Ilham Aliyev reviewed progress of major overhaul and reconstruction of local roads in the Binagadi settlement of Baku

05 September 2011, 20:15
Ilham Aliyev reviewed progress of major overhaul and reconstruction of local roads in the Binagadi settlement of Baku

President Ilham Aliyev has reviewed progress of major overhaul and reconstruction of local roads in the Binagadi settlement of Baku.

In accordance with the tasks set forth at a meeting on the socioeconomic development of Baku and its suburban settlements, consistent measures are being taken in all the settlements of the capital. This work is well under way in the Binagadi settlement. President Ilham Aliyev was informed, with the aid a plan, of the roads in the Binagadi settlement that have already undergone major overhaul. It was indicated that new asphalt coating has already been laid on 16 km, on a total of 80,000 square meters of roads. Measures to improve local roads are still being taken.

The system of lighting has been fully reconstructed in the Binagadi settlement as well, while more than 100 lampposts manufactured abroad have been installed on local streets.

After reviewing the work done, the head of state met and had a discussion with local residents.

Representatives of the local public warmly welcomed the head of state.

Saluting local residents, President Ilham Aliyev said:

My greetings to you all. We are meeting again. I visited the Binagadi settlement several years ago when we were opening a new road. Now is the time to bring local roads to order.

According to my information, 16 kilometers of new local roads were laid within two months. This is shown on the photographs too. Of course, you, local residents, know very well that these were unpaved roads. Now you have asphalt roads. As is the case in other settlements, rapid development is under way in the Binagadi settlement. A program on the development of suburban settlements of Baku is being implemented. It is a very precise program, it is of specific nature. We need to upgrade not only the roads but also the entire infrastructure. We are gradually resolving the issues of power lines and gas supply. I am told that there are no serious problems with that. I am confident that all these issues will be resolved in due time.

The program on the development of suburban settlements of Baku spans over two and a half years. So we have set ourselves a very important and responsible task: to resolve social and infrastructure issues in all of Baku settlements in two and a half years. The progress of the program and the initial steps suggest that we are doing our work rapidly. Before coming here I enquired about the renovation of a large school. I have just issued the instruction to determine a location for the construction of a new school. Currently, the repair of schools in Baku and suburban settlements is well under way. More than 50 schools will be renovated and put into use before the end of the year.

All these developments suggest that the issues we have identified, all the programs are being implemented. The main purpose of these programs is to give the Azerbaijan population the opportunity to live even better, to resolve all social issues, infrastructure problems and matters worrying people. Conditions must be the same in the center, on the outskirts of the city and in suburban settlements. Our goal is to resolve issues of water supply, sanitation, roads, to implement infrastructure projects – in the districts, in Baku and in suburban settlements of Baku.

We have adopted and approved the program. It says everything, it was published in the media. Every citizen can find out what will be done in his settlements or village. But when we were adopting this program, we certainly wanted to receive all the proposals from the ground, and we did. But life goes on. For example, the construction of a new school in the Binagadi settlement was not planned. Now, after receiving the information, I gave instructions to examine the issue. A new school should be built. So we must approach the issue from a realistic point of view. The program may and should be amended.

Resident: Dear Mr. President, we are very pleased with your visit. Welcome! We know that every visit of yours leads to progress.

I remember in 2006, after our economy grew by 34.5 per cent, you said in a speech in Kurdamir that if the population does not benefit from economic growth, then such growth is worth nothing. From this standpoint, we think there are several problems in our settlement, and taking advantage of your visit we can resolve them. First, there is a fuel pool near school No 205. It covers an area of 3-4 hectares. It would be nice to create a park there. This is our request. We are also aware that you have laid the water line from Oguz-Gabala. We would also like to use this water. A fourth school will be built next to the three schools. We want this area to receive water from Oguz-Gabala, so that it could be a living memory of you and our children could enjoy this cold and clean spring water. That would be very good. In addition, there is an area called “gir golu” in our settlement. This is where archaeological excavations in the area of flora, fauna and numismatics were carried out in the 1930-40s. If you could issue the instruction to set up an outdoor museum there, it would be very important for our settlement.

President Ilham Aliyev: Okay, we will take these issues into consideration. I am always very enthusiastic about the establishment of parks. Practically all parks in the center of Baku have been reconstructed. New parks are also being established. We are trying to make our city green to the maximum extent possible, because tree-planting means better environment and healthier life. If there is such a proposal, we will certainly be pleased to consider it.

When I visited the Binagadi settlement last time, I reviewed the Bilajari park. We will now reconstruct it. It was set up 50-60 years ago.

Baku Mayor Hajibala Abutalibov: In 1954.

