Ilham Aliyev attended the foundation-laying ceremony for the Jeyranbatan water treatment ultra-filtration facility

08 September 2011, 15:40
Ilham Aliyev attended the foundation-laying ceremony for the Jeyranbatan water treatment ultra-filtration facility

President Ilham Aliyev has attended the foundation-laying ceremony for the Jeyranbatan water treatment ultra-filtration facility of the AzerSu Open Joint-Stock Company in Absheron District.

First, the head of state was familiarized with the premises. It was noted that in the 1950s, due to the increasing demand for drinking and technical water on Absheron, the decision was made to extend the Samur-Davachi canal to Absheron, create reserves of fresh water at the Jeyranbatan water reservoir and construct a complex of water treatment facilities on its shores. In 1957, the filling of the Jeyranbatan water reservoir with fresh water began. Along with the filling of the reservoir, a complex of treatment plants was built on the waterfront. In 1961, the first unit of the water treatment plant with a capacity of 2.64 cubic meters per second was put into operation. A similar second unit was commissioned in 1966. A third unit of the Jeyranbatan water treatment plant was built and commissioned in 1978 under the leadership of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev. The commissioning of the second and third units of the plant substantially improved water supply to Sumgayit, suburban settlements of Baku and the eastern part of the capital. The Jeyranbatan water treatment plant has been an indispensible source of drinking and technical water on the Absheron Peninsula for 50 years. Over this period major overhaul has been carried out here only once, in 1998-2002. The first and second units were reconstructed as part of the “Reconstruction of the Greater Baku water supply system” project.

Representatives of the AzerSu OJSC and construction workers warmly welcomed President Ilham Aliyev.

The President was informed about the technical parameters of the new facility under construction. It was noted that the application of cost-effective and automated ultra-filtration facilities to the treatment of water with a low level of turbidity is being introduced throughout the world now. In contrast to traditional sand filters, the ultra-filters of this type, in addition to capturing particles larger than 0.01 microns, can capture all hazardous microbes contained in the water.

This enables better treatment of water, while maintaining its natural salt composition and eliminating unpleasant odors and taste. The water passing through the ultra-filter is completely suitable for consumption, and it is no longer necessary to neutralize it using chlorine. The construction of a modern water treatment facility based on the ultra-filtration technology with the aim of bringing the qualitative indicators of the water supplied to Baku and Sumgayit into line with world standards is of particular importance.

President Ilham Aliyev also reviewed the long-term plan on water supply of Baku and suburban settlements. It was indicated that according to the “State Program on the socioeconomic development of Baku and suburban settlements for 2011-2013”, along with the construction of the new facility, new trunk pipelines, a distribution network and reservoirs are be built to deliver the treated water to consumers. According to the state program, a new complex of reservoirs is to be built in the Masazir, Binagadi, Balakhani, Ramani and Dubendi settlements. Using these reservoirs it will be possible to supply water to suburban settlements and villages mainly by gravity. To supply water to the Turkan, Zira, Gala, Dubendi, Gurgan and Pirallahi settlements, which are not connected to the water supply network now, a new 65-km line is to be built from the Ramani water reservoir.

It was noted that the facility with a capacity of 6 cubic meters per second, to be built on an area of 1.2 hectares, would contribute to the uninterrupted provision of the population with good-quality drinking water. The new installation will use modern equipment manufactured in the Netherlands. The facility will be run automatically and enable power saving. The water to be treated here will meet World Health Organization standards. To ensure that the water treated at the new installation flows to consumers by gravity, it will be fed into the reservoir situated at an altitude of 190 meters above sea level and then distributed throughout the territory of Absheron.

Then the head of state lowered a metal capsule into the foundation and started the grouting facility.

Saluting the ceremony participants, President Ilham Aliyev said:

- Dear friends, my greetings to you all! It is a remarkable and memorable day today. Exactly 50 years ago, on 8 September 1961, the first water treatment plant was commissioned here. Today, on this momentous day, we are starting the construction of a new facility that will meet the latest standards. This very important event shows that independent Azerbaijan is successfully resolving the water supply issue, which is highly important to everyone. This process began 50 years ago, and the facilities built here since then, of course, complied with the requirements of the time. These facilities existed in the late 1990s, they have been repaired. But we are trying and must try to bring the most sophisticated technologies to Azerbaijan, apply them to all the spheres. I want to reiterate that we must ensure this high level in water supply, which is central to human health.

This project will require great funds. About 100 million manats is required. But the Azerbaijani state is and will be spending money. This is investment in health. The most important investment is the investment made in human capital in Azerbaijan. The successful economic policy we are implementing gives us the opportunity to invest major funds into social issues. Investment is also made to create social infrastructure, wages and pensions are raised. In short, our social policies are going in the right direction, the infrastructure projects, which are an integral part of these policies, the conditions being created for people’s comfort certainly please us a lot.

We in Azerbaijan are taking various measures in the interests of people’s health. Of course, the first condition is the presence of clean drinking water. We are dealing with these issues. The modern facility we are laying the foundation of today serves this goal. At the same time, we are taking very important steps to improve the environmental situation in Azerbaijan. Last year was announced the Year of the Environment in Azerbaijan. I am absolutely sure that environmental measures will have a positive impact on human health. Clean water, clean air, quality food, environment, medical care, sports – these are the main contributors to human health.

Azerbaijan has a carefully thought-out program and concept relating to the issues I have mentioned. Olympic sports facilities and sports grounds are built in Azerbaijan, there are conditions for doing sports. We are building modern diagnostic and treatment centers in all our districts, renovating and equipping district hospitals with modern facilities. Environmental measures are taken. Around 10 million trees have been planted in Azerbaijan in the last 18 months alone. Modular water treatment units have been built in the villages located along the Kura and Aras rivers. Currently, hundreds of thousands of citizens are provided with clean drinking water.

