
A two-day international festive event marking the 20th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan and organized by the Association on civil society development in Azerbaijan has started at the Gulustan Palace.
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev attended the opening ceremony of the international event.
The head of state made a speech at the event.
Speech by President Ilham Aliyev at the international celebration of the 20th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan
- Dear guests!
Let me warmly welcome you all to Azerbaijan! Welcome to our country! I am very pleased that you are visiting our country to participate in this very important event, that you are attending an event marking the 20th anniversary of the restoration of Azerbaijan’s state independence.
This year we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of our independence. Taking this opportunity, we analyze the developments that have occurred in the 20 years, we review the history of our country which has developed as an independent state. We have strengthened our political system, developed our economy. If we look at the very beginning, we can see that the situation in Azerbaijan was quite difficult at the time. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, we restored our independence. I would like to emphasize this because the first democratic republic was established in Azerbaijan in 1918. That republic had existed for less than two years. And 1991 is the year when we restored our independence. However, the situation both in and outside the republic was by no means conducive to supporting our independence aspirations. Our industry was in a deplorable plight. Our economic and political situation was depressing. We should remember one more fact – Azerbaijani territories were occupied by Armenia. We had a large number of refugees and IDPs. The early years of our independence were marred with complex processes, there was civil war. So there was a big question mark hanging over our independence. For this reason, great effort was required to stabilize the situation, to turn the country into a modern and democratic state. It was necessary to strengthen our regional authority. If we look at our history now, we can see that we have coped with all these difficulties and challenges and created a state the citizens of Azerbaijan can be proud of.
Year 1993 is of paramount importance in the history of our independence. As I have mentioned, in a difficult situation, our people made a very wise and historic choice by electing Heydar Aliyev as President of the country. Enjoying great authority and renown, this politician laid the foundation for Azerbaijan’s development, stopped the civil war and succeeded in signing a ceasefire agreement with Armenia. A number of important political and economic reforms were launched. Our financial resources at the time were very limited. There was almost no industry. The oil sector was in decline. As you know, Azerbaijan is the first country in the world to produce oil industrially. As you may know, it was Azerbaijan that provided 70 per cent of Soviet fuel in the Second World War. Azerbaijan has played a vital role in the victory over fascism. As I have mentioned, the oil industry was also in a very deep crisis in the first years of our independence.
At that time we had to make great efforts not only to protect our statehood, but also to create the country proper. The strategic choice was to build a democratic state in Azerbaijan, strengthen its democratic institutions, create a sound political and economic situation. Effort also had to be made to liberalize the economy to be able to attract foreign investment to Azerbaijan. And we did that with great success.
A year after the cessation of the civil war, a very important agreement called “The Contract of the Century” was signed right here, in the Gulustan Palace. This opened up new opportunities for Azerbaijan. Thanks to this contract we started to introduce Azerbaijan to the world because our country lived in the conditions of an information blockade at the time. Then, through the efforts of the Armenian Diaspora, there was very limited information about our country in the world. The signing of this agreement enabled us to start introducing and promoting our country in the world. Initially the hydrocarbon resources of the Caspian Sea basin were operated by international companies. We succeeded in attracting billions in investment and laid the foundation for our development.
An important page in our history is that we began cooperating with the world’s leading companies. Using the experience, knowledge and technology of these companies, we started to strengthen our economy. A lot has been done in our country since then. There is significant progress in all areas.
From a regional point of view, we are playing the role of a stabilizing factor. We have initiated a number of important political and economic projects. We continue them today, and all our projects and initiatives have been successful.
Of course, our biggest problem is the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. It poses a threat not only to Azerbaijan, but also to the entire region. This conflict is in international spotlight now. Azerbaijani lands are under occupation. This goes on for two decades. The internationally recognized historical Azerbaijani land of Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding seven districts have been under occupation for 20 years. Our people have been subjected to ethnic cleansing. We have more than a million refugees and IDPs. Twenty per cent of our land is under occupation and, unfortunately, this situation has yet to change. Of course, there is quite a strong legal basis on this issue. As you know, there are four UN Security Council resolutions. And these, as you know, are international decisions taken at the highest level. These resolutions demand an unconditional withdrawal of occupying troops from our territories. However, although about 20 years have elapsed, these resolutions have not been implemented. The people of Azerbaijan are asking perfectly legitimate questions: Why are these resolutions not fulfilled? Why is it that UN Security Council resolutions start to be fulfilled within hours in some cases, but when it comes to the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, they remain unfulfilled for years? As you know, there are a number of resolutions passed by other international organizations – the OSCE, the Council of Europe, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Unfortunately, they also remain on paper. For this reason, I would like to note again that this injustice poses a big threat and danger to the stability and security not only in Azerbaijan but also the entire region. Our citizens have the right to return to their lands. The fundamental rights of more than one million Azerbaijani citizens should be secured. The territorial integrity of our country is recognized by the international community, by all countries.
