registration of property rights and the real estate cadastre in Azerbaijan. In the years of independence, great leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev have taken historic steps towards privatization of state property as an important part of economic reforms. Over the years, about 45,000 enterprises and facilities were privatized, nearly 1,600 state-owned enterprises were transformed into joint-stock companies, and more than 500,000 enterprise employees and citizens became owners of property and shareholders.

Over the 20 years of independence the Caspian Shipping Company has also covered a successful road. The total deadweight of its fleet amounted to 520,700 tons. Eighty-four vessels of the Caspian Shipping Company are mooring in over 130 ports of Europe, Asia and Africa. Within the Caspian Shipping Company there is a Scientific Research Institute, the State Maritime Academy and a shipyard. All these achievements are widely reflected in the company’s pavilion.

The pavilion reflecting the dynamics of agricultural development in independent Azerbaijan clearly shows that the policy of our state aimed at providing the population with quality food is successfully implemented. Over 20 years, the GDP growth dynamics in agriculture amounted to 3 billion 877.7 million manats. In general, agricultural producers have received subsidies worth 109.3 million manats. Last year, grain production in the country exceeded 2 million tons, which has contributed to the ongoing efforts to ensure food security.

The pavilion of the Azerbaijan Airlines CJSC provides detailed information about the activities carried out in the years of independence to upgrade the fleet, further improve the services provided and increase the number of domestic and international flights. The Azerbaijan Airlines aircraft, carrying over one million passengers a year, perform more than 150 flights a week. The company’s fully renewed fleet includes such commercial liners as Boeing-767, Boeing-757, Airbus and ATR. A network of modern airports has been established in the country. The modern airports of Lankaran, Zagatala, Ganja and Nakhchivan can process international flights.

The pavilion on the transport sector demonstrates the development dynamics of the country’s transportation system. As a result of the large-scale measures on the reconstruction of the road network in Azerbaijan, practically all of the country’s main roads have been constructed at a high level. An intellectual transport management system is being introduced in Baku. In the years 2004-2010, 1.23 billion tons of cargo were transported in the country. A total of 15 flyovers have been built over this period in Baku alone.

The President was informed that the national exhibition, organized on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the restoration of independence, extensively covers the activities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. The exhibition features a photo stand and a film documenting the care and attention of great leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev to social protection of the population, including the medical and social rehabilitation of the disabled. Also displayed are photographs of the apartment buildings and residential houses built for the disabled and martyr families in different districts, new offices of local rehabilitation centers for the disabled, the Sumgayit Special Olympics center, social protection centers, as well as the cars donated to the disabled war veterans by the state. Also featured is information about future work. The exhibition demonstrates progress made in the use of electronic services.

The pavilion representing the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which is carrying out productive work in the aftermath of emergency situations, mainly demonstrates the electronic system of management. The organization of management in all departments and divisions of the ministry, communication and notification are coordinated from a single center. The measures taken in the wake of the calamity that occurred on the Kura and Aras rivers in April and May last year show a high professional level of all units of the ministry.

The pavilion representing the Ministry of Taxes shows the independent Azerbaijan’s tax system. It displays the work carried out by nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev towards creating a modern tax system and activities implemented under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev to modernize the tax system. The progress the ministry has made since it was established are shown on the basis of figures and facts.

A separate pavilion demonstrates the measures taken to improve the customs system and expand its activities. Significant room is allocated to information on foreign trade and export-import operations. The pavilion also reflects information on the use of international experience in the development of the customs system, issues of cooperation and projects under way.

The pavilion of the State Agency for Alternative and Renewable Energy under the Ministry of Industry and Energy reflects the work done in the area of using these energy sources. Detailed information about a test site and a training center commissioned in Gobustan is also available.

There is a separate pavilion demonstrating irrigation and water management projects under way. One of the key areas of government activities in the years of independence has been the construction of new water reservoirs. At present, work on restoring and building the water-supply and sanitation infrastructure is under way in eight districts of the republic using a World Bank loan. The pavilion also provides detailed information on the work that is part of the “State program on the socioeconomic development of Baku and its suburban settlements”.

While examining the stand of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, President Ilham Aliyev was informed about the communications and information technology projects implemented in the 20 years of independence, success stories and future development directions. It was noted that the revenue fetched by the communications sector has increased fivefold in the last seven years alone, while the number of Internet and mobile phone users has risen many times. The exhibition also reflects information on the expanding communications infrastructure, decisions of the Electronic Government, development of the postal and financial system, enhancement and improvement of the quality of radio and television broadcasts.

The President also reviewed the work associated with putting Azerbaijan’s first telecommunications satellite into orbit.

The exhibition widely demonstrates the successes the dynamically developing Azerbaijan has made in the sphere in education, innovations and integration into the international education system. The stands provide detailed information about the computerization of education, admission to higher educational institutions, schools built and renovated, the care of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation about education, education reforms and opportunities of studying abroad.

The pavilion on healthcare reflects information about the medical facilities that have been built and reconstructed, which is evidence of the care and attention of great leader Heydar Aliyev, President Ilham Aliyev and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation to this sphere.

The Ekol Muhendislik Khidmetleri CJSC is a company implementing environmental projects using modern equipment and technologies and aiming to improve the environmental situation in the republic.

