Ilham Aliyev examined the work carried out in Gobustan and Alat settlements of Garadagh district

04 April 2011, 20:00
Ilham Aliyev examined the work carried out in Gobustan and Alat settlements of Garadagh district

President Ilham Aliyev chaired a meeting at the Mayor’s Office of Baku dedicated to socioeconomic development of suburban settlements of the capital on 9 March this year. During that meeting, the head of state issued instructions on the socioeconomic development of suburban settlements. In order to examine progress in the implementation of the said instructions on the ground, President Ilham Aliyev visited the Gobustan and Alat settlements of Garadagh district on 4 April.

Based on a map of the Gobustan settlement, Baku Mayor Hajibala Abutalibov specified to the head of state the streets needing asphalt coating. Major overhaul of local roads has already commenced in the Gobustan settlement, which has a population of 14,585 people. Thus far, roads covering a total of 10,000 square meters have already been asphalted. The asphalt coating of the remaining 18,000 square meters of roads will also be renewed as well. A new lighting system will be installed on all local streets. 

After examining the work under way in the settlement, President Ilham Aliyev met with local residents. 

Residents warmly welcomed the head of state. 

Saluting the residents of Gobustan, President Ilham Aliyev said: 

- I am saluting you, hello. Relevant instructions have been issued regarding the development of the Gobustan settlement. Work has now begun. At the first stage we will build roads because there is a great need for that. Almost all the roads in Gobustan are earth roads. There is no asphalt, there wasn’t asphalt in the past either. Of course, this creates great difficulties because roads become impassible in rain and snow. On my way here I saw that roads on the right and left are earth roads. Therefore, we are starting this work today. All the roads will be asphalted. This work has been divided in stages and certain work is to be done at each stage.

In general, appropriate instructions have been issued regarding the development of Baku settlements. Early last month we held an expanded meeting, issued instructions and prepared a program. This month the program will be approved and all infrastructure and social issues will be resolved as a result of its implementation.

But roads come first, because there is the biggest need for that. Then lampposts will be installed. Local roads remain practically unlit and it is dark in the evening. As for social facilities, I am told there is a need for school construction. The hospital is in an extremely deplorable condition. I can confirm that it is in an unbearable plight. We will resolve these issues quickly.

Overall, there is extensive creative work under way in the country. There are special programs for each region, for each district. Therefore, we must certainly take even more serious measures to develop suburban settlements of Baku.

Certain work has been done in recent years. Projects on the construction of schools and medical facilities have been implemented. Even larger-scale work must be carried out in the coming years. The Baku-Alat road now meets the highest international standards. Even lighting poles are being installed. Although there is no lighting on trunk roads elsewhere in the world, we are doing that. Roads within settlements must be like that too. Local roads must be in good condition. In other words, we are doing everything for the comfort, work and good life of our people. This is the first step. Even more will be done afterwards. I want to repeat that the program to be adopted will cover all the settlements, and a separate schedule of work will be prepared for each settlement. This means a lot of work, because there are more than 40 settlements around Baku. They have a population of over 800,000 people. As I have already said, these settlements are as big as a whole city, so to speak. Of course, this work will require significant funds and time. But I want us to do all this work in the shortest possible time. Of course, a lot will depend on the activities of local executive authorities. At the same time, residents of settlements must join these wonderful initiatives, actively participate in them, make comments and suggestions as to which issues must be resolved first, what issues are of great concern, what we need to rectify and what else we must do. In other words, there must be this communication, so that we could receive complete information and know the sequence in which to do the work.

I have come here today to examine the start of the work, hear your suggestions as to what we must do to ensure that the work is done quickly and with maximum efficiency.


After a meeting with residents of Gobustan, President Ilham Aliyev arrived in the Alat settlement. The head of state was informed of the work under way there. It was indicated that settlement roads covering 4,500 square meters had been covered with new asphalt coating. Preliminary preparations have been completed for asphalting 22,000 square meters of roads.

