As part of a visit to Kurdamir, Ilham Aliyev reviewed a livestock breeding and dairy complex

07 August 2013, 18:50
As part of a visit to Kurdamir, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has reviewed a livestock breeding and dairy complex
The chairman of the "Azersun Holding" Supervisory Board, Abdulbari Gezal, informed the President that the construction and equipping of the complex had begun in late 2011 and been completed at the beginning of this year. The complex has been built on an area of 10 hectares in the Atakishili village and meets the latest standards. The enterprise includes a dairy factory and a livestock breeding complex for 500 head. The total cost of the complex, commissioned in accordance with the state program on the socioeconomic development of districts, accounts for 12.6 million manats.
The National Fund on Entrepreneurship Support under the Ministry of Economic Development has allocated a soft loan of 3.2 million manats for the establishment of the complex.
President Ilham Aliyev reviewed the dairy factory of the complex.
In the lobby of the building there is a photo stand describing the participation of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev in the opening of the enterprises under the umbrella of "Azersun Holding".
Then the President of Azerbaijan observed the process of milk processing.
The factory’s laboratory operates the most sophisticated equipment enabling precise quality analyses of raw materials and finished products. It was noted that the factory with a processing capacity of 50 tons of milk per day is fitted with equipment imported from Europe. The application of the latest technology facilitates production and storage of milk and dairy products in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards and their delivery to customers. The factory produces 10 types and 36 denominations of products under the brand name of "Bizim Sud" and "Azeri Sud", including butter, sour cream, ayran, dovga, cottage cheese, yogurt, cream, katyg, cheese, etc. The products meet the existing standards in the sphere of catering and have been awarded with international certificates of quality.
After reviewing the activities of the factory, President Ilham Aliyev started a new packaging section. It operates cutting-edge equipment of Swedish company "Tetra Pak", which has productions in more than 170 countries around the world.
The packaged products stay fresh for a long time.
The head of state watched a film and a plan describing the activities of the dairy factory.
President Ilham Aliyev was shown a plan on the development of animal husbandry in Kurdamir and other parts of the country.
The Executive Director of the National Fund on Entrepreneurship Support under the Ministry of Economic Development, Shirzad Abdullayev, said that in order to fully meet the needs of the factory for raw materials, the construction of a new breeding complex for 1,500 head and worth a total of 14 million manats had been started in Shamakhi District. To finance this project, the National Fund on Entrepreneurship Support has allocated a soft loan of 8 million manats.
It was indicated that about 6,270 entrepreneurs in the Aran economic region had been allocated more than 300 million manats in soft loans, including 203 business people in Kurdamir District who have received 14.2 million manats. These loans have created about 26,760 new jobs. At the same time, in accordance with the instruction of the President of Azerbaijan, the government has allocated preferential loans in the amount of 77 million manats for the construction of 16 modern livestock breeding farms for 19,750 head and 9.7 million manats for the creation of seven dairy factories with an annual production capacity of 175.2 million tons. All of the financed dairy enterprises and nine livestock breeding complexes have already been put into operation. The recently opened animal husbandry farm in Bilasuvar will raise 500 head of beef breed cattle and 500 head of pedigree cattle. A part of the breeding stock has already been delivered to the country. The issue of financing of three more livestock breeding farms is currently under consideration.
Then, President Ilham Aliyev reviewed the livestock breeding farm and the conditions in which calves are kept.
The cattle-breeding complex for 500 head of cattle created within the dairy complex to provide the factory with raw materials is fitted with the equipment manufactured by German company “GEA”, automatic control and feeding systems, milking equipment "parallel" designed for simultaneous milking of 28 cows, a refrigeration system and other equipment. The complex has imported 500 cows of the “Holstein Friesian” breed, each of which is capable of producing more than 25 liters of milk a day. The livestock breeding complex is designed to produce 3.8 million tons of milk a year, which will partially meet the needs of the dairy factory for raw material. In addition, daily receipt of milk from farmers operating in Kurdamir and adjacent districts is organized, which, in turn, stimulates the development of animal husbandry.
It was noted that a modern and light barn of hangar type has been established within the complex together with Argentine specialists. It can accommodate 3,500 cows at the same time.
The complex employs a total of 140 people. The construction of the new breeding complex is expected to increase the number of employees to 200.
While touring the complex, the head of state was informed that in order to facilitate the introduction of modern technology, study breeding animals, their feeding and breeding characteristics, use agricultural machinery and learn from the experience of advanced countries, some employees have been sent into training through special courses in European countries. In the future, more employees will undergo training to enhance their experience.
After reviewing the complex, President Ilham Aliyev wished its team every success.