When reviewing the pavilion of the Tamiz Shahar OJSC, the head of state was informed that the organization, engaged in high-level placement and disposal of wastes, is doing important work to improve the environmental situation in the capital. This includes the ongoing construction of a waste disposal plant. The stands provide complete information about the work under way in the Gala settlement near Baku within the framework of the Tamiz Gala project being implemented with support from the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

A separate section of the exhibition is dedicated to the successes of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic over 20 years. In this period, 432 industrial enterprises have been set up in the autonomous republic. The private sector share in the GDP is 85.9 per cent. Nakhchivan produces 305 types of goods of 807 denominations. Over the said period, 120 schools have been built and 58 renovated. Nearly 3,000 km of roads have been laid or rehabilitated, 125 bridges built or repaired, 180 health facilities opened, four 164-megawatt power stations built.

The work being done to improve reclamation and water management activities of the Autonomous Republic is noted for its scope. To date, some 160 pump stations have been built and 360 sub-artesian wells drilled. About 68,700 jobs have been created in Nakhchivan.

President Ilham Aliyev also reviewed private sector pavilions. It was noted that the construction of new health facilities, resorts, hotels and the development of resort areas have been a priority public policy in recent years.

In February this year, President Ilham Aliyev participated in the opening of the Chinar Hotel & SPA Naftalan complex. To date it has had 1,450 patients, including 15 per cent foreign nationals.

The Azersun Holding group of companies, which is as old as Azerbaijan’s independence, is a leading company specialized in food production, retail and agriculture. The factories that are part of Azersun Holding, along with a strong production potential, have a broad export network.

Launched in 2003, AtaHolding OJSC invests in various sectors of the economy, financial management, intellectual wealth and corporate governance.

The State Committee on Town-Planning and Architecture is also represented in the national show. President Ilham Aliyev was informed that the committee ensures preservation of national traditions of town-planning and architecture and rational use of population settlements. The Committee has ordered the drafting of master plans for 18 cities. Currently the Committee is working on a plan on the development of Greater Baku, draft plans of the Aran, Ganja-Gazakh, Guba-Khachmaz, Shaki-Zagatala and Lankaran economic regions, draft master plans of Ganja, Sumgayit, Khirdalan, Dubandi and Turkan.

Thanks to the successful economic policies of our country, viticulture and winemaking are also undergoing a period of rapid development.

Naigin Co. Tovuz-Baltiya LLC has been operating since 1993. It has a production capacity of 30,000 conventional bottles a day and 95 per cent of its products is exported. Caspian Coast is showing its wines in the exhibition. It processes about 7,000 tons of grapes a year.

New infrastructure projects are carried out in power engineering and other industries under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. The Sumgayit industrial park is one such project.

The President was informed that the enterprise is expected to manufacture products of power engineering and machine-building industries based on modern technologies. The said industries represent great importance for the country and have a great export potential.

The shoes made in Azerbaijan are already exported. One of such companies is Daimoni. Operating for four months, the factory produces shoes for men and women. Currently, the company produces 26,000 pair of shoes monthly.

The number of factories producing pasta in Azerbaijan has been on the increase in recent years. One of them is Carmen, operating since 2006. President Ilham Aliyev was informed that 12 varieties of pasta are produced and sorted in fully computerized technological conditions that meet the highest hygienic requirements. The factory provides the domestic market with high-quality products.

President Ilham Aliyev also examined the pavilion of Metanet-A company. It was noted that Metanet-A has been a leading domestic company for a long period of time. The products manufactured at the company’s plants, which are equipped in line with the latest technology, have earned it respect both in Azerbaijan and abroad. The Metanet-A brand is widely known in Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Iran, Ukraine, etc.

In recent years, our country has seen a revival in the field of milk processing and dairy production. One of the enterprises operating in this area is Atena. It produces 42 varieties of dairy products.

Furniture factory Saloglu started production in 2004. It is now one of the biggest furniture manufacturers in Azerbaijan. Its products are exported to more than five countries.

One of the biggest companies in Azerbaijan, Gilan Holding, has significantly expanded the scope of its activities after the return of Heydar Aliyev to power in 1993 to become one of the leading companies in the country. Guided by the recommendations of President Ilham Aliyev to entrepreneurs regarding the socioeconomic development of districts, Gilan Holding has played an active role in the economic development of districts. A significant part of its enterprises have been opened in districts.

The Baku Steel Company LLC is the largest modern steel manufacturing enterprise in the region. The nominal production capacity of the company is 770,000 tons a year.

Then the President reviewed the outdoor section of the exhibition.

While touring the section of the Azneftemash JSC, President Ilham Aliyev was informed about modern drilling rigs. It was noted that the drilling rig Ruslan UP 130/170 can conduct drilling operations at a depth of 3,200 meters. Located in Mingachevir, the Azneftemash JSC receives orders from Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Russia and other countries.

The Sumgayit industrial park and the Ganja automobile plant also display their products in the exhibition. The Ganja automobile plant produces various purpose MAZ trucks.

The special service of high-risk rescue, the state rescue service on waters, the medical service, the state fire safety service and the Isotope special plant of the Ministry for Emergency Situations demonstrate their machinery and equipment in the open air.

President Ilham Aliyev wished the exhibition every success.