We are demonstrating a constructive stance in the talks to the maximum extent possible. But in return, we see a destructive position of Armenia. We are coming to the conclusion that Armenia intends to maximally prolong the negotiations. Our last meetings also demonstrate that the only issue on their agenda is a rejection of peace. The preservation of the status quo is intended to delay the process. But I would like to indicate that the status quo is unacceptable. The leaders of the Minsk Group co-chair countries have also said that the status quo must be changed. This is a strong message from the international community to the Armenian leadership. We are also in favor of changing the status quo. We want to resolve the issue peacefully and have repeatedly stated our commitments in this regard. In contrast to the Armenian leadership, we are sincere in these negotiations. I think that under such circumstances, the co-chairs of the Minsk Group should make more effective effort, be more active. The Armenian government has to understand that a country that has occupied an internationally recognized territory of another state in the 21st century cannot remain unpunished.
If Azerbaijan had had a strong leadership in the 1990s, if it hadn’t been for the incompetent people in the government and if these people had had some skills in geopolitics, statehood and governance, we would not be in this situation today. The weak and economically very poor Armenia could not have seized an inch of our land. We intend to change this situation, we have the desire to do so. We aim to resolve this issue peacefully, and from this standpoint the efforts of the international community and international organizations are very important.
I see some of my colleagues here – we worked together when I was leading the Azerbaijani delegation to PACE. The question arises: do we really want to resolve the problem? Let’s discuss this in detail. Let's conduct a broad discussion in the Council of Europe, the OSCE, the European Union, the European Parliament. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for international support. I would like to note again that we are striving for a solution that would ensure the rights of all ethnic minorities, restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and enable us to live in peace and friendship. Azerbaijan is a very tolerant country which is home to many ethnic minorities. Representatives of various religions live here in friendship. There have been no problems, not even misunderstandings in our country, and we are proud of that. So we propose to use the positive experience of Europe. We propose to use the positive and very successful experience of the autonomy model existing in Europe. I think the successful examples of autonomies applied in the European family can be applied here. We are well aware of what an autonomy is, what the right to self-government means. I am sure this will be the most important factor in resolving the issue, and we will succeed in that.
The Azerbaijani economy is developing. In terms of gross domestic product growth, we have achieved the highest indicators. Our economy has grown practically by 300 per cent. Industry has developed at the same rate. We have resolved the country’s biggest problems. The problem of unemployment has practically been resolved. Over the last seven years, 900,000 jobs were created in the country. Domestic production has increased. Today, we can provide for the country's needs by domestic production. We have substantially reduced the level of poverty. In the last seven years the level of poverty has dropped five times. Today we are showing everyone that our economy is built on a solid foundation. Even during the global political and economic crisis Azerbaijan was demonstrating sustainable development. This year we have raised pensions by 40 per cent. Assistance to those in need of state support will continue to be provided.
The share of the private sector in the economy has already reached 80 per cent. Thus, our liberal economic policies and political reforms, the solution of existing problems have created a favorable environment in society. Our society is united around national interests. In the first years of independence, of course, there were some issues and problems. But a strategic choice was made at that time: the future of our country is in the creation of a modern state. The rule of law must be ensured, there must be freedom of religion, freedom of the media. Today 50 per cent of our population are Internet users. Today we have the freedom of speech and the press. Of course, further reform should be implemented in this sphere. We must strengthen our institutions and promote democracy. But I want to say that given the difficult situation in the region over the past 20 years, we can say that we have done the most of what could be done.
The Azerbaijani economy accounts for 75 per cent of the South Caucasus economy. This figure will grow further in the future. As you know, our countries emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Of course, some statistics concerning neighborhood issues is of great interest. But the public has been repeatedly informed, and I have personally stated several times that Azerbaijan has become a modern state. Strong political, economic and social reforms are under way. According to the World Economic Forum, Azerbaijan is 55th in the world and first the CIS in terms of competitiveness. This is also evidence of our ongoing reforms. Our main goal is to create a modern state. We attach exceptional importance to cooperation with European institutions in all areas. I am very pleased that there are people from all over the world here, in particular the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. It is also an indication that we have a very successful cooperation with European institutions. European institutions have played an important role in the transformation of our country. This is due not only to the improving legal framework. I believe that in the last 10 years we have learned a lot from our European partners. But I think we are mutually contributing to the enrichment of each other’s lives. Our new summit with the European Union will be held in a few days. Our relations with countries of the European Union are at a wonderful level. Our relations with the European Union are at a very high level. We have a very broad agenda. For this reason, I believe that we are working very successfully. Over the next few years, our relations will become even stronger.