President Ilham Aliyev: We will reconstruct the park of railroad workers. I am also in favor of setting up a park here. As for the water line, the problem of water supply should be finally resolved in our city before the end of 2013. It is the biggest problem for us. Unfortunately, this problem has always beleaguered us. And this is natural because water resources on the Absheron peninsula are frugal, almost unavailable in fact. Some of the lines coming here were built in the past and are already obsolete. Besides, treatment facilities are out of order. So this is an issue that requires time and money. But we have set the goal of fully resolving the drinking water and sanitation problem not only in Baku and suburban settlements but also in all our districts. Therefore, these issues have been incorporated into the program, and additional funding has been allocated. Amendments have been made to the state budget for this year. Funds have been envisaged for the implementation of water supply projects. The Oguz-Gabala water line project has been implemented thanks to the opening of a new spring, so to speak. The advantage of the project is that this spring is within Azerbaijan. The advantage of the Oguz-Gabala water line is that it is on Azerbaijani territory, there is a huge source there, reserves are immense. I am confident that we will resolve this issue too. The task has been set. And if a task is set, it must be met. I want to say again that all our programs are of specific nature.

Resident: We are very pleased that you are visiting the Binagadi district. Today, the hearts of all Azerbaijani citizens are overwhelmed with love for you, we welcome and pray for you. These are not just nice words, Mr. President! The work being done is obvious. All our citizens can see and feel that Baku is becoming more beautiful day by day, it keeps pace with the biggest capitals of the world, and we are proud of that. You are making us feel proud, our dear President!

I am an education worker. There are three secondary schools in the Binagadi settlement, and over 6,000 pupils are studying there. On your instruction these schools have been renovated and put into use. There has been a swimming pool at school No 182 for five years, Mr. President. Our kids use it in their spare time. We have excellent sports facilities. There are computer classrooms providing good education in information and communication technology, many subject-specific classrooms that meet modern requirements. Mr. President, we are sincerely grateful to you and Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva for all this. I would like to draw your attention to my request. This settlement has more than 40,000 inhabitants, there is a great need for a kindergarten here. There is only one kindergarten for 75 kids, but it is being renovated. But there is room for a kindergarten.

President Ilham Aliyev: Is there?

Resident: The activities of the second kindergarten were suspended in 2006. If you issued a relevant instruction, a wonderful kindergarten for 75 kids could be set up there. May the Almighty protect you, dear Mr. President, for the great and strong Azerbaijani people!

President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you, thank you very much. I am grateful to you and will immediately order to seriously address these issues. Indeed, there is a great need for the construction of kindergartens. As far as I know, these kindergartens provide for our needs at a level of less than 20 per cent. In this regard, kindergartens should be both renovated and constructed in the coming years. How many kindergartens are being renovated now?

Hajibala Abutalibov: Fifty-seven kindergartens are being renovated.

President Ilham Aliyev: Fifty-seven. And many more are to be built, perhaps twice as many. In other words, this is part of our programs, and a kindergarten and a school must be built in Binagadi too. Because our advantage is that our population is growing by the year. So there will be an even greater need for that. I have enquired that this school was built in the 1930s.

Hajibala Abutalibov: In 1936.

President Ilham Aliyev: They say that there were 300 pupils studying there at the time. Now there are 2,300, while after 10 years this school will be providing education to 3,000 pupils. Thank God our population is growing, and so is the number of children. Therefore, we are dealing with these issues, so please bear this in mind.

Resident: Dear Mr. President, let me welcome you on behalf of the Binagadi youth. Just like all other youths of the republic, the young people of our settlement are feeling your care. Great leader Heydar Aliyev, May God bless his soul, said that the progress of our society in the future depends on the care we show for our young people, on what and how we teach them now. The recent adoption of a state program on youth, youth employment, the inclusion into the state program of a provision on the construction of a Youth Center in our settlement in 2013 are an expression of your care about us. Thank you very much for this care, Mr. President!

With your permission I would like to inform you of a delightful event. I used to be a form master of class 11A at school No 182. This year, 23 out of 26 school pupils have done extremely well in entrance exams and become university students. We are grateful to you for this wonderful result because the care you have shown us inspires us to work hard. Thank you for that again. We, representatives of a large army of teachers, are always with you.

President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you very much. I would also like to thank you, teachers, for bringing up such wonderful and valuable people for our society. The future depends on knowledge and education. Of course, our advantage is that we are conducting reforms, economic reforms, that we have opportunities in the energy sector. After a few years, Azerbaijan will become one of the world’s developed countries. But to make this development sustainable and long-term, we need qualified professionals. A patriotic generation attached to the motherland and nation is emerging. But at the same time, they must be knowledgeable and educated. The experience of developed countries shows that where there is attention paid to knowledge, education and science, there is development. The world’s most developed countries are those where there is a high level of education. Countries rich in oil and gas sometimes encounter difficult situations, face division, there are many poor people. The countries that have succeeded in education are developing, and this will manifest itself even more in the future. Scientific progress is not just a word combination. It really means development. The work being done in the ICT field today will determine the future of countries. The countries whose citizens are educated and knowledgeable in this area have stronger positions in the world. Natural resources will sooner or later run out. It is our advantage that they exist, and we are effectively using these opportunities. But at the same time we are investing this capital in human beings. Under such circumstances, perhaps the biggest burden rests on the shoulders of teachers. I would like to take this opportunity to send my greetings to all Azerbaijani teachers on the eve of a new school year, and wish them good health and success.

DOCUMENTS Addresses 24 September 2024
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