Ilham Aliyev participated at the official reception to mark 28 May – Day of Republic

27 May 2011, 21:00
Ilham Aliyev participated at the official reception to mark 28 May – Day of Republic

An official reception, dedicated to the 28th May – Day of Republic, was organized at “Buta” Palace.

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, attended the ceremony.

The event participants warmly welcomed President Ilham Aliyev.

The national anthem of Azerbaijan was performed.

The President delivered a speech at the official ceremony.

The Speech of the President Ilham Aliyev

- Dear ladies and gentlemen:

Dear friends:

I congratulate you and all the people of Azerbaijan sincerely on the forthcoming Day of Republic and wish happiness and new achievements to the people of Azerbaijan.

Establishment of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic was historic event. It had a tremendous historic importance both for our nation and the world. Its importance for our people was explained by the fact that throughout the centuries, the Azerbaijani people aspiring for independence, had finally rejoiced its independence and built its independent state. Its importance on global scale is that it was the first ever democratic republic created in the Muslim East. State of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijani people recall the founders of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic with deep respect. Several years ago, a monument was erected in the center of Baku in honor of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic. Today's independent Azerbaijan is the successor of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic ceased to exist two years after its establishment. It was followed by the Soviet era in Azerbaijan. In spite of all difficulties and ideological framework, that period was also successful for Azerbaijan. During the Soviet period, Azerbaijan continued to develop. Social and economic issues were addressed and illiteracy was eliminated in the country. I think this is a historic achievement. A big impetus was given to the development of Azerbaijani science, and particularly in 70-ies, the industrial potential of Azerbaijan was formed. That potential had a very big significance also in the development of current independent Azerbaijan. Agriculture has developed.

To put it briefly, I say this once again that despite the ideological framework, that period was also successful for Azerbaijan. However, of course, we were not independent and lived with a dream of independence. As a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Azerbaijan restored its independence. The first years of our independence were very difficult. We all have repeatedly expressed our thoughts about this. Our people well remember that the processes unfolding in Azerbaijan in the early 90-s posed a major threat to our independence. Our independence was undermined and various opinions and rumors were known about our independence. During the first years of our independence, the anarchy, lawlessness, chaos and lack of power that prevailed in Azerbaijan had practically paralyzed our country.

As a result of Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan, the occupation of our lands as well as the power struggle inside the country, the start of a civil war – all these negative events - caused a very big blow to our independence. In 1993, the Azerbaijani people, as always, demonstrated wisdom and turned to Heydar Aliyev by inviting him to power. Heydar Aliyev elected to the post of President with the support of people made great efforts to improve the situation and put an end to these negative phenomena. We can say that all unpleasant events were eliminated and all illegal armed groups were disarmed in short time. The civil war was stopped. Ceasefire regime was obtained at the front. And, it allowed Azerbaijan to embark on the path of rapid development.

In short, 1993 was starting point for period of stability and development in Azerbaijan. I can say that foundations of our nationhood indeed began to be formed after 1993. The state-building process ruled by law was conducted at a fast pace in Azerbaijan. The Constitution of independent Azerbaijan was adopted while political and economic reforms implemented in the country produced positive results. Azerbaijan was able to get out of international isolation and break information blockade. The false impression formed in international public opinion about Azerbaijan in early 90s changed. Azerbaijan managed to take its place in international arena. Our country became member of international organizations. In short, trend of development began and strengthened in all fields since 1993. The oil contracts of decisive importance for the national economy and independent development were signed. Large scale foreign investments were brought to Azerbaijan. When we started to solve these issues in 1994, Azerbaijan was known as a very risky country in the world, and there were a very limited number of people wishing to make investments here. Despite this, oil contracts with favorable terms for our country were signed. The oil strategy of Heydar Aliyev has started by paving the way for successful development of Azerbaijan.

In general, the years of 1993-2003 were decisive ones for Azerbaijan and our statehood. Successes obtained in those years allow us also today to advance firmly our country, continue this policy and solve properly all tasks in front of us.

