Ilham Aliyev took part at the opening of several road infrastructure facilities

24 January 2011, 13:30
Ilham Aliyev took part at the opening of several road infrastructure facilities

President Ilham Aliyev participated at the opening of several road infrastructure facilities which were constructed recently in Baku.

At the beginning President Ilham Aliyev inaugurated the overground crossing constructed recently at the 4.4th km of Airport Circle – Zugulba highway which is the most animated territory for vehicles and pedestrians in the Khazar region of capital city.

Head of state cut the ribbon signaling the opening of this crossing.

Transport Minister Ziya Mamedov informed that the construction work at this site has begun last May in line with action plan on improving the road system of Baku city.

A new overground pedestrian crossing meets the most modern standards. A high quality construction materials and equipment were used in the construction. The total length of the crossing is 61 meters, the width is 3.5 meters. Its overhead elevation from the road surface is 5.1 meters which ensures the smooth circulation of large trucks via this highway.

President Ilham Aliyev walked over the pedestrian crossing.

It was reported that the metallic parts of this crossing were installed by local specialists. During the construction the colored tempered glass was used in the volume of 800 square meters. Application of such type of glass onto the crossing ensures particularly attractive shape and creates also maximum opportunities to make its interior lighter. Furthermore, the natural air ventilation system is installed in this facility aimed at adjusting constantly the air flow into the internal parts of the crossing in all season of the year. Lighting system applied on this overground crossing meets modern requirements. It is supplied the power from the automatic switchboard from two sources. The reserve source is put into motion as the first halts its functioning. While constructing this crossing, a separate lane has been designed from disabled people. In a word, all necessary conditions are created for comfortable movement of pedestrians.

The area of 800 m2 located near the crossing and surroundings of the highway leading to the Bina district have been asphalted fully. The construction of crossing in this area creates all conditions for comfortable movement of local residents to other living districts. This will be also helpful in preventing traffic rule violations cases in the territory with intensive traffic load.

President Ilham Aliyev expressed his satisfaction over the work done and gave his instructions and recommendations.


Afterwards, President Ilham Aliyev participated at the opening of Bina Highway Junction constructed on Heydar Aliyev International Airport – Zugulba district highway.

Transport Minister Ziya Mamedov informed the head of state that the construction of junction has begun at the end of 2009 by the order of the Ministry. It was reported that the steel made overhead bridge is installed in this place. Weighing in total 4147 tons, this bridge used 662 steel ropes in the construction phase. According to this project, operational life of the bridge is 100 years. While installing the bridge, construction materials that meet the most modern standards, including the steel have been used in this process.

It was reported that the total length of junction roads is up to 3700 meters. High quality asphalt was applied on the road pavement. The length of steel arched overhead bridge is 95 meters. Its width is 27.5 meters. Four lanes two way highway was constructed on the road. Width of each lane is 9.25 meters. Its height in elevation is 5.6 meters. With its seismic resistance of 9 points, the bridge was constructed by using experience and technologies of world leading countries.

It was noted that the overhead bridge will play also a function of a pedestrian crossing. The dense traffic flow on the Heydar Aliyev International Airport – Zugulba district motorway created impediments to the safe movement of pedestrians in the past. Installation of a pedestrian crossing on this bridge has prevented any safety risk. Stairs were constructed also on the both sides of highway coupled with pedestrian sidewalks in width of 4 meters on both sides. This junction will play an important role in uninterrupted co-ordination of traffic vehicles bound from Bina district to Baku city and Mardakan and vice versa.

Head of state cut the ribbon signaling the opening of junction.

President Ilham Aliyev congratulated builders by saying:

- I congratulate you. I express my gratitude to you. You have made this excellent bridge a reality. It adds beauty to the city but increases the comfort of people. The bridge was constructed on the basis of the most sophisticated technologies. The most leading technology is applied already in Azerbaijan. The most modern technology is present all work done in Azerbaijan and particularly, in the construction of highways and bridges.

At the same time, the construction of this bridge demonstrates that all issues planned by us in the past are turning into a reality. Bridges, road junctions and highways are being constructed to improve the traffic system of Baku, and this process becomes wider and wider. Over 10 new road junctions are built already in Baku. This process goes on. All bridges, road junctions build here are in line with the highest standards.

