Official dinner reception was hosted in honor of Czech President Václav Klaus and his spouse Livia Klausova

17 May 2011, 22:00
Official dinner reception was hosted in honor of Czech President Václav Klaus and his spouse Livia Klausova

President Ilham Aliyev hosted an official dinner reception in honor of Czech President Václav Klaus and his spouse Livia Klausova.

The Presidents delivered remarks at the reception.

Speech of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

- Dear Mister President:

Dear Madam Livia Klausová:

Distinguished guests:

Ladies and gentlemen:

I greet you and the delegation led by you wholeheartedly. Welcome to Azerbaijan.

Mister President, your first visit to our country is a remarkable event in Azerbaijani-Czech relations. I do believe that this visit of yours will play an important role in further development of our co-operation in various fields. The meetings we had, talks we conducted and views we exchanged as well as the document signed by us and today’s business forum will give an impetus to elevate our ties on a higher level.

I consider it important to increase mutual efforts to develop our bilateral and multilateral relations and bring it into a qualitatively new level.

Today, there are favorable conditions and opportunities for the development of co-operation in different fields between our countries. The participation of Czech banks as creditors in large construction works going on in Azerbaijan is the positive case. At the same time, Azerbaijani oil takes an important place in energy market of the Czech Republic. In this respect, there is a need to conduct direct transactions between economic institutions of both countries to intensify further our ties.

Our countries co-operate closely within international and regional organizations. The relations with the European Union and Euro-Atlantic structures take a significant place in foreign policy of Azerbaijan. Our co-operation in UN, OSCE, the European Union and the Council of Europe is very satisfactory.

Azerbaijan is a reliable partner in energy field and ready to bring further its contribution in ensuring energy security of Europe. We are interested in bringing our energy resources to world markets in all directions and work on different projects.

Energy co-operation is one of main directions of our relations with the European Union. The Memorandum of Understanding on a Strategic Partnership between the European Union and the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of energy signed in 2006 and the Joint Declaration on South Gas Corridor signed this January are clear examples of this co-operation.

Concrete projects implemented in Azerbaijan in recent years ensure the dynamic development of our country and impact on positively the co-operation processes in the region.

As a result of the work done so far, Azerbaijan develops swiftly. Even during the difficult years of world financial crisis, economic development of our country continued. Due to this development, during last 7 years, GDP has almost tripled. In the years of 2009-2010, our economy grew by 14%. Foreign currency reserves reached approximately USD35 billion. The number of people living in poverty level has dropped by 5 times. Investments in the amount of USD82 billion are attracted to our country. Over 900 thousand jobs were created.

However, I have to point out with regret that the most painful problem of Azerbaijan is still pending resolution of Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

As a result of the military aggression of Armenia, 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory – Nagorno Karabakh and seven surrounding regions – remain still under occupation. Ethnic cleansing policy was conducted in the territories of Azerbaijan occupied by Armenia and over one million of people became refugees and IDPs.

There are 4 resolutions of UN Security Council related to the conflict as well as relevant decisions and resolutions of OSCE, the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, NATO and other international organizations. This conflict should be solved only in accordance with international law norms in the framework of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan on the basis of talks.

Dear Mister President, I welcome you cordially once again and wish you good health, everlasting development and progress to your country and people.

I raise this glass to you and your spouse and to the development of relations of sincere friendship and beneficial co-operation between the Czech Republic and Azerbaijan.

Speech of Mr. Václav Klaus, the President of the Czech Republic

- Dear Mister President:

Dear ladies and gentlemen:

Permit me to renew once again my deep thanks to you at this important event for this invitation to visit your great country.

I would like much that you evaluate this first historical visit of the Czech President to your country as a step made to expand of mutual relations and the interest shown by us.

Saying that the history of direct relations between our countries is very short, but the history of Czech-Azerbaijan relations is very ancient one, President Václav Klaus noted the following by underlining the necessity of giving a new momentum to these ties:

- All positives cases known in the past should be continued. But, we wish to bring a new momentum and modernity to this relationship. We accept Azerbaijan as a country with large development potential and Czech companies are also interested to bring their contribution to use this potential.

We understand very well that your country disposes a stabilizing effect in this difficult and sensitive region. It plays also a significant role in energy balance of European countries.

25 percent of total volume of oil imported by our country comes from your country. Indeed, there are wider opportunities for co-operation in this field.

Dear Mister President:

I am very delighted of our dialogue started with you in Prague three years ago during our presidency in the European Union. This meeting of ours took place in the framework of Eastern Partnership project and we think that it should be one of important goals of Europe’s policies. I hope that Warsaw Summit on Eastern Partnership scheduled for the current year will prove it.

Noting that Azerbaijan has the ancient culture, historic monuments and picturesque nature, the Czech President expressed his satisfaction over an opportunity to familiarize not only with the capital city, but also the regions of Azerbaijan in the framework of visit by saying:

- Czechs are the people that like traveling a lot. They like studying closely other countries. However, as I know, they have not discovered still the beauties of Caspian sea and your marvelous mountains. I do believe that this will happen soon and we will also host in our country guests coming from your side.

I came to your country with a large delegation representing Czech companies and they demonstrate a big interest to expand economic co-operation. I believe in that because our visit will become a new push to strengthen political dialogue between us, expand our bilateral legislative basis and increase trade links and investments.

I am confident that cultural links and communication between citizens will not lack the development in this respect.

Dear Mister President:

Allow me to raise this glass to the successes of your country, to Czech-Azerbaijani friendship and personally, to your health and to the health of your beloved ones.

DOCUMENTS Addresses 24 September 2024
To the participants of the 5th Anniversary Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition “ADEX-2024” and the 14th International Exhibition for Internal Security, Safety and Rescue Equipment "Securex Caspian"

Dear participants and visitors of the exhibition!

I welcome you on the occasion of the opening of the 5th Anniversary Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition "ADEX-2024". Welcome to Azerbaijan!

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24 September 2024, 15:44