The construction of a new school and a new hospital will start in Alat on the instruction of President Ilham Aliyev. In general, 60,000 square meters of local roads will be subject to major overhaul in different settlements of Garadagh district.

After examining the work under way, President Ilham Aliyev met with residents of the Alat settlement.

Local residents warmly welcomed the head of state.

- Roads are being built in the Alat settlement. I can say that this may be the first time in history when roads are being built here. I am told that almost all local roads were earth roads. They were impassible in rain and in bad weather. Therefore, the construction of local roads has been a priority task in every settlement, including Alat. But this work requires major resources. I have just been informed that 600,000 square meters of asphalt coating is to be provided to bring all local roads to normal condition. We will do this work gradually. This is the first stage. Creative work must be under way in all suburban settlements of Baku. Instructions have been issued. I have come here to hear about your problems, find out what we need to do first and what should be done at later stages. Of course, the task has been set: the infrastructure, roads, gas, electricity, water and sewage communications, social facilities, schools and hospitals must be built, repaired and brought to normal condition in all settlements.

I want to repeat that this is a large program. But urgent measures must be taken now in order to do this work.

Garadagh district is developing and improving, new enterprises are being set up here. In essence, Garadagh district must turn into a major industrial center of the national scale. When I last visited Garadagh district, I expressed my thoughts about that and then repeated them at a Cabinet meeting.

Three main industrial hubs must be created in our country, and Garadagh district is one of them. Major industrial enterprises, a cement plant, are currently under construction in the district. Perhaps a second cement plant must be built as well. Besides, a shipyard is also under construction. A new international trade seaport is being built in Alat. After the seaport is commissioned, thousands of new jobs will be opened there and residents of Alat can work there too. In other words, the district is being turned into a strong industrial center. In addition to that, all social issues must be resolved as well. The construction of these roads is of great importance for the district because, as you all know, there were no asphalt roads here before. But there will be from now on. This is the first road. It is also shown on the map where we will work and what we will do. All these roads must be asphalted soon.

All social issues must be gradually resolved, every settlement must have a special development plan. Relevant instructions have now been issued, so that a list of urgent measures could be made for each settlement. In essence, these problems are known. We are aware of them. Unfortunately, the water and sewage problems are an issue not only for this but also for other settlements.

Our country is embarking on a large and comprehensive program. Measures are taken in every region, including Baku, to resolve the water supply and sewage problem. This is the biggest issue now because the electricity problem has been gradually resolved. There is no such problem now. You don’t have it either. Gasification is under way. New gas lines are laid in every region of the country. I am aware that gasification in Alat has been completed and the settlement has gas supply.

Therefore, problems with drinking water and sewage are awaiting solution. This was a painful issue for us for decades, for centuries. Earlier, when our financial resources were limited, it was difficult to receive a foreign loan and the problem remained unresolved. Now we must resolve this problem at our own expense, and relevant instructions have already been issued. Problems with water supply and sewage must be eliminated in every settlement, every district. Besides, I want to reiterate that we need to build schools, build and renovate hospitals, lay roads. There were no asphalt, lighting or lampposts on these roads, of course. This means we must approach this work in a complex and very serious manner.

There is a program on the socioeconomic development of districts, and its second phase has already begun. There must also be a program on the Baku settlements. It is being prepared now. It will be approved and published this month. Every citizen will see what is to be done in his/her settlement. To prepare a detailed program, we need to collect suggestions from the ground. The questions you will raise will, beyond doubt, be incorporated into this program. Issues relating to schools and hospitals may be resolved even sooner. Funds will be allocated from the Reserve Fund of the President to resolve these issues. Let me request you that if you have any problems, discontent or complaints regarding the implementation of this program, do contact me, the executive authorities of your district and the city. We must know what we should do, what we should rectify! We must know what questions there are to resolve them.

I am sure that all the problems of Baku settlements will be resolved in the near future, in a matter of several years.

In conclusion, local residents had their picture taken with President Ilham Aliyev.
