Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the new composition of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan

22 October 2013, 19:15
Governed by Clause 5 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, I hereby resolve as follows:
1. To appoint the following persons to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
1.1. First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Yaqub Abdulla oglu Eyyubov;
1.2. Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Abid Goja oglu Sharifov;
1.3. Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Elchin Ilyas oglu Efendiyev;
1.4. Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Ali Javad oglu Ahmadov;
1.5. Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Refugees and IDPs - Ali Shamil oglu Hasanov;
1.6. Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Ismet Dursun oglu Abasov;
1.7. Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Ramil Idris oglu Usubov;
1.8. Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Huseyngulu Seid oglu Bagirov;
1.9. Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Natig Agami oglu Aliyev;
1.10. Minister of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Fikrat Farrukh oglu Mammadov;
1.11. Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Salim Yanvar oglu Muslumov;
1.12. Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Kamaladdin Fattah oglu Heydarov;
1.13. Minister of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Azad Arif oglu Rahimov;
1.14. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Elmar Muharram oglu Mammadyarov;
1.15. Minister of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Shahin Abdulla oglu Mustafayev;
1.16. Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Heydar Khanish oglu Asadov;
1.17. Minister of Finance of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Samir Rauf oglu Sharifov;
1.18. Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Abulfas Mursal oglu Garayev;
1.19. Minister of National Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Eldar Ahmad oglu Mahmudova;
1.20. Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Zakir Asgar oglu Hasanov;
1.21. Ministr of Defense Industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Yavar Talib oglu Jamalov;
1.22. Minister of Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Ziya Arzuman oglu Mammadov;
1.23. Minister of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Ali Mammad oglu Abbasov;
1.24. Minister of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Ogtay Kazim oglu Shiraliyev;
1.25. Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Mikail Chingiz oglu Jabbarov;
1.26. Minister of Taxes of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Fazil Asad oglu Mammadov;
1.27. Chairperson of the State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Family, Women and Children Affairs - Hijran Kamran gizi Huseynova;
1.28. Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Work with the Diaspora - Nazim Huseyn oglu Ibrahimov;
1.29. Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Work with Religious Organizations - Elshad Huseyn oglu Isgandarov;
1.30. Chairman the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Aydin Ali oglu Aliyev;
1.31. Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Arif Mikail oglu Valiyev;
1.32. Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan on town planning and architecture - Abbas Abbas oglu Alasgarov;
1.33. Chairman of the State Committee of Land and Cartography - Garib Shamil oglu Mammadov;
1.34. Chairman of the State Committee for Property Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Karam Avaz oglu Hasanov;
1.35. Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Securities - Rufat Jabrayil oglu Aslanli;
1.36. Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Standardization, Metrology and Patents - Ramiz Ayvaz oglu Hasanov;
1.37. Chief of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Firudin Hilal oglu Nabiyev;
1.38. Chief of the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Elchin Isaga oglu Guliyev;
1.39. Chief of the State Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan on mobilization and conscription - Arzu Yusif oglu Rahimov;
1.40. Chief of the State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Gudrat Gambar oglu Gurbanov;
1.41. Director of the State Administration of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Fuad Hidayat oglu Guliyev;
1.42. Chief of the National Archive Department of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Atakhan Avaz oglu Pashayev.
2. The present Order shall enter into force from signing date.
Ilham Aliyev
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Baku, 22 October 2013