Ilham Aliyev reviewed progress of major overhaul and reconstruction of the Shaki State Drama Theater named after Sabit Rahman

14 August 2013, 21:20
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has reviewed progress of major overhaul and reconstruction of the Shaki State Drama Theater named after Sabit Rahman.
The development of national culture has been one of the priorities of state policy in recent years. In accordance with the orders and instructions of President Ilham Aliyev, all the historical monuments and cultural institutions of the country, including the Shaki State Drama Theatre, are undergoing major overhaul.
First, the head of state met with representatives of the Shaki District public in the courtyard of the theater.
After greeting representatives of the district public, President Ilham Aliyev said:
- I am very glad to be in Shaki again. I come here every year to get acquainted with the work being done. I see that things in Shaki are going well. Today, before coming here, we celebrated the opening of a rural road. This is also a great event. Now all the roads leading to the villages should be landscaped. To this end, funds are regularly allocated from the state budget and the Contingency Fund of the President. In all the districts, including Shaki, there is construction of rural roads. The city is becoming prettier and improving. Work is under way in the villages. In short, the dynamic development of Shaki in recent years is a very positive fact.
During my previous visits we attended a variety of opening ceremonies together. This time we will review the renovation of the Drama Theatre building. When I was in Shaki last time, a visit to this theater was not on our agenda. Then our colleagues advised us to do that.
Director of the Institute of History of ANAS, MP Yagub Mahmudov: Mr. President, we are all grateful to you. You went beyond the scope of the program, came and opened a new theater, which is worthy of the homeland of M. F. Akhundzadeh. Glory to you! We are all grateful.
President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you! Actually, the program is rather conditional. All that needs to be done should be done. To further enhance the cultural life of Shaki, the theater, of course, should be given a new life. The situation I saw was very frustrating. I even enquired: how do artists stage performances here? But the wonderful work I see now makes me very happy.
I will also review the work ongoing inside. The theater will be opened at the end of next month.
The Shaki theater has great traditions. It is well-known in Azerbaijan. I also remember attending a performance of the Shaki theater while studying in Moscow in the 1980s. This in itself was quite revealing. The fact that a provincial theater was demonstrating performances in the capital of the Soviet Union, in Moscow, was certainly evidence of the theater’s potential.
So there are great traditions, and you are preserving them.
Of course, I think that the renovation of the theater is a very important issue. The Shaki theater should have a nice building.
This building will be operational even in 50 years from now, perhaps even longer. The renovation and restoration of this theater, I believe, are a manifestation of the work carried out in Azerbaijan in this field in recent years. As you know, all theaters and museums in Baku have been renovated. New museums and theaters are opening, including those in the regions. In other words, Azerbaijan’s cultural life has always been very rich and important to our people. This is also the case today. A lot of attention is paid to the humanitarian sphere, the cultural sphere. It is no coincidence that the work carried out in Azerbaijan in this direction is properly assessed by the international community. The fact that music festivals, the International Mugham Contest, the International Forum on Intercultural Dialogue are held in Azerbaijan, in Baku and elsewhere shows how important the humanitarian sphere is. Of course, the art of theater in Azerbaijan has a very long history. The first theater and the first opera in the Muslim world appeared in Azerbaijan.
This is our greatest asset. We must cherish and preserve it for future generations because the development of any country is measured not only by economic indicators. Azerbaijan’s cultural life is quite rich. We have a very rich culture. Shaki has a special place in the history of Azerbaijan and the development of Azerbaijani culture. Shaki is a city that stands out for its beauty in Azerbaijan and probably even in the region and the world. Of course, the nature and architecture, the ancient and historic buildings, the urban planning traditions of Shaki create a beautiful picture and unity here. It is no coincidence that the number of those interested in the culture of Shaki is increasing. Both domestic tourism and the number of foreign visitors are growing. Beautiful new hotels are built here. There are excellent conditions. So Shaki has a place in the history of Azerbaijan.
Of course, the Khan's Palace is the treasure of Azerbaijani culture, its precious asset.
Today, we will also celebrate the opening of the renovated "House of Shaki Khans". This is also a very significant event. It is necessary for the history and rich culture of Shaki to be preserved and passed down to future generations, so that Shaki could become a city known worldwide. Shaki deserves that. History, culture, way of life, cuisine – all of these factors are distinctive features of Shaki. You, the people of Shaki, know this better than me, of course. But you also know that all the regions of Azerbaijan show great respect for and interest in Shaki. I would like every citizen of Azerbaijan to find time to visit Shaki. The conditions are improving, roads are built and vehicles are upgraded. Therefore, domestic and foreign tourism will be developing in the future. We also need to increase the number of international events conducted in Shaki in the future. Of course, the theater occupies a special place in this work.
During my previous visits we participated in other opening ceremonies together. Last time we celebrated the opening of the city hospital. There is an Olympic Center, other facilities. Historical sites have been restored. I want to reiterate that this theater also has great traditions. I am sure that these traditions will live on. I greet and congratulate all of you again.