It goes without saying that this bridge is particularly important for residents of Bina living district. In the past, this place was mainly known by traffic jams in this district. We had here several traffic lights which regulated the traffic. For the time being, passengers and citizens going to Bina district as well as those leaving Bina district for the city, other villages and living districts have easier opportunities to reach destinations very comfortably and without losing the time. At the same time, it demonstrates that the work carried out in Azerbaijan is based on our financial capabilities and resources. In spite of the past year as well as the year of 2008 were marked by the worldwide crisis, no delay was observed or will be observed in Azerbaijan. We have opportunities and financial capabilities to implement infrastructure projects. The investment program for the year of 2011 will be approved in the days to come. Enough volume of funds is envisaged in this program for transport sector development, and it will allow us to modernize, improve and bring in line with the highest standards the entire transport system in Azerbaijan both now and in the future.

This bridge is not lagging behind bridges built in the cities of the most developed countries of the world. It may even dominate those bridges because the most sophisticated and the cutting edge technologies were used in this construction.

I am very delighted that Azerbaijani specialists, workers and companies participated actively in this splendid work jointly with foreign specialists. This increases the experience of our companies and demonstrates that there are already very good and modern companies in Azerbaijan in this field. Investments made remain in Azerbaijan, our people get jobs and the country develops.

The year of 2011 starts successfully. We celebrate already the first great opening. We will have a plenty of such openings this year.

I express once again my gratitude to you and all those who participated in the construction of bridge. I wish you new successes. Thank you.


President Ilham Aliyev was briefed also about the device used to test steel ropes of the bridge. It was reported that during the construction work, ropes were tested several times using this equipment.

Head of state got informed also about the reconstruction work carried out around the junction site. It was reported that total area of 8 hectares has undergone reconstruction and greening operations. The site was planted trees and flower bushes. In the course of the construction work, a particular attention was paid to the irrigation issues of greenery. The special drainage system in length of 4 km was installed in this place. Modern lighting system was crated on the bridge and junction roads. This junction adds also beauty to this area.


Head of state Ilham Aliyev has participated also at the opening ceremony of a new underground crossing constructed at the 1.6 km of Airport Circle – Zugulba highway which is the most intensive traffic point for vehicles in Khazar region.

President Ilham Aliyev cut the ribbon signaling the opening.

Transport Minister Ziya Mammadov informed that the construction of this crossing built in line with action plan on improvement of transport system in the city of Baku has started in March 2010. The main purpose of constructing the crossing is to ensure safety for students of National Aviation Academy, Azerbaijan Airlines OJSC employees as well as several enterprises located nearby and local residents. It is aimed also at ensuring uninterrupted vehicles traffic to airport and vice versa.

The construction work at the crossing site was carried out at high level by using modern technical methods. Almost 70 builders worked in the site. Around 80 most modern trucks and vehicles were used in this area. Necessary conditions were created also for disabled people in this underground crossing with four exits and entries. High quality marble in the amount of 2600 square meters was used in the crossing. The length of underground crossing is 54 meters. Its width is 6.5 meters. The height is 3 meters. The crossing is equipped with the modern lighting system. The drainage system to collect rain and underground waters is connected to the special sewerage line.

The large scale greening work was carried out in the territory of crossing. Comfortable sidewalks were constructed for pedestrian traffic on both sides of motorway. A new modern bus stop was created new entries. The use of a new underground crossing will ensure full safety of vehicles and pedestrians in this territory of intensive traffic.

High assessing the work done in this area, head of state gave his relevant instructions and recommendations.


Afterwards, President Ilham Aliyev took part at the opening ceremony of a bridge junction near airport.

Transport Minister Ziya Mammadov informed head of state that this junction was construction in the framework of the project called “Reconstruction of Heydar Aliyev International Airport – Zugulba District Highway and Construction of Road Junctions and Pedestrian Crossings”. Airport’s round shaped junction has two levels. This junction which is of paramount importance will ensure fully safe and unimpeded co-ordination of vehicles traffic in two directions: Zykh District – Airport and Baku City – Mardakan District.

President Ilham Aliyev cut the ribbon signaling the opening.

It was reported that the Airport Road Junction started last May was constructed in line with high requirements. The newly commissioned junction’s total length is 6 thousand 757 meters. This two way bridge with four passages has the length of 127 meters and width of 39.8 meters. The structure of bridge is made of armored concrete. The modern drainage system with length of 8.8 km is also constructed here. The seismic resistance of bridge is 9 points. Its life cycle is up to 100 years.

President Ilham Aliyev was also informed about the work carried out around the bridge. The area of 26 hectares surrounding the bridge has undergone reconstruction and greening work. The modern irrigation system is created at the site.

Expressing his satisfaction of the work done, head of state gave relevant instructions and recommendations.