The period starting from 2003 was very successful for our country. It is seen in all statistical data. After the year of 2003, political and economic reforms were continued in our country. Azerbaijan managed to get even stronger position in international arena, and our influence capabilities have increased very significantly at regional level. Today, initiatives presented by Azerbaijan define strongly regional development trends. Besides the political reforms, tremendous successes were obtained in economic field. During the last 7-8 years, our country’s GDP has increased by three times. It is an indicator which has no analogy in the world. The industrial production has also almost tripled. The number of people living at the level of poverty has decreased by 5 times, and today, this figure levels at 9.1% in Azerbaijan. I am confident that as a result of additional measures undertaken and to be undertaken, we will manage to decrease further the level of poverty by the end of the year. Almost one million jobs were created in our country, and the absolute majority of these jobs are permanent ones. Very serious steps were taken for the diversification of national economy and thus, our country’s economy has become already a sustainable economy. High assessment given by international financial institutions to the economic reforms implemented in the country at international level proves my word once again.

During the last years, successful energy policy was conducted in Azerbaijan. We managed to ensure fully our energy security. Today, we have ensured not only our own energy security but also contribute to the energy security issues of other countries.

Socio-political situation in the country is very positive. All our initiatives are supported by the people. Essentially, our policy is the people-oriented policy as we achieved all these successes in recent years thanks to improved welfare of the Azerbaijani people. Today, Azerbaijan is a fast growing, dynamic and modern country. This is a country where all issues are resolved fairly. Representatives of all peoples live in Azerbaijan as one family. This is a unique experience. I am proud to say that this experience is being studied across the world. Various traditional fora on interreligious and intercultural dialogue held in Azerbaijan several times show that Azerbaijan is a suitable country for organization of such events.

Concrete programs are being implemented in all directions in our country. Regional development program is being implemented successfully both in the resolution of social issues and in the implementation of economic reforms. We are already implementing the second program. As a result of the program implementation, we can say that all our regions become more attractive and our cities become more beautiful. As far as the city of Baku is concerned, today Baku is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The beauty of Baku is already a reality. All guests coming to our country and the capital city see and note it.

To put it briefly, main tasks in front of the country find its resolution. The national economy demonstrated its sustainability also while financial and economic crisis ruled the world. Even in the years of crisis, our economy continued its growth, and all investment projects were implemented. Last year, 16 billion USD were invested in the national economy. I think that this indicator will be even higher this year. As a result of the additions to our current budget, e.g. the adjustment, Azerbaijani budget will be more than 20 billion USD for the first time in the history. This is a big achievement and indicator. If we shall take into account that the state budget of 2003 was just at the level of 1.2 billion USD, we can see openly that during last 7-8 years, large amount of work was done in this field. Our budget growth allows us to implement both infrastructure projects and solve social issues in Azerbaijan. In the course of recent years, wages and pensions were increased by several times. Today, the average volume of pensions constitutes 40 percent of the average monthly salary. It shows that Azerbaijan presents itself as a socially biased state in the world. Our policy is indeed composed of all these assets.

Our commitment to the market economy generates no doubts. Over 80 percent of the national economy is formed by the private sector. Besides it, a very strong social policy is pursued in the country. The implementation of overall economic reforms complete the strong social policy and indeed, thanks to this policy, we have not let these radical economic reforms impact on negatively the living conditions of people. On the contrary, tangible prosperity improves annually in Azerbaijan. The lifestyle of people improves further. All social issues find its resolution.

The main problem facing the country and the most painful problem for us is the non-resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Despite all our efforts, this conflict has not found its resolution yet. The territorial integrity of Azerbaijan recognized by international community has been violated. As you know, the four UN Security Council resolutions have not been implemented. These resolutions demand unconditional withdrawal of occupying forces from our lands. Armenia fails to implement decisions and resolutions adopted by OSCE, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and other international organizations. In this case, we welcome a more active stance by international community and international forces in this respect.

Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno Karabakh conflict should find its soonest resolution. Our territorial integrity has been violated. The policy of ethnic cleansing was carried out against us. Over one million Azerbaijanis have become refugees and IDPs in their native lands, and this injustice still continues. Nagorno Karabakh is an ancient land of Azerbaijan. I would like to say once again that the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, including Nagorno Karabakh, is recognized by the entire world and the United Nations. Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan should be fully restored.

