
President Ilham Aliyev participated in the opening of a new building of Agdam Region’s Central Hospital in Guzanly settlement.
President Ilham Aliyev and Madam Mehriban Aliyeva studied the conditions created in this healthcare facility.
The entrance to the ground floor of a two storey building of the hospital featured photo stand reflecting attention and care of great leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev to the development of health sector.
Head of state watched the photo collection composed of photos of previous and new buildings of this healthcare center.
It was reported that the previous building of hospital was out of use. Due to this reason, the construction of a new building has started on the basis of instructions of the head of state. It took two years to build a modern type building for 50 beds. Equipped with the most modern equipment, this hospital will serve not only Agdam, but enable also treatment and surgeon operation issues for other neighboring regions. The polyclinics department located at ground floor dispose dentistry, ophthalmology and ultra sound scanning, neurology, treatment and physiotherapy rooms. The first floor has gynecology section.
The second floor of hospital shelters surgeon, resuscitation, anesthesiology and intensive care sections. The building is equipped with modern air ventilation system.
It was reported that the auxiliary buildings of the hospital are destined for boiler room, water storage facility, power distribution generation and X ray section. The territory was refurbished. Greening lines were created here. The road of a new asphalt layer was constructed for the hospital. A new lighting system is installed also at place. 2 Mercedes type urgent medical assistance vehicles have been given to this hospital by the Ministry of Health on the basis of instruction of President Ilham Aliyev.
President Ilham Aliyev assessed highly the conditions created at the center and gave his instructions and recommendations.