Ilham Aliyev addressed the people of Azerbaijan over preliminary results of the presidential election

10 October 2013, 01:05
- Dear fellow countrymen!
Dear ladies and gentlemen!
I am grateful to my native people who have shown great confidence by reelecting me to the post of the president. I want to assure the people of Azerbaijan that I will continue to properly serve my nation and always defend the national interests of Azerbaijan.
In this election, the people of Azerbaijan demonstrated their will in a free and transparent manner. The presidential election held in Azerbaijan is a triumph of democracy. All the freedoms are available in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan will continue to thrive as a democratic state.
Free and transparent election has been yet another major step on the road to democracy. All freedoms are guaranteed in Azerbaijan – the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, political freedoms, the freedom of conscience.
Representatives of all the ethnicities and religions live in Azerbaijan in peace and friendship like one family. It is our great advantage and a great asset. It is no coincidence that Azerbaijan has become a very important country in the world in terms of its approach to the ethnic issue and the issue of religious tolerance. Azerbaijan is one of the centers of multiculturalism in the world.
At the same time, all the processes in our country have been going in a positive direction. In this election, the people of Azerbaijan have given a high assessment to the work done over the past 10 years. Over 10 years we have strengthened the foundations of our statehood. Today, Azerbaijan is a country with a strong and independent policy. We have strong ideological foundations. The ideology of Azerbaijanism is our ideological support.
There is development and progress in all directions in Azerbaijan. We have become a very important country in the world in terms of international affairs. With the support of the vast majority of the international community, Azerbaijan became a member of the world’s supreme body, the UN Security Council, two years ago, and currently presides over this organization.
Azerbaijan has made great strides in the economic sphere. I can say that the efforts made over the past 10 years, the steps associated with economic reforms and the results achieved are the most impressive results worldwide. It is no coincidence that these results are reflected in peoples’ daily lives.
Over the past 10 years, our economy has grown 3.4 times, while the poverty rate has dropped almost 10 times. This is the result of the country's consistent economic and social policy. Thanks to this policy, Azerbaijan has managed to greatly enhance its economic potential. Our economic power allows us to protect our interests properly in the international arena as well. Today, Azerbaijan plays a role not only in regional but also global affairs, and our role will gradually increase.
Azerbaijan has specific programs on all areas. Major infrastructure projects are implemented, our cities are improving and people’s living standards are increasing. According to the ratings of the world’s leading economic structures, Azerbaijan has developed successfully even when the world is engulfed in the economic and financial crisis. Over the past 10 years, our economy has advanced to 40 most competitive economies of the world. All of our initiatives are designed for regional cooperation. There is development and progress in all areas in Azerbaijan. Today, we are proud to say that Azerbaijan has become a space-faring nation.
All these achievements were made possible thanks to the talent and hard work of the Azerbaijani people. The thought-out policy, the unity between the people and the government, popular support for all our initiatives are the main contributors and the primary reason for our successes.
The energy policy pursued in Azerbaijan is an issue of great importance not only for the region but for the entire world. As a modern and independent state, Azerbaijan plays a role in the world, and our abilities will gradually expand.
Today we have fairly broad opportunities to influence the processes taking place in the region. Not a single initiative, be it political or economic, can be implemented in the region without the consent of Azerbaijan. Such an initiative will have no future.
All of this is the result of the work done. All of these are the achievements of the independent Azerbaijan. The people of Azerbaijan can see in their everyday lives what a great treasure it is to be independent. We are free and we are independent. Our destiny is in our own hands. I believe that the votes cast for me in this election are the votes for independence, freedom and a happy future.
I am infinitely proud that all of my initiatives have become a reality in recent years. Ten years ago, in 2003, I promised the people that if I was given the confidence of the people, I would remain faithful to the policy of Heydar Aliyev. Remaining committed to this policy over the past 10 years, we have done a great job in the name of the development and progress of Azerbaijan. Our independence is irreversible and indestructible.
Over these years, our independent policy manifested itself in any area. We are defending, we can and we will protect our national interests at the proper level. The interests of the Azerbaijani people and the Azerbaijani state are paramount for me. The main condition for the protection of these interests is the unity of the people and the government. In all of my endeavors I have felt the support of the people and relied on this support. Without this support, we would not manage to do it. One of the factors that set Azerbaijan apart is the unity of its people and the government.
The confidence shown in me in this landslide election is, on the one hand, an assessment of the work done and, on the other, an expression of people’s intent and demands related to the further development of Azerbaijan. We look to the future with great hopes and with great optimism. The experience of the last 10 years reinforces this confidence, because we have made tremendous progress in all areas in the last 10 years. Today, Azerbaijan is a strong and growing state conducting an independent policy and looking to the future with great optimism. Such optimism is perfectly justified.
Our policy for the years ahead is clear and open. During various ceremonies I have repeatedly shared my thoughts about the future of Azerbaijan. I always report to the people about the work done. And today I want to note that Azerbaijan will continue to follow the path of steady development. Azerbaijan will strengthen its position in the international arena, and all our international initiatives will be aimed at protecting the interests of the Azerbaijani people.
We will continue to pursue a consistent policy on the development of democracy in Azerbaijan. The process of building a modern state will be continued. In the coming years, we will fight against negative phenomena, particularly against corruption and bribery, even more rigorously. This fight is producing excellent results. The people support our policy, our determination and our steps. We will continue our policy on enterprise development. We have specific programs on all areas – creation of jobs, reduction of poverty and unemployment, and import substitution.
The steps taken this year and in previous years in connection with social policies show the importance we attach to these issues. I have repeatedly stated – this is also confirmed by life and the actions taken – that Azerbaijan is a welfare state. Our policies are centered on citizens of Azerbaijan, their concerns, problems, security and happiness.
In the coming years, we will only move forward on all fronts – in economic reforms, social policy, energy policy and foreign policy. We will build an even stronger Azerbaijan, an even more powerful state, so that every citizen of this country could feel good, live in peace and tranquility here. The protection of stability and public order in the last 10 years has brought about these realities. The people of Azerbaijan live in safety, which is one of our distinctive features.
In other words, my fellow countrymen, dear brothers and sisters, I am sure that you have no doubts over our further development either. Azerbaijan will continue to steadily develop. The Azerbaijani state and I, as president, will defend the national interests of Azerbaijan and protect the well-being of our people.
I want to thank you again for the great support you have given me over the past 10 years. I want to assure you that I will make every effort to ensure the welfare of our people and strengthen our state. We will achieve great victories together.
Long live the independent Republic of Azerbaijan!