Ilham Aliyev attended the solemn ceremony, marking the 88th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev

10 May 2011, 21:00
Ilham Aliyev attended the solemn ceremony, marking the 88th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev

A solemn ceremony, marking the 88th anniversary of national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev and the 7th anniversary of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, was held at Buta Palace on May 10th.

President Ilham Aliyev and his spouse Mehriban Aliyeva attended the ceremony.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva, and the family members posed for photos with First Lady of Latvia, Lilita Zatlere.

The event, with attendance of state and government representatives and reputable guests, invited from abroad, started off with a video, featuring different periods of Heydar Aliyev’s glorious life path.

Ilham Aliyev attended an official ceremony on the occasion of the 88th birthday of Heydar Aliyev

Speaking at the ceremony was First Lady of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO, MP Mehriban Aliyeva.

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Then a film was demonstrated about the activities of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev.

President Ilham Aliyev delivered a speech at the ceremony.

Speech by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev

- Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear friends.

While marking the birthday and revering great leader Heydar Aliyev today, I would like to reaffirm the deep respect and reverence of the Azerbaijani people for his undying memory.

Heydar Aliyev has always served his native people selflessly. Regardless of the public and political system, the nationwide leader always made an enormous contribution to the development of Azerbaijan.

In 1969, when he started to lead Azerbaijan, our republic was among the most backward republics of the Soviet Union. The economy was practically not developing, necessary steps for the development of agriculture were not taken, while industrial production was at a very low level. It was thanks to his work over the course of 13 years that Azerbaijan managed to become a leader on the scale of the Soviet Union. Only two republics could provide for themselves at the time, and one of them was Azerbaijan. It was during those years that a powerful impetus was given to the socioeconomic development of the republic. It was in those years that a strong and solid industrial foundation was laid, which is a great help for the industrial potential of independent Azerbaijan today. In those years, considerable progress was achieved in the development of all spheres of life in the Azerbaijan Republic. In other words, the 1970s went down in the history of Azerbaijan as years of development and progress. Of course, Azerbaijan was not independent, and those successes were achieved within the ideological frames of the Soviet Union. The potential gained in those years certainly helped us a lot after we regained our independence.

In 1982-1987, Heydar Aliyev was represented on the government of the Soviet Union. It was the first time for an Azerbaijani to be appointed to such a senior post in the super-power. In those years, as first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, he continued to pay great attention to the development of Azerbaijan, his heart was with Azerbaijan. Events in Azerbaijan were still running their course. In other words, the momentum was so strong that even the absence of Heydar Aliyev was not affecting Azerbaijan’s development. But starting from the 1980s, things in Azerbaijan gradually started declining. In 1987, when he left the political scene, Azerbaijan began experiencing major problems.

We all remember those years too well and know that hardly had two weeks passed from the great leader’s departure from the political scene when Armenian nationalists unfolded a campaign to separate Nagorno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan and join it to Armenia. In previous years it was the Heydar Aliyev factor that deterred them from such actions.

It was in those years, starting from the late 1987, that separatist trends intensified. Thus, the conditions were created for the outbreak of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We all understand perfectly well that if Heydar Aliyev had been in Azerbaijan at the time, this would have never occurred and Azerbaijan’s historical lands would not be under occupation. Heydar Aliyev’s heart was always with Azerbaijan. But Soviet leaders, aware of the Heydar Aliyev factor, used every opportunity to isolate him from Azerbaijan. The essence and reasons for a campaign of slander unfolded against him were in eliminating the Heydar Aliyev factor in Azerbaijan. But his deeds, his merits have always lived in the hearts of Azerbaijani people. We remember the time, the moments of the period when we were part of the Soviet Union. Even despite that the people of Azerbaijan could express their resolve. And it was that resolve that brought Azerbaijan its present development.

When the pressure and persecution of Heydar Aliyev intensified, he naturally returned to his home country. However, the people represented on Azerbaijan’s political administration at the time did not let him live in Baku and he had to leave for his native Nakhchivan. While living in Nakhchivan, the great leader made an enormous contribution to the development of Nakhchivan, while the people of Nakhchivan protected Heydar Aliyev.

There were very difficult moments in his life, but he passed all the ordeals with dignity, always served his people, pursued a courageous policy at all times, and this policy and courage manifested themselves at different stages.