The director of the Shaki State Drama Theater named after Sabit Rahman, Hikmat Nabili, expressed his gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev on behalf of the district public:
President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you very much. As you know, some time ago a special order on the development of Shaki was signed. This order reflects the history of Shaki. It also reflects why the order has been issued. Of course, we care about every city and every town of Azerbaijan. But Azerbaijan has historical centers. Azerbaijan has several major historical centers, whose history we need to know, preserve and develop. Shaki has a special place among them. There was a khanate here.
There were khans who built beautiful buildings here. The development of such historical centers requires special attention. In particular, the reconstruction, modernization and improvement of Shaki must be carried out with great skill and precision, so as the historical appearance of the city is not erased or undermined and no harm is done to it. So I am regularly updated about the future development plan of Shaki. My advice, which I think you would agree with, is that history should be preserved. The history of Shaki is so rich that there is no need to add anything to it. This history must be preserved. Of course, it is necessary to build new buildings as well. As with any other city, new buildings should be built here too. They should be built in the old style, so as not to cause harm to the original appearance of Shaki. So the creative work undertaken here causes a broad public debate. The public is involved in this work, especially intellectuals and MPs. There are concrete plans on further development of Shaki. The construction of large buildings, the buildings of the Heydar Aliyev Center and the Executive Authority has begun, and new areas have been identified. These places are located slightly on the outskirts. This is the way it should be. I can see that in the historical center of the city these restoration works are carried out with great taste and delicacy, so that we could preserve the unique urban ensemble of Shaki. And we will do that together.
Yagub Mahmudov: I want to express our special appreciation to Mr. President on behalf of all of us, in particular because Mr. President has begun the implementation of a concept on the revival of historical cities in Azerbaijan with Shaki. The work on the revival of the historical city of Shaki, in general, has been launched by the President of Azerbaijani, the distinguished statesman and our dear Ilham Aliyev. On behalf of all of us I express our deep gratitude to Mr. President. We express our universal gratitude! Until recently, Shaki was somewhat left out of focus. I want to say frankly - you are broken this ice.
President Ilham Aliyev: Based on your letter.
Yagub Mahmudov: Thank you very much. You have been to Shaki four or five times and have signed so many orders! Shaki is now experiencing a period of renaissance. As a historian, I want to say that the presidency of Ilham Aliyev, the creator, will go down in the history of Azerbaijan because all-round development, creation and improvement in Azerbaijan are associated with the name of Ilham Aliyev. The revival of history is also associated with the name of our President.
Our President has very accurately pointed out the perfect atmosphere, history, beauty, mountains and harmony. We wish Mr. President good health. He has contributed to the revival of this historical city. He has often come here and issued many orders. We dream of our President including our city on the UNESCO list in the future.
President Ilham Aliyev: This is possible.
Yagub Mahmudov: Our Khan's Palace is a unique monument. Mr. President speaks about that everywhere. Not a single nail was used. This was the center of our statehood. If it hadn’t been for Shaki in north-western Azerbaijan, these lands would not have been preserved. Shaki preserved them. Therefore, our President, as a historian, likes this historical city and makes every effort to develop it. Mr. President, we have celebrated the 2700th anniversary of Shaki.
In 2004, Mr. President entrusted the leadership of the Institute of History to me. I can say quite clearly that the whole of our history is being revitalized thanks to the President. All of the works we are creating are written on behalf of and on the recommendations of the President. A new history of Azerbaijan is emerging. This creation, the history of renewal and revival of Azerbaijan are associated with the name of our President.
This theater is also associated with your name. This theater has become a theater worthy of M. F. Akhundzadeh. The city needed this. And you did it for us. President Ilham Aliyev has built the biggest bridge in Azerbaijan over the Shin River. One span of the bridge is 1,350 meters and the length is 7.8 km. People used to spend two hours to come here from Gakh and the villages. Now it takes just 15 minutes. I have seen such a giant bridge on the island of Key West in America. You have created it here. Be happy and healthy! Azerbaijan is behind you. I visit many places. This region and Shaki are always there for you and will always support you. Your name is mentioned with great respect in all of our households. We are with you, Mr. President.
President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you very much, Mr. Mahmudov.
Yagub Mahmudov: Glory to you!
President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you very much!
Then a picture was taken.
The President of Azerbaijan reviewed the work done and the pictures describing the condition of the building before renovation.
It was noted that ancient Shaki had contributed to the development of the theater in Azerbaijan.
Shaki theater has covered a road of 130 years, while the Shaki State Drama Theatre named after Sabit Rahman is 30 years old. The building, which began to function as the culture center of silkworm breeders in 1973, was handed over to the staff of the State Drama Theatre named after Sabit Rahman two years later. The theater was not renovated for a long time, which affected the theater’s activities. The theater, being overhauled in accordance with the Order of the President of Azerbaijan on the development of Shaki signed in September 2011, will be brought into line with modern standards. The overhaul of the three-storey building began in March 2012.
President Ilham Aliyev was informed that the renovated auditorium will have 299 seats. To speed up the change of scenery during performances, a revolving stage is being installed.
The floor area of the building has been increased from 4,000 to 5,000 square meters. Before the overhaul the building had 78 offices, while now the number has been brought to 86. The building has a small stage for rehearsals and dressing rooms.
Extensive landscaping has also been carried out in the courtyard of the Shaki State Drama Theatre, which consists of four buildings.
After reviewing the restoration work, President Ilham Aliyev wished its staff every success.