Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of the Agjabadi livestock breeding complex "Agat-Agro"

29 August 2013, 23:50
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of the Agjabadi livestock breeding complex "Agat-Agro".
It was noted that the "Agat-Agro" livestock breeding complex is the result of implementation of the state program on the socioeconomic development of regions. The total area of the complex established in the village of Agabayli in Agjabadi District is 50 hectares. The complex consists of a livestock breeding farm for 3,000 head of cattle and a goat breeding farms for 2,000 head.
It was noted that the establishment of a livestock breeding complex worth 21 million manats followed the allocation of a soft loan of 7.5 million manats by the National Fund on Entrepreneurship Support under the Ministry of Economic Development. Another loan of 3.5 million manats was allocated for the creation of a goat breeding farm worth 5 million manats. The livestock breeding complex for 3,000 head of cattle is fitted with the most modern equipment – automatic direction and feeding systems, carousel milking equipment designed for simultaneous milking of 40 cows, cooling systems, etc.
President Ilham Aliyev watched the process of milking of cows.
It was indicated that the complex imported 1,500 head of Holstein Friesian cows, each of which is capable of providing over 25 liters of milk a day. Now the number of livestock has been brought up to 2,600 head. There are plans to bring another 600 head of breeding animals in autumn. After a few years the number of livestock will be increased to 10,000.
The complex is expected to produce 22,800 tons of milk per year, which will meet the capacity of the Atena dairy farm to process 90,000 tons per year.
President Ilham Aliyev reviewed the finished products of the enterprise. It was indicated that there are plans to produce goods in conjunction with Azerbaijani company “Atena” and French company “Danone”. These products will be exported to foreign countries.
The head of state toured the enterprise in an electric vehicle. He was then informed about the goat breeding farm. It was noted that the goat breeding farm for 2,000 head of breeding goats would consist of eight units, as well as milking and feeding sections. Six sections have already been put into operation.
A total of 1,000 SAANEN goats have been purchased in the Netherlands and will be delivered to the farm in the coming days. This breed has the highest level of productivity and quality of milk. Another 2,000 head of pedigree goats will be purchased before the end of the year. These goats can easily adapt to the local climate, their live weight is 50-55 kg, fat content of the milk is 3.5 per cent and the milking period is 300 days. Each of them can produce 3-4 liters of milk every day. In terms of its composition, goat milk is very close to the mother’s milk and is rich in calcium, magnesium, vitamins and other minerals. No risk of allergy and the therapeutic effect on gastritis and gastro-intestinal diseases are considered major advantages of goat milk.
It was noted that the livestock complex has provided permanent jobs to 95 people, while the goat breeding farm will employ 60 permanent workers. After the enterprise becomes fully operational, the number of its employees will reach 100.
It was mentioned that 534 entrepreneurs of Agjabadi District had received preferential loans in the amount of 28.8 million manats from the National Fund on Entrepreneurship Support. These loans are expected to generate 2,010 new jobs.
The President of Azerbaijan was also shown to the stands reflecting the previous and current condition of a private grain farm established in Agjabadi and Beylagan Districts.
The Executive Director of the National Fund on Entrepreneurship Support, Shirzad Abdullayev, said that a pilot grain farm had been set up in Agjabadi and Beylagan Districts on wintering land of 4,800 hectares in accordance with the instructions of the President.
In order to establish water and energy supply of the complex at the expense of state investments, a 10.7-km Upper Mil canal and 10 km of high-voltage power lines have been built. The area has been cleared and leased by an entrepreneur for a period of 49 years. Total cost of the project amounts to 27.6 million manats, of which 17.6 million manats is contributed by the businessman and 10 million manats is a soft loan of the state. A private "Agricultural Service" enterprise has been set up, equipped with modern machinery and harvesters of American company John Deere. The construction of a 30,000-ton grain elevator is nearing completion. A modern livestock breeding complex for 1,000 head and a factory for the production of vegetable oils will be built as part of the project as well. A total of 47 pivots, i.e. "artificial rain" systems produced by American company Lindsay, have been established on the premises. This will help to double the average yield, save irrigation water two to three times, prevent salinization and erosion, and improve soil fertility. The harvest of 1,875 hectares of wheat fields has been completed. Crops are grown using the seeds of high fertility and new methods of intensive planting. A high yield has been attained – each hectare has yielded 55 quintals of crops. In addition, wheat corn has been grown on a land plot of 2,000 hectares. Another 20 hectares have been sown with sunflower and 5.3 hectares with soybeans for testing purposes. Preparations have been started for the sowing of winter crops. At the next stage, the area of 4,800 hectares entirely allocated to the grain farm will be incorporated into the seed turnover. As a result, the project plans to create about 400 new jobs. To date, permanent jobs have been provided to 150 local residents, including the IDPs.