He gave a pledge in the name of our martyrs killed in the aftermath of the aggression perpetrated against the people of Azerbaijan, the 20 January tragedy, that he would serve Azerbaijan to the last drop of his blood. Two years were left to the break-up of the Soviet Union. Despite that, in a news conference at the permanent representative office of Azerbaijan in Moscow, he emphatically condemned the leaders of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party, accused them of killing innocent people and then left the ranks of the Communist Party which he had served for decades.

All those steps required strong political will and courage. It was thanks to those steps that Azerbaijan is an independent state today. The foundation of Azerbaijan’s independence was laid precisely at that time. The tricolor Azerbaijani flag was first hoisted as the official state flag in Nakhchivan. The Soviet Union was still in existence then. Nakhchivan did not take part in the referendum on preserving the Soviet Union. We remember those historic moments very well and, going back to this issue again, we can see what a great personality Heydar Aliyev was.

It was in those years that the event that carried historic importance for the formation of Azerbaijan’s modern political system took place. In 1992, the Yeni Azerbaijan Party was set up in Nakhchivan. The Yeni Azerbaijan Party was established as an opposition party. From the time it was established to the present day, the Yeni Azerbaijan Party, the leading political force, has been contributing a lot to the development of our country.

The return of Heydar Aliyev to political power in Azerbaijan was also the requirement of the time and the people. A civil war had begun in Azerbaijan by the time, there were chaos, anarchy and crisis in the country. The economic and political crisis jeopardized the future independence of our country. But after Heydar Aliyev returned to political administration in Azerbaijan, all negative phenomena were averted, all illegal armed units were disarmed, stability set in and Azerbaijan started developing. If it hadn’t been for the determination, courage and political authority of Heydar Aliyev at the time, we could have lost our independence.

The 1993-2003 period went down in the history of Azerbaijan as one of stability and development. It was then that the foundation of our statehood was laid. We are absolutely right to say that Heydar Aliyev is the founder of modern independent Azerbaijan because our country was completely out of control for two years after gaining state independence. The foundation of our statehood and independence was laid exactly in 1993. And since then Azerbaijan has only been on the path of development. The economic reforms started paying off. After political stability was established, major foreign investment started flowing into the country. The attraction of foreign investment to Azerbaijan required great professionalism and political experience because Azerbaijan was known in the world as a high-risk country. Very few wanted to invest in Azerbaijan. It required tremendous political skill and knowledge to convince foreign investors, invite them to Azerbaijan and implement major investment projects in accordance with Azerbaijan’s national interests.

The present-day Azerbaijan is developing successfully. The present-day Azerbaijan, the independent Azerbaijan, is a product of Heydar Aliyev’s creation. These are not just words. This is a reality, the truth. Thanks to the strengthening of the political system, creation of a tradition of statehood and establishment of the Azerbaijani ideology in 1993-2003, Azerbaijan has now turned into a developing country. The political reforms, our policy of integration into the world community and the economic and social reforms carried out in the country in those years laid the groundwork for successful development. Today, modern Azerbaijan is successfully developing on this solid foundation. Azerbaijan is going along the path of Heydar Aliyev. The policy of Heydar Aliyev lives on in Azerbaijan, and this is obvious everywhere. Oil contracts have played an exceptional role in the independent existence of our country. Thanks to these contracts, billion of dollars were invested in the country’s economy. Azerbaijan managed to introduce itself to the world community as a reliable partner. As a result of the development, transportation and exports of our natural resources, we managed to gain economic independence. Economic independence is the foundation of state independence. We managed to achieve these successes in the 1990s and are continuing them now. Extensive creative and landscaping work is under way in all spheres in our country, there is rapid development.

The rate of Azerbaijan’s economic development in the last seven years has been unparalleled in the world. Our economy has grown almost three times. Industrial production has increased threefold and poverty reduced five times. We already have extensive financial opportunities. Our economy is already diversified. At the same time, our energy policy rests on the oil strategy determined by Heydar Aliyev. This strategy has been aligned with modern requirements and enriched.

Today Azerbaijan is playing an important part in energy security not only in the region but also on the continent. Our initiatives, the proposals we are making and the projects we are implementing are not only strengthening our country, but also creating wonderful conditions for regional cooperation.

The construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline is a historic achievement. The groundwork for the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline was laid by Heydar Aliyev. We have completed this project and the pipeline has been in operation since 2006. This project plays an exceptional role in strengthening Azerbaijan’s economic independence.

