Ilham Aliyev received the participants of the 70th meeting of the CIS Council of Border Troops Commanders

09 September 2013, 18:10
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has received the participants of the 70th meeting of the CIS Council of Border Troops Commanders.
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said:
- Welcome to Azerbaijan!You are welcome! I am glad that your meeting is taking place in our country. I am sure that important issues of cooperation between border services of the CIS countries will be discussed. There will also be opportunities to become better acquainted with Azerbaijan and see the sights. The event hosts will probably tell you about what has been done for the development of the border service in our countryin recent years. In general, Azerbaijan is actively involved in many formats within the CIS framework. We attach great importance to our participation in the organization and are actively involved in many areas, including the work of law-enforcement agencies and, of course, the activities of border security services.
The interaction between border services of our countries is very important for the development of cooperation within the CIS framework in general and specifically in your area of expertise. Of course, border services mainly interact with other services in a given region, because borders of neighboring states require active cooperation in the bilateral format. But I am glad that there is also a very good understanding between our border services in such a multilateral format. There has been an earthquake,an unexpected one. There were tremors probably somewhere at sea. There have been are slight tremors. But I think this should not distract us from work. It happens from time to time. Therefore, of course, cooperation in a multilateral format is also of great importance because there is an exchange of experience and a variety of programs.Of course, there is an exchange of information, which is very important in today's world. In general, our countriesregister a very positive development dynamics of internal processes, but there isan outside threat,of course. Of course, the security of any state is provided, inter alia, by the security of its borders. The more securelythese borders are protected, the more peaceful and tranquil it will be for our citizens. Therefore, we in Azerbaijan are paying and will continue to pay great attention to the development of the border service. Essentially, it was created from scratchpractically in most countries of the CIS. We have had to tackle very important issues of material and technical infrastructure, enhancement of professionalism and personnel training. A great job was done in this direction. The Border Service Academy has been established, the material and technical infrastructure is strengthening, and modern bases, camps and border outposts are built in the most impassable places, in the mountains and forests in order to ensure the security of our country and our neighbors. Of course, there is an active interaction with neighboring countries, joint activities and sometimes joint operations. Allthisservestostrengthenthe securityintheregion.
Of course, cooperation in this format is probably somewhat unique, because there are international structures and a broad international cooperation framework among border services. But such a format within the CIS is very special. On the one hand, it means the strengthening of our organization and the continuation of the traditions of friendship and cooperation that exist between our peoples. On the other hand, in today's world when there are increasing security threats and various regions are affected by complex processes, there is a need for coordination, mutual support, exchange of information and, of course, active and open collaboration. We are focused on this, and I think that the Council being held in Baku also shows our attitude to these issues. For our part, we will continue to strengthen the border service of Azerbaijan and step upthe bilateral and multilateral cooperation.
The threats are almost identical. The sources of threats –both real and potential –are also practically the same. We are united by a large geography and a large region.It is interrelated through history, cultural relations, economic tiesand transport routes. Therefore, our security will be provided in full by the active cooperation,of course. I welcome you once again. I am confident that the issues to be discussed within the framework of your session will be useful,contribute to a further strengthening of cooperation of border services of CIS countries and bring the management of border services closer together, so that you could have even closer and friendlier relations. Onceagain, welcome!
The next speaker, the First Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service, the Chief of the Border Service of Russia and the Chairman of the Council of Border Troops Commanders, Vladimir Kulishov, said:
-Thankyouverymuch, dearMr. President!
First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for this opportunity and for the excellent organization of the 70thmeeting of the Council of Border Troops Commanders in the friendly Republic of Azerbaijan on behalf of the heads of border agencies and theCIS Council of Border Troops Commanders. I would also like to emphasize that this will be a third meeting to be held in the Republic of Azerbaijan. And thank you for that too!
Today's meeting of the Council is attended by 10 delegations of border agencies of the CIS, as well as the Executive Committee, the CIS Anti-Terrorist Center, the Secretariat of the EurAsEC Integration Committee and honorary members of the Council of Commanders –we remain committed to this tradition. We expect to consider a number of topical issues, including, of course, an analysis of our activity in the area of border security of our countries and the external borders of the Commonwealth. Particular attention will be paid to summarizing the work done in 2013. As you said, we will assess the joint operational and preventive measures.
Vladimir Kulishov informed President Ilham Aliyev about other measures on expanding the relations between border services of the CIS countries. He noted that the plan includes broad celebration of the 70thanniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Continuing his speech, Vladimir Kulishovsaid:
- As part of today's meeting, we expect to adopt the rules for conducting the "Relay of memory" on the external borders of the Commonwealth to mark the 70thanniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. We simply have to pass these traditions on to our colleagues and save them for the future.
Dear Mr. President! In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the CIS Council of Border Troops Commanders as a parent structure within the Council of heads of state on border policy, has always developed and will continue to develop effective and mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of border security. In conclusion, I would like to thank you again for the opportunity and present you with a souvenir from members of the CIS Council of Border TroopsCommanders.
Vladimir Kulishovhanded the present to President Ilham Aliyev.
President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you. I am moved by this attention.
VladimirKulishov: There are also symbols of the Council of Commanders here. We all know that you will have elections in a month. You are one of the most well-known candidates are supported by the vast majority of the population. Therefore, allow me to wish you every success. Thank you!
President Ilham Aliyev touched upon the importance of the issues raised at the meeting in terms of effective implementation of the tasks facing the CIS border services. Expressing his approval of the preparations for the 70thanniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War and the "Relay of memory" due to be held in this connection, President Aliyev said:
- A total of 30 million of our fellow countrymen lost their lives. Every other person from Azerbaijan who fought in this war never returned home:i.e. 300,000 out of 600,000 were killed defending their homeland. In Azerbaijan, we revere the memory of those killed and always support the veterans. Every year on 9 May, we meet with veterans. They are among us.They are a vivid example for educating the younger generation in the spirit of devotion to the motherland, patriotism and heroism. Therefore,both as President and as citizenI wholeheartedly endorse the intention to keep this topic constantly on the agenda, perhaps not only on anniversaries but constantly. Soldiers and border guards have played a huge role in the victory.
President Ilham Aliyev said it was unacceptable to falsify history, justify fascism in some regions of the world and belittle the role of the peoples who fought against fascism. Touching upon the interaction among border services again, President Ilham Aliyev said:
- The coordination of efforts and the exchange of information are important for our countries. Therefore, I am confident that the spirit of cooperation that exists in your Council would be maintained. You are saying that this is your 70thmeeting, so you hold meetings several times a year. The CIS has existed for a little more than 20 years. Therefore, it is very hard and effectivework. I am glad that your meeting is being held in Bakufor the third time. I think we will meet again and againin Baku. I welcome you again and wish you good work.
Then a picture was taken as a souvenir.