We hope that the talks will yield results. The factors that strengthen these hopes have been observed in sufficient numbers in last months. I can say that in recent months, for the first time, the statements by co-chair countries of the Minsk Group related to the change of status quo have started to be released. Until now, - despite the fact that the Minsk Group was established in 1992 and the cease-fire regime has been in force since 1994 – we have not heard such clear and serious statements on this issue. Changing the status quo means that the occupying forces must withdraw from occupied lands and the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan should be restored.

Leaders of countries co-chairing the Minsk Group issued a joint statement. This statement says practically similar thoughts envisaging the soonest resolution of the issue. We stand for the same and Azerbaijan is the most interested side in the soonest resolution of the issue. On many occasions, we expressed our views and concern both in official statements and the talks that Armenia should not be allowed to delay artificially the negotiations and make this negotiating process infinite. This means that there are such matters of concern and we have openly stated our opinion in this regard. The latest statement supports this position on the soonest resolution of the issue, and it should find its resolution on the basis of Helsinki Final Act. This is also a very important statement and it is not for the first time that it is being sounded out. However, I can also say that during recent period of time, the reference is being made to Helsinki Final Act in all documents. In Helsinki Final Act, the principle of territorial integrity has no contradiction with self-determination principle of peoples. On the contrary, priorities of principles are cited also in those documents, and the right of any people to self-determination should not violate territorial integrity of countries, and this is the only formula for the resolution of conflict.

Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan should be restored. Azerbaijani citizens should return to the native lands of their forefathers. Following this step, peace and co-operation can be created in the region, and all sides can just benefit from such development of events. This forms our firm position. I would like to say once again that the Azerbaijani state will never tolerate the independence of Nagorno Karabakh and will never agree on that. I would like to say once again this issue is the priority for us. It is the most important issue. We make and will make all necessary steps to solve the issue by mobilizing all our efforts.

On each festive day, an assessment is given to the work done. The work done in previous years is being analyzed. We note in particular all lacking moments to enable us to do more effective work in our future activities. In this respect, we express our views about future on each festive day and inform the public about our future plans. This is a live process. It is always in force and necessary for dynamic development of our country. Also today availing of this opportunity, I would like to say a couple of words about our future plans and tasks.

I am absolutely sure that successful and sustainable development of Azerbaijan will be ensured also in the years to come. Political reforms will be continued in next years. There is a big need for it. The work done so far can be praised. However a lot of things lie ahead. Very big steps were made for the development of democracy, and new steps should be made in this direction. Democratic principles should be established in all fields of Azerbaijan. The building of the state ruled by law is going well in Azerbaijan, and it is expected to make additional steps in this field. That is what required by the people and the time. We build the modern state. The state where all democratic freedoms exist. We have to strengthen these positive trends.

A very serious struggle is taking place in our country against unpleasant cases. It is yielding excellent results. Fight against corruption and bribery gives its results. Our steps are supported by the people. I would like to declare from this podium once again that we will not reverse from this way. Serious struggle against corruption, bribery and unpleasant cases will be continued further. In particular, when we see that it yields results, our force become stronger and we became encouraged.

Additional measures will be undertaken for diversification of our country’s economy. As I noted, our state budget resources are on sufficient level. Besides that, the volume of investments made by foreign and local entrepreneurs is increasing in the national economy. Azerbaijan made tremendous steps in attracting investments. By the volume of foreign investments per capita, as it was always in the past, we are in the first place in CIS territory. It is very pleasant to see that during several years, domestic investments dominated foreign investments. It shows that both investments made by the state give results, and the private sector became stronger and stated to make investments to the national economy.

In its turn, the strengthening of private sector became possible thanks to the support extended by the state. State loans, credits given on preferential terms, the support by the state and the President to the entrepreneurship serve to fostering and broadening of private sector. We reached such a level that today Azerbaijan invested billions of USD into the economy and infrastructure of other countries. Thus, our investment portfolio became diversified. It will give us additionally both political and economic dividends.

