Ilham Aliyev studied the work done in Sabunchu and Surakhany regions in the framework of social and economic development of Baku suburbs

31 March 2011, 19:00
Ilham Aliyev studied the work done in Sabunchu and Surakhany regions in the framework of social and economic development of Baku suburbs

President Ilham Aliyev chaired the meeting dedicated to the social and economic development of suburbs which was held in Baku Executive Power Office on March 9. Head of state has given instructions related to the social and economic development of suburbs. In order to familiarize with the execution of those instructions, President Ilham Aliyev visited the regions of Sabunchu and Surakhany on March 31.

Stressing the implementation of concrete programs in recent years in the capital of our republic at the meeting devoted to the social and economic development of Baku city and suburbs, President Ilham Aliyev noted that it is one of priorities to turn Baku into a megalopolis. Head of state pointed out that there will be further expansion of a whole set of measures and the reconstruction work to improve traffic infrastructure, power supply grid, natural gas facilities, heating systems, sewerage installations, other infrastructure and public utilities. For this purpose, head of state noted that the work was going on to elaborate the special state program. According to the instructions of President, reconstruction work has started in all villages and living districts of all regions of Baku city.

In order to study at places the execution of tasks defined at the meeting, President Ilham Aliyev visited Teplitsa living area which hosts over 7500 residents of Zabrat district. Head of Baku City Executive Power Office Hajibala Abutalybov informed the head of state about the work done. It was reported that according to the instructions of President Ilham Aliyev, the general overhaul of roads between districts has started here. 12 thousand 300 square meters in this living area got a new asphalt cover. According to the instruction of the head of state, it was noted that lighting systems would be installed alongside inner district road. It was stressed that sewerage lines to villages and districts would be laid down as a part of the state program. After having studied closely the work done, President Ilham Aliyev met with residents.

Residents warmly welcomed the head of state.

After saluting local residents, President Ilham Aliyev said:

- Thank you very much. As you know, socioeconomic problems of suburban settlements of Baku are being resolved. I hope a relevant program will be adopted in April. Some time ago, we held an expanded meeting and identified tasks. The main objective has been to ensure that all socioeconomic problems of Baku settlements are resolved. After the program is adopted, extra funds will certainly be envisaged in the state budget. For this purpose, the state budget will have to be amended, because it was approved last year and this program was not stipulated. After relevant amendments we will begin the implementation of the program within state budget capabilities.

It should be noted that certain work has been done over this period. Construction of schools in settlements was quite intensive, health facilities have been built. The process of electricity and gas supply went ahead. In other words, some work has been done. But I would really like to see this work carried out more intensively and with better quality, so that all the people living in settlements could be provided with necessary conditions. A program that will cover all the settlements is being prepared now. This is a very large program. Currently our settlements are home to over 800,000 people. This is a big city in itself. Those living in settlements, I want to repeat, should be provided at the highest standard. However, considering that this issue should be resolved very quickly, funds have recently been allocated from the Reserve Fund of the President to the Executive Authority of Baku for immediate action to be taken. Today this road is being laid using the said funds. Certain work has already been done. There was no road here at all, there were only earth roads. Therefore, we need to rebuild everything, build all these roads.

Of course, the program will not be limited to road construction. Broad measures will be taken. Problems with gas, electricity and water in the settlement have been resolved. And this is a great achievement. There are problems with sewage, but they will be resolved too. As you know, the landscaping and creative work ongoing in our country have had a positive impact on every region. We have and are implementing a program on the socioeconomic development of regions. At the same time, we expect to start a new stage of the program on the socioeconomic development of suburban settlements of Baku. I think the first phase should cover 2011-2013. However, those preparing the program are already saying that time constraints won’t allow us to resolve all the issues we have outlined in two years. Therefore, perhaps we should also prepare a program that, in addition to 2011-2013, will cover the 2013-2018 period. As a result of this program, all our settlements will have modern infrastructure, apply top standards, and all the issues required for the development of settlements will be resolved.

Besides this, the Ministry of Economic Development has been tasked with creating additional conditions for the business people living in settlements: provide low-interest loans, create jobs, open new enterprises so that there are extra opportunities for eliminating unemployment.

Overall, there is a serious fight against unemployment in our country. New enterprises have been opened in almost every region, there are thousands of new jobs, new plants and factories. This is playing a major role in strengthening our economic and industrial potential today.

I have come here today to see how things are progressing. I do hope that all the instructions given will be fulfilled. I am urging you and residents of all the settlements to send questions regarding this program to the Presidential Administration. If there are issues or concerns, we must know about them so that all the issues are resolved at the proper level.

Residents thanked the head of state.

A picture was taken with President Ilham Aliyev. 

It should be noted that according to the instruction of the head of state, a modern school will be constructed also in the new area with 12 thousand residents living between districts of Zabrat I and Zabrat II.


President Ilham Aliyev got familiarized also with the work done in Bulbule village of Surakhany region. This village with the population of 5500 residents will get also a new school on the basis of instructions of the head of state, and the site has been already chosen for this purpose. The overall repair work has started on inner roads of Bulbule village The area of 8 thousand square meters was paved with asphalt. Asphalt work on other part of the road with area of 45 thousand square meters will be finalized in a short period of time. Having studied refurbishment and reconstruction work, the head of state met with residents of Bulbule village.

President Ilham Aliyev said:

- Work is under way in the settlement, there is road construction. This is the first step. A program on the socioeconomic development of all settlements is being developed. Relevant instructions have been issued. As you know, an expanded meeting has been held on this issue. A program is already being prepared. I hope we will approve it in April, and large-scale work will commence. In order not to waste any time, construction of this road has already begun. There were no such roads in this and other settlements. There were earth roads that were impassible in rain and snow. Now these are asphalt roads, they are shown on the map. This is only the first project, so to speak. All local roads must be built. All infrastructure facilities must be restored and rebuilt. Gas lines are being laid now. I have been informed that gas pressure is not at the proper level now. I will give the necessary instruction to have the gas pressure increased. The issue of electricity supply in the country is largely resolved. But a lot still remains to be done. There are issues relating to the construction of underground lines, quality and uninterrupted electricity supply. We will be dealing with all these issues too. A sewage project will be implemented by all means. A special program is being prepared now. Sewage, drinking water programs are being prepared throughout the country, for each individual settlement. There is no school in this area. Children have to cover a long distance to go to school. Therefore, it is necessary to start building a new school. A place has been allocated. Prepare a project and funds will soon be allocated for its construction.

We are approaching these issues in package. Every settlement must have good conditions for normal life and work.

Thanking President Ilham Aliyev for refurbishment and reconstruction work, the residents requested the head of state to ensure also the restoration of the old road exiting from Bulbule village to the main highway.

After having met with residents, President Ilham Aliyev came in that place to familiarize with the status of the old road to exit from Bulbule village to the main highway. Head of state has given his instructions right in the palce to restore the old road. According to the instructions of President Ilham Aliyev, general overhaul work has started in the streets connecting Heydar Aliyev Avenue with Ateshgah Temple. Afterwards, President Ilham Aliyev came to Ateshgah Temple and got familiarized with the restoration and refurbishment work done here. Head of state was informed about the archaeological excavations carried out nearby.

President Ilham Aliyev has given relevant instructions related to the refurbishment and reconstruction work carried out in suburbs of Baku.