The agreement on the major gas field of Shah Deniz signed on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev in 1996 has turned Azerbaijan into an indispensible partner from the standpoint of energy security. If this prudent step hadn’t been taken in 1996, in those difficult years and at that difficult time, Azerbaijan’s energy security could be a major problem for us today. We have completed this project. In 2007, the Baku-Erzurum pipeline was built to transport Azerbaijani gas to foreign markets. This corridor has already been opened and started operating. We have tested it. We have supplemented this corridor with a railway project. This railway will link not only Azerbaijan with neighboring states, but also Asia with Europe. I do hope that we will mark the launch of this historic project next year. This opening corridor is playing an indispensible part in our development.

Our independence is strengthening. Our economic opportunities and role in the region are growing, our international standing is strengthening. At the same time, economic and social issues in the country are being resolved. In the last seven years, our budget expenditure has increased 12 times. Salaries and pensions have risen many times.

Today, Azerbaijan is a dynamically developing and modern country that takes care of itself. Our policy is very open and clear. Formation of a modern political system on a strong economic foundation, strengthening of the foundation of statehood and of the Azerbaijani ideology are priority issues for us. Along with this, specific projects and programs are being implemented to continue the socioeconomic development of our country.

At the same time, Azerbaijan is a stabilizing factor in the region today. In many cases our initiatives play the pivotal role in the region. Our participation in regional matters enriches regional cooperation and expands its frontiers. The projects initiated and implemented by us are attracting the attention of partner states. Azerbaijan has established itself in the world as a very reliable partner. The solution of economic and social issues in the country is developing in a positive direction. The public and political situation in the country is very positive. Our country is multiethnic. Azerbaijan has already become a wonderful venue for a global intercultural dialogue. Our initiatives in this area are receiving good feedback from the international community. The various activities held in the country of late have further reaffirmed Azerbaijan’s image as a very modern and tolerant country.

There is not a single sector in our country that would not be covered by a specific program. In other words, Azerbaijan is a powerful, modern state relying only on itself. We must continue strengthening and developing our country, fulfilling all the tasks it is facing, taking additional measures to improve the well-being of the Azerbaijani people and striving to resolve economic and social issues.

We have achieved all these successes because the people of Azerbaijan showed wisdom in 1993 by calling on Heydar Aliyev to take on political power. The foundation of our successes was laid then. It is 1993 that marks the beginning of our successes. Therefore, the dear memory of Heydar Aliyev lives on and will always live on in the hearts of the Azerbaijani people. We have restored our independence, managed to protect and preserve it. Today we are strengthening it.

Independence is the biggest asset, the biggest achievement, the biggest value for us. The developing and strengthening Azerbaijan is the best evidence of our respect for the memory of Heydar Aliyev. We will stay on this path. The policy of Heydar Aliyev will live on in Azerbaijan. We will not deviate from this road and will remain faithful to the policy of Heydar Aliyev. Thank you.


Then the Heydar Aliyev Award was presented.

By a decision of the Heydar Aliyev Award Commission and Resolution of President Ilham Aliyev from 10 May 2011, Anar Rasul oglu Rzayev was presented with the Heydar Aliyev Award for an outstanding contribution to the development of Azerbaijani literature.

The head of state presented the award to Anar Rzayev.

People’s writer Anar Rzayev expressed his appreciation for the confidence shown to him and for the award.


A film about the activities of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation was demonstrated in the ceremony.

Then winners of the 2011 Golden Plane Tree international award, established by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in 2009, were announced.

The former director-general of UNESCO, Koichiro Matsuura, was declared winner in the first nomination – for contribution to the preservation of universal human values, expansion of a dialogue between civilizations, development of our country’s relations with UNESCO and successful representation of Azerbaijan in the intercultural exchange.

President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva presented the award to Koichiro Matsuura.


The General Manager of ISESCO, Abdul Aziz Othman al-Tuwaijri, was declared winner in the second nomination – for activities towards establishing communication in the areas of science, education and culture and facilitating dialogue between peoples.

The international award of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation was presented to the general manager of ISESCO by First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva.

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After the awards ceremony, a concert by the Gara Garayev state chamber orchestra conducted by people’s artist Teymur Geychayev was held.

The ceremony was concluded with an interesting and memorable performance by the soloist of the Azerbaijan state academic theater of opera and ballet, talented tenor Samir Jafarov.

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