We strive to bring our country’s development criteria into line with the standards of European states. I think we will succeed in that. At the same time, we are not going to Europe, if I may say so, empty-handed. We can offer a lot in terms of European energy security, combating terrorism, and transportation. In the past years we have discussed many issues. Our negotiations were dominated by oil, gas and fuel issues. Today, I am very pleased that we are talking less about oil and gas. I am very pleased that Azerbaijan is not only seen a partner capable of transporting energy, but also as a modern country. We are viewed as a model of ethnic and religious tolerance. Azerbaijan has turned into an enlightened state with a young population, a country with a great potential in tourism. We are very pleased to have turned the oil into the human capital. We have left behind the Dutch Disease. Many experts used to say that Azerbaijan will be affected by the Dutch Disease, that the rich will become even richer and the poor will live even in worse conditions. We have proven that it is possible not to be exposed to the disease.
We have used the experience of a number of leading countries. The transparency of our oil and gas operations is at the highest level. At present, the State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan is the most transparent of such organizations. This is not just my statement, but an assessment of international organizations. The reduction of poverty from 49 to nine per cent confirms that the revenues from Azerbaijan’s oil and gas resources are distributed equitably. Today, we have reduced the gap between the rich and the poor. I think we can eliminate poverty completely.
Of course, as I said, I would not like to talk a lot about oil and gas. But I want to say that this is our important and main wealth. Ten years ago Azerbaijan was in a very different situation. Our oil and gas resources have facilitated economic development. These resources will play a growing role in European energy security. Azerbaijan’s role in the relations with many European countries and in the energy consumption of many European states is growing. Some countries already rely on Azerbaijani oil and gas by 40 per cent. We have proved to be a strong partner. We have always taken steps to strengthen partnership and cooperation. We have used our resources in the name of peace. We are already seeing the fruits of that. In the community of energy producers we are already considered a strong partner, a friendly country. Today we are turning from an oil exporter into a gas exporting nation. Our energy policies will bear fruit. As you know, we have discovered a major gas field. It will provide our country with gas for the next one hundred years. We already have seven pipelines through which energy is transported in different directions. We intend to extend our pipelines, in particular in the direction of consumers that do not have access to the sea. It is also very important.
The work already done in Azerbaijan and our initiatives show that the energy cooperation between Azerbaijan and the European Union will continue to grow. We have a solid foundation for this cooperation.
As you know, Mr. Barroso, the President of the European Commission, has visited our country, and the Agreement on the Southern Gas Corridor was signed. I would like to note that this document, one in a series of agreements signed in this area, will open up good opportunities for cooperation with Europe. We have already started implementing this Declaration. Naturally, this document is not of the agreement nature, but rather a declaration. But we have already begun to fulfill our obligations under this Declaration.
As I have mentioned, Azerbaijan’s relations with the European Union are entering a new phase. This is a relationship of a mutually beneficial cooperation. This relationship is built on mutual respect and consideration. Key factors here are also mutual understanding, mutual profit and profitability. As I have said, we will cover the path of development, establish cooperation on the basis of our ideas and the ideas of our European partners so that there are no questions as to what form this cooperation will have.
As I have said, we have been independent for 20 years. We are proud of our history and culture. The fact that we live as an independent and free nation is causing the greatest pride. Azerbaijan's future lies in the hands of the Azerbaijani people. That did not happen for centuries. Today, this factor is very gratifying. The Azerbaijani citizens present here today will know that we all lived in a period when Azerbaijan was not independent. Sometimes hearing talk about the past, representatives of the younger generation do not always realize the constraints and limitations of that time. We could not travel to any neighboring foreign countries then. We could not visit our socialist neighbors. As for decision-making, it was impossible then. I am very glad that the younger generation is aware of this today. We have great experience because we lived in that period and are well aware of its positive and negative sides. I want to say today that our biggest accomplishment is our independence and freedom. For the people of Azerbaijan this is the biggest asset because it was deprived of independence for centuries. So today I want to say that independence is our greatest achievement. Today our state conducts an independent, friendly and predictable policy. This proves again that Azerbaijan can become a confident and strong European partner. It is this factor that Azerbaijan’s relations with European structures and institutions are built on today, and I am sure that this will provide a firm foundation for the development of our relations.
Let me welcome you to our country again, dear friends! On behalf of our state, I want to thank you for taking part in such a respectable event. These days Azerbaijan is hosting a number of international events, conferences and seminars. But this event has special significance. Your visit to Azerbaijan, to Baku and participation in this event are hugely important to us. We perceive this as your friendly and partner contributions. Many of you have been to our country before. I want to specifically welcome those of you who are here for the first time. I hope you will not only hold discussions, but also see the sights of Azerbaijan.
Thank you and I wish your conference every success.