As in all other directions, our country is doing important work to improve the environmental situation. A waste disposal plant is under construction in the Balakhani settlement of Baku. We all remember the previous plight of the Balakhani landfill. The clouds of smoke billowing from there used to envelope the whole city. Now there is a clean area there. Trees are planted, green areas set up, a modern waste disposal plant using cutting-edge technologies is under construction.

Why do I say all this today? Because the work we are doing, including the facility we are laying the foundation of today, pursues one goal: all of this work is done to improve the environmental situation in Azerbaijan, address pressing issues and the most important health problems for Azerbaijani citizens.

Other important projects related to water supply have been and are still being implemented in Azerbaijan. I think the construction of the Oguz-Gabala-Baku water line is a historic event because, as you know, there have been various opinions and suggestions on this project for many years. Azerbaijan has implemented the project only after restoring its independence. As a result of gradual commissioning of the Oguz-Gabala-Baku pipeline, water supply in a number of districts of Baku has substantially improved. The main task we have set is to ensure continuous round-the-clock water supply in every population center, settlement and district of Baku. AzerSu is currently implementing water supply projects not only in Baku but also throughout our republic. There is a specific program. Additions have been made to this year’s budget, additional funds are envisaged so that we don’t waste any time. We must quickly resolve our country’s perennial problem of water shortage which has always plagued us.

I am sure that AzerSu with its new team of professionals will apply a new approach to resolving all these issues.

I can see that the company is developing, using a modern methodology, a modern approach, and that’s the way it should be. Azerbaijan’s major companies, in particular public companies, must have the highest quality of management. A modern approach, proper organization of work, correct analysis, proper preparation of programs and execution procedures must meet global standards. It would not suit a developing country such as Azerbaijan to have a state agency governed by primitive methods. Modernity, the use of advanced technologies, responsibility and conscience – this is what I would recommend to any state agency. I am confident that as a result of managerial strengthening, AzerSu’s work will meet global requirements. At least these were the recommendations and instructions I has when appointing the company’s manager. I can see that the work done in a short period of time was done properly.

The Oguz-Gabala-Baku water pipeline was a large and very complex project. Naturally, there have been certain mistakes and shortcomings. The reason is that after opening the pipeline, we had to wait for the situation to normalize in order to correct the mistakes made during construction. We are and will be doing this. We need to talk about everything openly.

But along with this, the Oguz-Gabala-Baku project is a historic event. I am sure that the construction and launch of the pipeline, the high-level services provided to Azerbaijani citizens are indeed a historic matter. Because this is our own source. This water is formed on the territory of Azerbaijan. You, the people engaged in this work, will know very well that our major water sources, the water lines supplying Baku are fed by sources outside Azerbaijan. Oguz-Gabala-Baku is a project whereby clean drinking water formed on the territory of Azerbaijan is delivered to Baku. At the same time, as I have mentioned earlier, the implementation of water and sanitation projects has started or is about to start in all districts and district centers. This is a huge project. This work is and should be carried out not in one or two cities, but in all district centers.

Therefore, a lot depends on the employees of AzerSu. The task has been set to resolve these issues in the shortest time. Key issues are to be resolved before the end of 2013. Of course, when setting a goal, we must be realistic and try to resolve these issues in the shortest possible time. This is very extensive and large-scale work. At the same time, it is a wonderful and noble cause. Water means life. Clean water means healthy life. We want the citizens of Azerbaijan, the younger generation to be healthy. The entire work being done in the ever-strengthening Azerbaijan today, I want to repeat, must meet the highest international standards.

I am confident that the employees of AzerSsu are well aware of the important tasks they are facing. Not only the construction of these facilities, but also the laying of water and sewage lines, their operation are very important. Lines and beautiful facilities can and will be built. But after that the most important task for you in your daily lives should be to ensure a sustainable supply of drinking water to citizens, residents of Baku and the republic. I am sure that you will be attentive to all the issues I have identified and fulfill my instructions with dignity.

It is a great and historic day today. I want to say again that 50 years ago there was a historic event in the area of water supply of Baku. The first water treatment plant was built. It is another historic day today because in 18 months the population of Baku will be provided with drinking water conforming to World Health Organization standards. I wish you success in all these activities. I am sure that after 18 months we will participate in the opening of a new, modern and beautiful facility together. Thank you.

Speaking on behalf of the staff of the Jeyranbatan water pipelines department, Yazgul Rustamova expressed gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev and said:

- Dear Mr. President. Let me welcome you on behalf of the staff of the Jeyranbatan pipelines department!

Dear Mr. President, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Jeyranbatan water pipelines department, several employees of our team, including myself, have been awarded the Tereggi medal by your resolution. I have been working at this enterprise for the past 36 years. We are expressing our appreciation to you for this award, for a high assessment of our work and for the care.

Mr. President, by laying the foundation of a new installation, you have opened a new chapter in the history of our department. We promise to pay back for your attention and care with concrete work. We will do everything possible for that and work as hard as we can.

Dear Mr. President, you are paying special attention to all the areas. We see on TV that you often travel to districts, lay the foundation of and open new facilities. You are doing everything possible to develop the country and improve living standards of our people. Our grateful people appreciate your work, wish you a long life and good health. May Allah help you, Mr. President!

I am expressing our deep appreciation to you on behalf of our team.

In conclusion, a picture was taken.

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