Besides the diversification in economic field, additional measures will be undertaken by the state for the production of goods that will replace the import. We managed to obtain a lot of successes in this direction. We should work even more actively. One of important issues in the economic field is to ensure food security. Big steps are being made also in this field. Majority of food consumed in our country is produced in Azerbaijan. While several years ago, we were dependent fully on the import. Today, we ensure not only our domestic market, but export our food products also to foreign markets. During next years, as a result of additional measures to be undertaken in food security, I am sure that Azerbaijan will ensure itself with main food products by one hundred percent and we will get strong export capabilities in this field.

I would like to say once again that the principles of social justice have always been the fundamental ones for us. Wages and pensions are being increased regularly. Large funds are allocated for the creation of social infrastructure. In recent years, over 2 thousand schools, hundreds of medical centers, 31 Olympic Sport Compounds, the cultural centers were built in Azerbaijan. In a word, the social issues are always in the focus of attention. During next years, larger funds will be allocated for this field. There is a need for that issue because we want to have zero percent of poor people in Azerbaijan. I know that nobody has obtained this result even in developed countries. But, we have to assign a task for us. That task should be the highest. In some cases, it is seen as unreachable, but at the same time, it depends on us to make these views and dreams come true and then, we will attain what we wish.

Azerbaijan pursues the well thought and balanced policy in international relations. This policy is supported by the people. This policy allows building and fostering equal relations on the basis of mutual interests with all countries. We stand for such an approach. First of all, our ties with neighboring countries should be even stronger. There relations are at the highest level. We assess these relations as the relations of partnership. In the years to come, our foreign policy will pay more attention to this issue. We live in this region and the development of our relations with neighbors is a priority for us.

As far as Armenia is concerned, we will continue to pay efforts to isolate Armenia from all regional projects. We do not hide it. This is our policy. Armenia has occupied our lands. This policy will continue till the end of occupation. If the peace agreement would be signed, then Armenia can be attracted also to regional projects. This will depend on their steps.

Besides neighboring countries, we strive to build profitable and equal ties in bilateral form with all other countries. The number of our friends and partners is increasing, and Azerbaijan is recognized in the world as a reliable partner. Our relations with international organizations develop well. We are ready to co-operate with all international organizations. Of course, our relationship with organizations adhered by us is more active. We fulfill timely obligations assumed by us in front of organizations joined by us. We do not have and cannot any obligation in front of those international organizations which are out of our membership because we are not their members. Our policy towards the organizations to which are not the members is based only on partnership and non interference into each other’s activities, and we expect the same approach from the opposite side.

To put it shortly, our foreign policy is the continuation of the domestic policy. It is its logical result. This policy has the only goal which is to ensure fully the interests of Azerbaijani people and the state, increase our role and capabilities in the world and make Azerbaijan become even stronger state.

At the same time, today, I would like to make some remarks related to energy security issues. Tremendous steps were made in this direction. I would like to reiterate that today we have solved successfully and very effectively all issues related to energy security inside the country. Today, the diversified energy transportation infrastructure is created.

Azerbaijan has 7 oil and gas pipelines which deliver our natural resources to world market in 7 directions. This means a true diversification. Some countries are working now actively in the field of diversification. They conduct talks also with Azerbaijan. We have successfully completed our policy of diversification. In the years to come, we will be able to broad our export capabilities only in these directions because no other direction is left except those 7 ones. Our energy resources are being transported to neighboring countries. Depending on talks to be conducted in the future, we will be able to increase the volume of export of our energy resources in any direction. I say once again that this will depend on the talks to be conducted.

I would like to state once again that Azerbaijan is optimistic about the future. During the current year, we celebrate twentieth anniversary of our independence. 20 years are the long historical period. I think that except first two years, Azerbaijan developed very successfully and firmly in last 20 years, all tasks faced by the country were fulfilled and our country became stronger and managed to take its proper place on the world arena.

On the eve of this splendid national holiday, I congratulate wholeheartedly once again the entire Azerbaijani people on the occasion of Independent holiday – the Day of Republic, wish successes and happiness to the whole Azerbaijani people. Thank you.


The official reception was finalized by the interesting concert program of prominent people of arts.

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